Lets make this moment last

Lousy truth

"Well it was"... I couldn't believe I was actually thinking about doing this. Melody is my best friend if I tell her this it could ruin every thing. I mean I am in love with the most perfect girl in the world, there is no way she feels this way. She is staring at me so expectantly though I can't not tell her, I also cant lie. What do I do? I mean on one hand I could tell but what if she doesnt feel that way. Im stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"Johnny, come on! Tell me!" she said almost pleadingly. "You promised you wouldnt keep things from me, you also promised to never lie so fess up" Melody finished with a huff.

"Alright Mel, Ill tell you but you have to promise not to freak out, Okay?" I answer.

"Johnnyyyyy! I would never freak out, you're my best friend in the entire world. Just tell me" Mel said.

"Alright Mel-Mel, It was.." I say. Shit I dont know if I can do this but I can feel my face heating up. Mel is getting mad at me I can tell, I just need to spit it out. " Well Mel, It was you, but i mean not that thats a big deal or anything and I mean wow the weather is great today" I say in a rush hoping that maybe, maybe she didnt catch it when I said that it was her.

"Me?" She asked incredulously.

"Yeah Mel, you. You're my best friend in the entire world and i'm so sorry if that freaks you out. Melody Im in love with you. I have been since we met. You were so brave with your short funky hair, and your funny politics. I just couldnt help myself. When I knew I was in love with you I freaked out. Do you remember the month that we barely talked?" I asked her.

" Yeah I remember that" She wispered softly.

" Im sorry Melody, Im so sorry and i know that you dont-" I was cut off by the feeling of her lips on mine. At first I was so shocked that I wasn't kissing her back. Can you believe that I wasn't kissing the girl who's lips I had dreamt about a million times, whos lips were as soft as silk back. I mean what the hell. It wasn't until she started to pull away that I put on hand on the back her neck and used the other to pull her back then switch to carress her cheek that I started to kiss her back. It was like fire works, the girl I dreamt of was kissing me. When we broke for air she stared at me incredulously like she couldnt believe that that just happened. Her cheeks were becomming increasingly flushed and her lips were swollen from out kisses. I looked at her smiling my eyes full of nothing but love.

Thats when she took off running.
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Im soooo sorry that it has taken me forever and a day to update. I have had a tonnnnn going on but I would love a comment.