

She could hear footsteps outside the all cement room. The door opened and light poured all around her, causing her to hide her eyes behind her elbow. The man snorted and dropped a plate of something on the floor and kicked it to her.

"Eat it. All of it. You're being called upon today by your master. He's got a job for you, so hurry up. Bang on the door when you're done." And with that, the man left. She hadn't gotten a chance to see who the man was, but she was sure she recognized his voice.

Once he left the room and closed the door, she slowly reached to grab the plate of white blob. It tasted plain, but she shouldn't be one to complain. They would go days without feeding her. Sometimes she would have to drink drips of water that leaked through the crack in the ceiling from the outside.

As she ate, she wondered what she was being called upon to do. Was it a mission? She hadn't been set out on a mission to kill anyone, this would be her first time. The first time to kill a living person. The first time to breathing fresh air and to see the outside world. The first time to be interacting with people that don't want to beat her. The thought made her nervous.

I could get out...

She shook her head. There was no way she could run away. They would track her down like a dog. Then, no one knows what they would do to her after that. But...what if? What would she do if she really did get out? She didn't know anything about interacting with other people. She couldn't even talk! Much less write and read. She was scared of everyone she came in contact with. All she had ever known is fists hitting her within seconds of being in someones presence. She was actually surprised the man didn't kick her when he talked to her a few moments ago.

She toyed with the thought once more before finishing her 'food'. She struggled to get to her feet, clinging onto the wall for support. She shuffled to the door, then giving it three soft knocks. The man opened it and took her hand softly. She was rather surprised once again at the man who was actually being kind. She let him slowly walk her out of her cement room and then once he shut the door behind them, he threw her on the ground and kicked her stomach.

"I thought I said bang the door, not knock. Stupid girl." he said before kicking her one last time. She stayed silent, already used to the abuse. She knew it was too good to be true. He bent down and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her up, then dragging her next to him.

"You're going to practice in a few minutes. Then you'll get cleaned up. Then you're going to meet with your master and he will tell you what to do." the man said while walking down a hall way. She looked around and saw the walls were grey, almost like the cement room. There were other cement doors, which she presumed were to other rooms like her own that housed other people.

She followed the man and he led her into the changing room. She knew what to do from here; get dressed into her practicing robes, go out, practice with her trainers, then go to showers. Showers were a rare luxury and was only given out when they were to meet with their master. The master was the leader of whatever organization they were apart of. He seemed like a nice man at first sight, however he was deadly. He put her near death a few times.

Practice went the way it usually did. She would tackle every challenge they threw at her. Her trainers never held back. Even though they wouldn't show her, they were pretty impressed with her. There were only ten other girls in the whole institution, her being the youngest. Although she was the youngest, she had trained the longest.

After her shower, one of the trainers led her to a small room where new clothes sat. White long sleeved shirt and white pants. "Hurry and change." He said, pushing her into the wall as he walked out. She changed as quickly she could while trying to brush her hair with her fingers. She realized the white shirt had her name tag on it. Student 89. They weren't given names; they were always told they weren't worthy of names.

She was walked to a room with black doors. The trainer went in first. The trainer was her main one. The students were given at least four trainers, all teaching the students something different. Although her main trainer had beaten, raped, and mentally abused her in every way imaginable, she had grown accustom to a weird sort of way.

"Student 89, sir." Her trainer said while bowing his head. Student 89 walked into the room. She kept her eyes on the ground while still trying to look confident enough.

"Come closer."

She took six steps closer. She heard someone get up from the dark side of the room and then her master stood in front of her. He lifted her chin so she could look at him in the eyes. "My, you have grown, my child." There was silence for a few more moments as he stood examining her.

"Now, sit." He instructed. As she did so, she noticed several other men surrounding the room; most likely his body guards.

"You must be wondering why you have the honor of coming to see your master, no?" He asked. She knew not to nod or speak. You only spoke if he demanded you to; which is something he never demanded. "Well, after many years of training you, it's now your time to prove yourself." He placed a folder on the glass table in front of her. "This is your first task. Open the folder." She did so. All that was inside was a photo and a name. Christopher Carter. He was an old man with neatly combed back white hair and a black beard with patches of white.

She analyzed the photo; that had been one of the things she had been trained to do. She was taught to analyze and memorize anything and everything. "You have to kill this man. Kill him and take the folder he'll be carrying. The folder will be located inside a black leather brief case he'll have. It doesn't matter if you take the whole brief case, just make sure you at least bring the folder and kill the man."

She placed the picture back in the folder. "Our sources say he will be in the downtown area some time in the night. This, of course, makes things easier. He should be completely oblivious to the fact you'll be there. If there's anyone who witnesses the killing of the man, kill them as well. Have no mercy. In situations like this, you can't trust anyone, do you understand? Nod." Student 89 nodded.

