Status: Active!

Skinny Love



"Maybe I'll get drunk again to feel a little love"

Natasha threw back her fifth shot before making her way back to the dance floor and pressing her body into the first guy that grabbed a hold of her. The popular New York City club was crowded and had its fair share of sleazy guys, most of which had noticed the tall brunette because of the way she confidently carried herself. Whenever Natasha strutted into a room, eyes immediately fell upon her. Girls loathed her and boys were intimidated by her, but Natasha was blissfully unaware of the effect she had on people. The confidence she oozed was out of reflex, a defense mechanism. Nobody would ever guess, but Natasha was just as insecure as the next girl which was an unusual trait for an aspiring model.

Natasha quickly grew tired of the man squeezed behind her after one song, as he kept trying to speak to her and she wasn’t in the mood to be swayed. Natasha found her way back to the bar and sat at a stool, resting her chin on her bent arm in boredom. She had come to the club an hour ago with her friend Alyssa who had left with a cute blonde boy nearly fifteen minutes ago. Natasha would've left as well, but she needed this night. She craved the pounding music, the buzz from the alcohol, and got lost in the atmosphere. As long as she was drunk, she was distracted. She didn't think about it so much. Natasha froze as the feelings rushed back and the raging depression attacked the back of her mind. She waved at the bartender for another shot and the vodka went down, leaving a fiery path in its wake. Natasha turned in the stool, now facing the crowd and observed the mass on the dance floor, scanning from left to right and stopping when she met a pair of green eyes.

His lean body was moving to the music as a short, but busty blonde woman was grinding into him, her fingers wrapped in the luscious curls that sat atop his head. Becoming uncomfortable with the staring game they had started, Natasha turned back around in her chair and saw another shot waiting in front of her. She looked up at the bartender in confusion and he winked at her pointing to a middle aged man sitting on the other end of the bar. He gave her a crooked smile as she held up the glass in his direction before throwing her head back, the shot going down easier than the last. Deciding it was finally time to get out of here while her buzz was still pleasant, but not too overwhelming, Natasha stood from the bar and started making her way to the door.

She hadn't even made it halfway when a hand grabbed her wrist. She turned, ready to yank her hand away but was met with the same heavily intoxicated green eyes which she could see were bloodshot up close. She froze as they stared into her own blue eyes and a taunting smirk fell onto his lips.

"Dance with me" he slurred the demand, not waiting for her to reply as he gently tugged at her arm. Natasha shivered at the deep British accent that his voice held.

She stepped closer to the gorgeous stranger and rolled her body into his, seeing his eyes darken at the contact. She turned her back to him and continued to move her body to the beat of the song, pressing her backside into his crotch, feeling his reaction to her sensual movements. His hands gripped her wide hips and as they got more into the teasing dance, his chin resting on her shoulder causing his lips to lazily graze her shoulder. Natasha could smell the weed coming off of him and closed her eyes, taking it in. The strangers head turned, his lips now finding her neck and Natasha threw her head back against his shoulder to give him more access. His kisses were sloppy because of his intoxicated state, but the softness of his lips drew Natasha in.

She didn't care that she didn't know anything about this man, this was exactly what she needed. So when his fingers graced her bare thighs sending tingles up her body, she turned around to face him, nose to nose with him in her heels.

She connected their lips, his tongue instantly seeking access. Natasha's hands wove into his hair as his hands came down to squeeze her round ass.

"Your place?" she asked as their lips separated and he didn't hesitate to nod, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the club.

The cool air felt refreshing on Natasha's overheated body as she waited for the boy to hail a cab.

"What's your name?" she asked, at least wanting to know the name of the boy she was more than likely going to hook up with.

"Harry. And you are?" he asked as a cab pulled to the curb.

"Natasha" she said before climbing in, pulling Harry after her and as soon as he rattled off an address to the driver, Natasha connected their lips.

The ten minute cab ride was full of roaming hands and fiery kisses, the two desperate to find something they were missing in each other. They already knew what was to come when they reached their destination and neither had a problem with it. Ten months ago, Natasha would never be the type of girl to leave with a boy she just met at a club. She would have never given her body away to just anyway. But things changed and Natasha quickly became reckless, alcohol and meaningless sex becoming a staple in her life. Harry, full of fame and more money than he knew what to do with, craved the feeling of intimacy with another person. After traveling and touring the world, he just wanted someone to come home to after a long hard day, but after being heartbroken by woman after woman, he didn’t trust anyone to have his heart so he gave his body instead. Both had gained bad reputations, but neither seemed to care.

Natasha slid away from Harry as the car came to a stop and Harry reached into his wallet to hand the driver a few bills. Natasha avoided the drivers judging eyes and got out of the cab, Harry in tow. She tried to keep her hands to herself, but failed when Harry pushed her against the wall of the elevator and his teeth and tongue sought refuge on her neck. She let out a breathy moan as he found the spot right under her jaw. They couldn't get to Harry's door fast enough and as soon as they were inside, clothes were shed and the two fell onto his bed, their bodies tangled throughout the rest of the night.

Natasha's eyes opened and instantly squinted against the bright light. She brought her hand up to her head, rubbing her temple as the raging hangover was wreaking havoc. She groaned and turned onto her side, freezing as her eyes met with a sleeping figure, a bare torso in full view, his lower half covered in the disheveled sheets. Last nights activities instantly came back to her as she remembered where she was. Natasha got up slowly and collected her clothing from their various places on the floor, getting dressed quietly. Making sure she had everything and taking one last look at the sleeping figure, Natasha made her way out the room.
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I already have a few chapters of this written, waiting to hear feedback before I post more :)