There Is a K in Nikole.

September 10, 2012


*Nikole slams down the OFF button on her alarm clock*

September 10, 2012 and it's the first day back at JHS, I'll finally be a junior and now, I'm too comfortable in my bed. I don't want to leave.

Rebecca walks into the room.

Rebecca: GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE, WAKEY WAKEY, TIME TO ARISE, IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! *opens up the blinds in Nikole's room, letting in the very bright sunlight*

Me: *covers my eyes with my blanket* Uhhhh...

Rebecca: C'mon lazy, let's go. *pulls off Nikole's covers*

Me: Fine! Fine, I'm coming I'm coming.

Rebecca finally leaves me alone in my room, and I'm finally at peace again. Alone in my sanctuary. I slump across the hallway into the bathroom and begin my daily routine. Brush my teeth for exactly 5 minutes, shower for exactly 30 minutes and blow dry, style and get dressed within the next hour and half, just quick enough to grab an apple and run out the door before having to deal with Rebecca or Dad in the kitchen.
Unfortunately this morning, I finished quicker than usual and had no excuse to leave the house in a rush. I was forced to converse with people early in the morning.
I plopped myself down at the circular table in the kitchen with Dad drinking some OJ, no pulp, and eating flapjacks with strawberries, whipped cream and extra syrup, reading the comics. Typical Dad.
Rebecca is "slaving" away over a hot stove, flipping flapjacks and decorating them in a annoyingly cute fashion. I get a 3 flapjacks, drown them in syrup, make a tower of whipped cream, and drizzle them lightly with various cut fruits. I grab a cup of OJ, no pulp.
While eating the jacks, I received a text message from Christmas, my life savior, saying I needed to pick her up because her Jeep won't start up. So, I scarf down the rest of the jacks and scoop the fruit on Dad's empty plate and run out to get the keys for my car. I can't find them.

Me: Where are the keys to my car, Dad?

Rebecca: Oh, I have them darling. *she takes out my keys out of her apron pocket* (what a typical plot to make me talk to her at 7:40 AM)

Me: *takes keys* thanks, Rebecca.

Rebecca: Oh Nikole, I really do wish you would start calling me Mom. I mean it has been 3 ye--

Me: Sorry, Becca, gotta run! Picking up Christmas at her house to go to school, byeeee!!

I ran so fast out the door, I was like Speedy Gonzalez. I mean how could I even start to call her "Mom..." I mean, the woman drinks her OJ with pulp...

I jumped inside my Camry and drove down the block to Christmas' house. I pulled up in front her house, white house, green shutters, plants, a garden in the back, freshly cut grass and a white picket fence. Christmas comes running out of her house with her fat orange Tabby cat following her, Tigris. Christmas opens the door and Tigris jumps into the seat inside.

Me: Oh my goodness, Tigris, get off my white seat with your orange fur! You'll turn it orange. *I giggled and stroked the pretty kitty*

Christmas: Sorry Niks. *She picks up the Tabby and throws her onto the lawn* Bye Tigris! *She climbs in and shuts the door*

Christmas and I spoke in the car of how September came way too fast. Some of the car ride was quiet because she was finishing the last few pages of the book that was assigned for our
History class.

Hmm...History class...I had History last year with Robbie. He sat two seats ahead of me. It was him, then Davie Eagle, then Amanda Emerson and Gabrielle Fernandez, and then me. I used to cock my head to side, stare at the back of his head and daydream of us. That makes me sound really...


I remember one day in History both Davie and Amanda and Gabrielle were absent, and Mr. Reynolds, told me to move up right behind Robbie. He actually turned around and smiled at me. I almost died. That was the best History class I can remember.

Finally pulling into the school parking lot, we saw Ally, talking to her crush, Brendon White. Brendon White was one of Robbie's best friends. But he was completely different from Robbie and his other friend Avery (Christmas' love interest). Avery and Robbie were both jocks and Brendon wasn't. He was more of musical genius and an artist with a shaggy haircut.

Christmas: Well would you look at that, our little Southern bell is growing up.

Me: Oh stop, don't even think about cock blocking Chrissy, let Ally be.

