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Homelessly In Love

Chapter Three

Chapter Three: Nathaniel

This morning waking up was not exactly what I wanted to do but I have meetings all day and I can’t afford to miss them, no matter how tired I am. I go through all the motions: stretching, groaning, showering, brushing my teeth, washing my face and finally dressing before heading to the kitchen. I turn on the coffee maker and set to making my breakfast. I don’t know much about cooking but I know enough to keep myself from dying of starvation.

The eggs and bacon I make aren’t good but they’ll have to do, as I have to be at the office in fifteen minutes if I want to prep for my first meeting. I grab my thermal off the counter and head out to my car. The first thing that flashes through my mind as I get in my car is Cameron. I had trouble falling asleep last night thinking about him, his situation and what I could possibly do to help. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but something in my body is screaming at me to help this boy, yelling at me to do something for him, I just don’t know what.

I shake my head of the thoughts of the insignificant homeless boy and focus on getting to the office. I’m too busy today to try and focus on someone I don’t even know. When I arrive Lisa is ready at my office door with an arm full of files and a muffin. I smile,

“Apple crunch and blueberry?” I ask and she smiles,

“I know you don’t feed yourself properly so I took the liberty to get you a couple of muffins. Again” she jokes and I can’t help but feel grateful, if it weren’t for her, I’d probably starve most days. I take the muffins with a smile and unlock the door to my office.

Lisa takes a seat in the chairs in front of my desk and we get to work going through the files we need for the meetings we have today and the game plan for each client we have to see.


By lunch I’m almost dead on my feet but I still have one more client I have to see before the day ends. It’s over an unusual deal actually that consists of my company investing in social services, meaning we’d be helping pay for things like animal shelters, soup kitchens and things like that. We as in Parker Industries have never actually invested in anything like that, normally we just handle things like producing products and shipping them out to stores, but I really want to help this organization.

I’m pretty sold on the idea even before the meeting but I call my dad just to see what he thinks though I’m sure that no matter what I’m going to invest anyway, even if I have to do it as Nate Parker, instead of Parker Industries.

“Hello?” my father answers the phone and I jump right to the point,

“Hey dad, I got something I want to run by you,” I tell him and I can practically hear the gears in his head turning,

“What’s up son?” he asks and I take a deep breath,

“There’s an organization I’m meeting with in about half an hour and I wanted to know what you thought of what they had to propose,” I say

“You know I’m not CEO anymore right?” he laughs and I smile a little bit,

“I know, and ultimately the decision will be mine but I thought I’d get your oh-so-wise opinion.” I tell him with a chuckle,

“Well what kind of organization are they?” he asks and I begin to explain,

“They want me to co-pay and invest in a plan that would bring more homeless shelters, animal rescue facilities, and soup kitchens to downtown Seattle.”

“That’s not really what Parker Industries does,” he says and I nod even though he can’t see me,

“I know but I think this would be a really good idea,” I say, “I figured I’d go this way and do it with the company but if you don’t think it’d be beneficial for us as a company, I’ll just do it as Nate.” I tell him and I can hear the pride in his voice as he says,

“You’re CEO now son, you do what you think is best for the company and for yourself. Your mother and I raised you to know what’s best for you and I know you’ll make the right decision. If you really have your heart set on this plan son, you do what you need to do to make it happen” When he’s finished I smile and feel my emotional ass wanting to cry.

“Thanks dad” I say my voice thick with emotion as we say our goodbyes and hang up.

I pick up my files and head to the meeting room down the hall. When I get there Lisa is sitting there with an older woman holding the hand of a man I presume to be her husband. I smile genuinely at them as I walk into the room and put the files on the table. They smile back and the wife speaks first,
“Hi Mr. Parker, It’s really nice to meet you. ”

“Likewise” I tell them as I shake both of their hands and take my seat. “So, I took a look at your idea for these buildings you want to put up and I must say, this isn’t what we do at Parker Industries” I pause and watch as the wife looks at her husband with what I could only read as an “I-Told-You-So” look and I smile at the sheepish look he gives back.

“But,” I start, “I love the idea. Downtown Seattle needs more shelters like the ones you guys want to build. With the growing number of homeless people and stray animals out on the streets what this town needs is exactly what you guys are offering” I say and they smile up at me from ear to ear.

