Status: New

Welcome to Peach Creek Redo

The Beginning

Double D woke up precisely on time, and headed into the bathroom for a shower. After brushing his teeth and getting dressed, he went downstairs for his usual healthy breakfast. He noticed a sticky note sitting on the table that said, "Clean the sinks and dust the cupboards." He groaned, and once he finished eating went to work.
Eddy woke up a few hours after Double D, and was still tired. He dragged his self into the bathroom where he fell asleep leaning against the shower wall.
Ed woke up with a comic book stuck to his face and the PLAY screen of one of his favorite monster movies on the TV. He stretched, causing his odor to escape from his armpits, killing a few birds that had smelled it due to the open window. He sipped some gravy from a thermos he kept under his bed, yelled out, "THE EARLY WORM CATCHES THE CHICKEN!" and ran outside, arms flailing behind him.
The three boys met up, and Eddy immediately had a scam idea brewing in his brain.
"OK, listen up!" he said, as he laid a piece of paper on the floor in front of the three boys. "Here's what I'm thinking-- A barber shop!"
"Eddy, none of us have any experience in any type of cosmetology," Double D said. "Besides, wouldn't we need a college degree to do so?"
"Nah, the kids around here are too dumb to know that!" Eddy said, rolling his eyes. "Ed, go grab any mirrors and chairs you can find! Double D, you help him set up."
A few hours later, a mini barber shop was set up in Eddy's driveway.
They set up a sign to attract customers, and that it did.
The neighborhood kids all gathered around, murmuring to each other about the strange little barber shop.
"Any of you guys n' gals want a hair cut? We charge none more than the low price of 25 cents!" Eddy yelled to his small crowd.
"I'll have one," Nazz said, smiling.
"ME FIRST!" Sarah yelled, pushing Nazz out of the way and jumping into a seat.
"Hey, me too," Kevin said.
"The son of a shepherd would like a hair restyling as well!" Rolf exclaimed.
"Now, now, line up, folks! We got plenty of barbers here!" Eddy yelled, as his first few suckers sat down.
A few kids who had stayed in the street heard a loud screeching noise roaring down the street, and within seconds a black car sped towards Jimmy, who was frozen in fear.
As the boy let out a high pitched scream and the other kids ran away, the car screeched to a stop, and luckily stopped just before it hit Jimmy.
A woman who appeared to be in her mid-thirties or so stepped out of the car quickly.
"Hun, are you a'right?" she quickly asked the poor terrified boy.
"Y-Yes, ma'am," Jimmy replied, shaking.
"I'm so sorry, I kinda have a bad habit of driving like kind of a maniac. Didn't know this was a dead end!" she apologized, rubbing the back of her neck.
"That's fine, ma'am," Kevin, who was checking the woman out, said.
"Hey, kid, keep your eyes above the neck," the woman snapped at the pervy young boy. "By the way, I swing for the same team."
She got back into the car, and reversed quickly. She hit a mailbox, yelled out, "Shit!" and quickly made a U-turn and parked in the driveway of the recently bought house.
"Wait, that lady's moving in here?" Eddy yelled. "Great! Like we need some middle-aged woman slowing down our income!"
As she stepped back out, another woman, who seemed to be around the same age as her, stepped out as well. Following them were five kids; three girls, and two boys. They unpacked some stuff from inside the car and went inside, some having to make a few extra trips.
"New neighbors?" Double D said.
"New SUCKERS!" Eddy said, grinning evilly. "Those kids'll make us RICH, Edd my boy!"
"What does that mean, she 'swings for the same team?'" Kevin asked.