Status: Completed . . . For now (may be fleshed out and continued)


Chapter 2

Cossett watched the smoke from his spliff dance toward the ceiling. The apartment he was in was a little on the small side. He was sitting on the bed coming up with excuses. A mint couch faced a small tv. He took a drag and exhaled before glancing at the dead girl next to him.

She was the owner of the apartment. A pretty brunette who'd never get to live past twenty-one. Cosset inhaled. It wasn't his fault. As far as Cossett was concerned her blood was on that neko's hands. He traced his canines with his tongue. The little neko had tasted amazing but he'd also gotten a little to close. His heart wanted to go back and let him know he wasn't the only one fighting inside his own body. Even if he'd just been a stupid little neko.

It got so fucking lonely fighting a losing battle. He'd never be fully accepted by the demonic population. Cossett's life was a battleground of fucked up memories, dishonor and . . . Cossett growled. He wasn't some emo kid who cried over his feelings! Yet it has felt nice to meet someone who understood him. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Gabi! Science lab is in twenty minutes get your ass up!" A girl called. Cossett stretched a little then slunk out of bed and redressed. The other girl was still pounding on the door.

"I'm so serious Gabi!" Cossett fluffed his curls in the bathroom then glanced at the girl. Gabi was sprawled naked across her bed looking sad and exposed. Cossett sighed and covered her with a blanket. No one would be able to tell she was murdered. It would seem her heart just stopped. Cossett had taken her life force instead of her blood. Oh the joys of demonic half-breeds. Lucifer was going to be pissed he killed again. He didn't even have an excuse.

Just then a deeper voice joined the girl outside. There was talk of breaking down the door since Gabie still wasn't answering. Cossett kissed Gabi's hair.

"May the wings of an angel carry you to paradise." He whispered. The cheaply built door buckled. Cosset relit his spliff before dissolving into inky black smoke.
Liam stumbled into his house and was rewarded with the smell of seafood gumbo. Spicy and exotic scents reached his nose as he locked the door. He groaned and allowed a warm feeling to spill over him.

A pair of cat ears appeared on top of his head before a tail slid frree of his lower back. Nekos weren't out to the general populace so he had to glamour himself. Nothing beat the feeling of letting it all hang out.

He hoped to just slink to his room but Casper appeared in the hallway. The 6'5 man was wearing a kingdom hearts heartless apron. His dark blue eyes widened when he saw the bandage on Liam's neck.

" You cut your hair." Liam said hopefully. Casper shook his head.
-Stop trying to change the subject Liam- Casper signed. Liam had never heard Casper speak in all twelve years he'd known him.

"I mean it looks shorter." Liam said.

"Is that Liam?" A voice called. It was Liam's eyes that bugged from his head.

"Why in all four realms is my dad doing here?" He hissed before attempting to bolt to his bedroom. Casper grabbed his shoulder. Liam struggled. He didn't want his father to call for a hunt on his attacker.

-Talk to me or your dad finds out.- Casper signed. Liam's ears twitched as he heard his father approach.

"Fine but let me go." He hissed in a whisper. Liam made it to his room just as his father rounded the corner. He grabbed a change of clothes and hurried into his bathroom.

"Liam?" Liam stripped off his jacket followed by his shirt and everything else. He got in the shower, not giving it time to warm. He was in and out in under six minutes. When he examined his neck he saw that the bandage would hold until after his father left. Liam dressed in a blue cashmere turtle neck and jeans. Tucking a wet strand of hair behind his ear he prepared for the battle.
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Casper dragged Liam to the bathroom the second the front door closed father Liam's father. The dinner had been as awkward as always. His dad trying to make up ideal conversation whithought bringing up his family. The family he'd abandoned Liam for. Liam was pushed down into the toilet seat and his sweater was pulled off.

Casper was in full momma bird mode.

- What happened?- Casper mouthed since his hands where busy peeling off the bandage. Liam swallowed.

"Promice you won't call a search for the vampire." Casper sighed in irritation.

-Of course-

"Well I think I intruded on this Demon's home so he bit me"


"But when he bit me it felt like I was in his head. Casper he knew how I felt being who or what I am." Liam said hiis tail swinging happily. Casper took a step back and put his hands on his hips.

-So that's why you don't want to call a search? You felt a connection? Liam he bit you. You know sucked in a bad way?- Casper maimed fangs. Liam stared at the ground.

"You don't understand what it's like to not belong. Your a Phoenix for Christ sake. I'm just here because of a stupid mistake my parents made." Casper hugged him.

-You are not a mistake Liam Ademi. You've helped me in ways no one else has in all the years I've been alive-

Liam hugged him back.

"Thanks Casper." Casper finished cleaning up the bite then sent Liam to bed. Liam didn't even argue that nineteen year olds didn't have bedtimes. He cleaned up his bathroom and dumped clothes onto the hamper. His clothes from today where in top. He stared at them for a second. The shirt was grey instead of blue.

As a matter of fact he didn't even have a shirt like that. It must belong to the vampire. He tried to remember what happened after the bite. His ears flattened against his head as he thought. He'd woken up inside the mansion dressed in his jeans and the t-shirt with a jacket on top of him . . . The jacket! Liam bolted to how closet where he'd hung it up.

It was actually a black trench coat. This wasn't his. He searched the pockets and found a few things. A zippo, some keys and a business card. He examined the card.

There was some flower and rose across the card. Red script spelled out Armaya an alternative nightclub . An address was printed below. Liam bit his lip. He wanted to see the vampire again. He needed to see him again. Liam was scared his feelings would one day devour him and he'd try to end it the best way he knew how.

He wanted to find a state of nirvana where he wasn't Liam Ademi halfbreed. He would just be Liam Ademi man unbound. He nodded once before glancing a the back of his closet. If he was going to a supernatural nightclub he needed to look the part. Liam flicked his tail in excitement.