“Really?” The wife asks and I nod,

“Really. Ms.…Um, I didn’t get your name?” I ask blushing a little realizing how rude I must have been,

“Oh. My apologies, my name is Lisa Carlisle and this here is my husband Pete.” She tells me smiling affectionately at her husband and I feel a pang go through my heart at the obvious love in between them. God, I wanted that more than anything but it was simply an unattainable dream until I could man up enough to tell my parents. I clear my throat to bring attention back to me and begin to speak,

“I need to know exactly what is going where, how much each property costs, what the price of all the things necessary to get these facilities up and running are, how much staff we need, and when we want them to open.” I say and they nod, Lisa going into her bag to pull out six separate files.

“We were thinking we’d start with six shelters. Two designed for battered women, one with children, one without, two as homeless shelters that double as soup kitchens, and one as an animal rescue facility and the final one, I was actually thinking about turning it into a sort of counseling centers. Not for crazy people per say, it would be like free therapy sort of; a non-profit facility that helped out those in the community. My husband and I are licensed counselors; I specialize in relationships, adolescents and children whereas my husband works more with recovering drug abusers and ex-convicts.” She tells me and I find myself nodding, agreeing and loving all the ideas she comes up with.

“I love it,” I tell them after a moment of silence and they smile at me across the table sliding the folders across to me that contain pictures of the buildings they want to use as well as the paperwork and bank statements and payment plan for it all.

“I’ll have my secretary and lawyers take a look at this for precautionary reasons and we’ll get back to you within the week.” I say standing and shaking both of their hands, “I look forward to working with you two in the future”

They nod and smile as they walk from the boardroom and I plop down in my chair finally resting my bones. I sigh and glance at my watch grimacing as 7:30 shines back up at me. I run my hands through my hair roughly, knowing that I’m probably the last one in the building outside of the cleaning staff and with that thought in mind, I get up and head back to my office to gather my things to leave for the day.

From the windows in my office I can clearly see the rain pelting down on Seattle and I hurry to gather the rest of my stuff so I don’t get caught in a storm again. I grab my keys from my desk and head to the street. My car is parked on the street right out front when I get there and I hurriedly put my briefcase in the passenger seat trying to get out of the rain as soon as possible.

Jogging to the driver’s side, I’m just about to jump in and drive away when movement off to my right captures my attention. Snapping my head up I find myself once again in the presence of Cameron, the mysterious homeless boy from the side of my building. His hands are tucked firmly inside his soaking wet hoodie and his hood has been blown from his head. He walks with his face down and his eyes planted directly on the ground, the rain pelts his back steadily but he seems not to notice as he keeps walking and takes a seat on the side of the grocery store.

My first instinct is to jump in my car and drive away, and I almost do, but then I look up and see Cameron wrapping his arms around himself and huddling up underneath the side of the building trying to keep warm. I shake my head at the stupid idea that pops into my brain but don’t discourage it as I feel my feet moving on their own accord in the direction of the lonely boy.

“Hey” I say slightly loud to be heard over the rain and I see him jump, “Do you have anywhere you can go tonight?” I ask him and he looks at me like I’ve lost my mind and I’m about to hit him in the face. I ask again and this time he shakes his head slightly. I find myself involuntarily frowning and I stick my hand out to him,

“C’mon” I say and he just stares at my hand like it’s some foreign object he's never seen before. “Kid, it’s raining, cold and late. You don’t need to be out here getting sick and neither do I. Lets just go get in the car and we can go to my place and get you warmed up huh?” I ask and I see him tense and look up at me fear ever-present in his eyes.

I feel myself growing angry, as I realize why he doesn’t want to come with me. Not because he doesn’t want to, but because he’s afraid, someone’s hurt him. God if I ever get my hands-. I stop myself there. I don’t know this boy, he’s not my responsibility, just another homeless person on the street that deserves no more attention then the next one, but I cant bring myself to leave him here by himself.

I get down to his eyelevel and speak, “I promise I wont hurt you.” I say fiercely and sincerely, “I just want to help you.” I tell him and never break eye contact despite the pouring rain,

“Will you let me help you?” I ask holding my breath and hoping for whatever reason, that he says yes.
♠ ♠ ♠
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