There Is a K in Nikole.

Summer Days

So far it's August and spending my summer outside tanning, going to parties, coming home late, hanging out with friends has been at a minimum. I like being secluded in my stuffy room with a large bookcase and a desk with a laptop on top.
Rebecca has been bothering me for weeks to get out of the house and "have a life" but I do have a life, and that's something that she doesn't understand because it's not a life that she used to have...or does have.

I'm laying in my quilts, dreaming and slowly awakening at 10 AM when I hear banging on my door downstairs. I quickly jump out of the covers and run downstairs in my PJ tank and shorts to see what's going on.
I get downstairs in the living room and stare through the peephole, to see, by my surprise, Christmas standing outside with bags of junk foods and movies and was banging on the door with her shoe. I opened up the door.

Me: Christmas, what a lovely surprise.

Christmas: Like you aren't totally happy to see me right now.

Me: Of course, especially when you supply all the goods. *grabs the bag of junk food* come into the kitchen.

Christmas: Don't mind if I do.
*a moment of quiet*

Me: What's up?

Christmas: So I was upstairs in Cristiano's room (Cristiano is Christmas' brother) looking for my iPod and then, I look under his bed and guess what I find!

Me: Eww, you didn't find something gross like Playboys or pornography right? *dips a Lays chip into some dip*

Christmas: No I didn't find anything like that *grabs a handful of chips* I found some of my dad's beer under his bed!

Me: Beer? Cristiano drinks beer now? Since when, he's been like a goody two shoes since we were kids!

Christmas: Welllll, apparently good ol' Cristiano isn't as good as we all thought. He's probably even hiding a girlfriend. Maybe he already lost his virginity too!

Me: *interrupting Christmas* eheheh, stop! Stop now, ewww, not Cristiano. That's disgusting.

Christmas: What's so gross about sex and stuff, Niks? Nothing it's natural and it's what everyone does in high school, especially at Junipur! Don't be such a prude!

Me: I'm not PRUDE! It's just that I don't want to think of Cristiano that way! He's a year younger than us, that's gross.

Christmas: That may be but I know someone that you will never be prude with and whom your possibly thinking of right now when the topic of sex comes in.

Me: *blushing* ...and who would that be

Christmas: OOOOOO, YOU'RE BLUSHING! You're obviously thinking of Robbie! Robbie Davis!

Me: Shut up, Christmas! I am not!

OK, So maybe I was , but I wasn't going to let Christmas know that for sure or let her rub it in my face that she's always right. So maybe I was thinking about Robbie while we were talking about this. But is that so wrong?
I mean if you could see what he looks like when working out in the weight room, shirtless, sweat making him glisten and running down the back of his neck...muscles and veins just pulsing...
OK OK, STOP IT NIKOLE, you're making yourself feel awkward...

Christmas and I spent the rest of the day on the couch watching comedies and chowing down on the most unhealthy snacks that you can imagine. If only I could see Rebecca's face at my eating, she's all about healthy food and organic-ness. It's really annoying and makes dinner less appetizing. Sometimes me and Dad take our foods to his study and secretly order a pepperoni pizza pie to be delivered to the back of the house, so Rebecca wouldn't know.

Later that day I sat looking at my computer screen for hours, updating my Facebook, commenting, liking, poking and I got a comment from a status that I had written early about me and Christmas Garcia hanging out on my couch eating junk food and watching movies.
The comment said "thx 4 the invite -__- , i better be invited nxt time (:"
Christmas and Ally liked the comment.

The comment was written by Robbie.
Robbie Davis.


Nikole, the girl who got a Facebook comment from a boy she loves.