"You won't be given a weapon. Killing the man should be easy, you can kill something with your bare hands. People will drop you off at the destination, but then you're on your own. Report to the cafe when the job is completed. Show them your mark and they will let you in. Now, go."
She stood up and her trainer was right next to her to grab her arm.

"Get her changed and then take her to the van." "Yes, sir."


She was changed into a regular persons' clothes; dark blue jeans, a black long sleeved turtle neck, along with a long black sweater. They wanted her to fit in as much as possible. She was led to a large garage where there was a black van waiting for her.

Before she could go forth, her trainer grabbed her and slammed her against the wall. She didn't flinch, and kept her face blank. "Don't you dare fuck this up, woman. If you do, then you'll wish for death." Then he shoved her to the van. She was taken in, and the van jolted forward. The windows were tinted almost black, plus with night already falling over them.

Only moments had passed until they were arriving in an empty park.

"Follow the sidewalk until you get to a water fountain and a plaza of shops. Christopher Carter will be standing by a bench. Be sure to stay out of the lights as much as you can. The cafe at the end of the plaza is where you go after you've killed the man. Don't worry about the body when you're done. We'll get someone else to take care of that. Your top priority is that folder and suit case."
After instruction, she was pushed into the darkness of the empty park. She became familiar with her surroundings and heard the van drive away. Quickly, but quietly, she made her way to the fountain. She hid from tree to tree and finally saw the street lamps surrounding the tiny area. As told, there was a man that matched the picture of Christopher Carter, standing next to a bench. He looked as if he was looking at his cell phone.

She took her time in moving around to get into position behind him, still hiding behind trees. She was grateful for the dark clothes camouflaging her. Stalking up to him, she checked that her black leather gloves that were given to her were securely on her hands. She was finally able to step into the light when she approached him. As expected, he was completely oblivious to the fact someone was there with him. Hearing her footsteps behind him, he whirled around. He flew back from being punched by the girl. The man fell back and his body bounced from the edge of the fountain to the cement ground.

89 walked up to him, planning to kick his stomach, but was greeted by his body pinning on top of her own. Christoper held her down. "Who sent you?!" He asked. She didn't respond. "WHO SENT YOU, DAMMIT?!" Still, no answer. He became frustrated and focused his attention to searching the trees for other assassins. She took the opportunity to kick and flip him on his back. She turned him over and placed her hands on the sides of his head, while wrapping her legs around his torso.

She was then stopped by running footsteps coming her way. She looked up and saw three shadows. Before the three shadows could stop her, she snapped the old mans' neck and dropped his head on the ground. She made a dash for the brief case and felt a sharp sting and something fiery hot glide past her upper arm. Although she definitely felt the pain rush up her arm, she didn't let it distract her from getting the brief case.

The three shadows were still a long ways off, allowing her to make it to the cafe. There was one worker at the cash register.

"Hello, welcome to the cafe! What would you like to drink?" He asked. 89 practically ran to the counter and slammed the brief case down. She bent over and flipped her head down, along with her hair. Her branded mark that was burned into her skin was then exposed to the man. He grabbed the suit case and took her arm, pulling her forcefully into the back room. In the back room was her trainer and other men. "Good. Give me the brief case." Her trainer said. The man handed the trainer the brief case. Suddenly, silenced gun shots were fired in the cafe and shattered windows hit the floor.

"You're being followed?" Her trainer asked. She merely nodded. The trainer paced back and forth. "Go out there. Put up a little fight, but allow yourself to be kidnapped. We'll track you down soon. Stay with them." Her trainer said. She was confused, but knew not to ask questions. She was thrown out of the back room and landed on her hands and knees behind the counter.

"Something's back there."
"Is it the girl?"
"Maybe. I'll check."

Footsteps came closer to her location. She grabbed a broken piece of glass, ready for the person to fight her. The person stepped behind the counter. Leaning on her hands, she swung her legs in front of her to swipe the man off his feet. He fell backwards and landed on his back. She crawled on top of him and was about to cut his throat. A heavy figure tackled her to the ground and the shard of glass slipped out of her hand, cutting her instead. Naturally, she began to fight back, but remembered she had to go with them. The person flipped her on her back and tied her hands behind her.

"Got her." It was a male. He turned her over and she immediately looked over his face. Strong jaw, flawless porcelain skin, brown, curly hair that framed his face and that shagged over his large steel grey eyes. His perfect lips were made into a line as he looked down on the girl. He, himself, noted the girls' facial features. Large, slanted, chocolate brown eyes, plump pink lips, light caramel colored face, and soft black colored hair.

"Lets take her in."
♠ ♠ ♠
Mmmmmkay. <3