A Day to Remember Forever

Im Dreaming...

I was dreaming. I knew somewhere in my subconscious i was. I think it was mostly because this was supposed to be happining tomorrow. But at that time, I felt like I was already at the Allstar Weekend concert I was planning to go to. They were up there on that stage, Zach singing like he had never sung before, and Cameron, with those amazing green eyes, playing his bass like he was on top of the world. Nathan, playing his heart out on his guitar, dreads flying in every direction. Michael, hitting his drums so hard they seemed like they should break, but looking like he was having the time of his life. And Dillon, looking at the crowd, then back at the boys, a huge smile on his face. He looked proud to be there, like he was playing the best concert of his life. The whole band was playing in an open stage, a cool summer breeze blowing toward them, the sun high in the sky, the lake behind the stage sparkling. I was so happy and excited. I felt like I was living best day of my life. It was perfect.

All of a sudden I felt someone shaking my shoulder. My mom was calling my name. "Rachel, its time to get up, we're leaving soon. You don't want to miss your concert!" I got up and got dressed, not knowing I was about to start the best, most magical day of my life. One I would never forget. .
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This is an Allstar Weekend fanfic. Yes it has my name in it but a bunch of my friends come into it later. :) Enjoy!