Christmas: Moi? Cock block? Never! *she winks and leaps out of the car*


I ran after Christmas who was already half way across the parking lot, heading toward Ally and Brendon. I finally caught up but it was too late, Christmas was already standing next to Ally.

Christmas: Hi, Ally. Hiii Breendoon.

Ally and Brendon: Hey Christmas.

Me: *whispers to Ally* Sorry Al, I tried to stop her.

Ally: *giggle and whispers* That's alright Niks, I don't mind.

After a few awkward exchanges of short word conversations, Brendon split. Ally, Christmas and I went inside the school and found our lockers and shoved a bunch of new books and freshly lined notebooks inside them. We decorated the insides and all headed to homeroom.
My Homeroom was Homeroom 28 this year. Strictly people with H for a last name, so their should be no sign of Robbie or my friends in Homeroom. I walk in and it's the same group of people as it is every year, one or two fresh new faces, but basically the same. Still sitting in the same seat and row. Row 1 Seat 3. Right behind Audrey Hable and Yolanda Hades. Sitting right in front of Lisa Hayes and Patrick Hernandez. H's. H's all around the room.
Mrs. Cadberry handed out our schedules and I couldn't but be curious who would be in classes this year. Especially a particular someone.
Period 1: Pre Calculus with Mr. Barns
Period 2: English 3 with Mrs. Cadberry
Period 3: History with Mr. Hector
Period 4: Italian with Mrs. DeBonchelli
Period 5: Lunch aka the Relaxation period
Period 6: Sociology with Mr. Davids
Period 7: Photography with Mr. Patrick
Period 8: Music with Mrs. Grey
One of these classes I was bound to have with Robbie. Robbie takes Italian, maybe it's Italian. I think his elective was Photography. God, if I only I knew.

By the time 5th period rolled around I was disappointed in the fact I had no classes with Robbie or Christmas, I had English with Ally though, and I hadn't seen Robbie, even in the halls. 5th period me Ally and Christmas grabbed our lunch trays and picked out our food. Burgers, fries, chocolate milk and a chocolate chip cookie. Fat assing on the first day back.
We all sat at a table in the middle of the Cafe. That's where I spotted Robbie, Avery and Brendon sitting two tables away.

Me: Guys, it's Robbie.
Christmas turned around.

Christmas: Yeah and Brendon and Avery.


Christmas: *giggling* yeah Brendon.

Ally: Oh, cool, I don't care.

Me and Christmas: Liar.

Ally: Oh shush *she giggles* like you're not the least bit excited that Avery's sitting so close by, Chrissy.

Christmas: I don't mind at all.

Me: Really, 'cause it seems like Avery's staring at you.

Christmas: Yeah, OK you guys. Nice joke. *Christmas turns her head a little and looks over at their table, just in time to see Avery's eye dart over to the ice cream machine*

Me and Ally: OOOO, CHRISSSAAAYY!!! *laughing*

Christmas: You two are children!

Me: Calm down Christmas, it's cute! He's interested.

Ally: Maybe even interested enough to ask you to Homecoming in October.

Me: What!? Homecoming's in October already?! How do you know?!

Ally: Uhm, haven't ya'll been talking about it in all your classes? I know that's what all the people have been doing in my classes.

Christmas: Yeah, I heard about in the hallways.

Me: I really need to start paying more attention to people other than the teachers...

Ally and Christmas: Yeaaahh...

October was so close by though, that was nervewrecking news to me...

Ally: Imagine, me and Brendon, Chrissy and Avery and Niks and Robbie at Homecoming.

Me: Please Ally, I can see you and Chrissy, but me and Robbie? Sonya and Robbie are probably already set to go to Homecoming.

Christmas: They didn't go last year together.

Me: Yeah, but Sonya was dating that guy from Upperwater High, uhm, Diego I think?

Christmas: Oh yeah, Diego. He was hot.

Ally: Mhm.

Me: Yeah I guess I mean if your into buff Argentinian soccer players, then yeah. *giggles*

Christmas and Ally: *giggling*

Ally: Christmas will you go up and buy me another milk, please? *Ally hands Christmas a dollar*

Christmas: K, lazy ass.

Christmas leaves the table to get Ally's milk. When shes up there, Ally and I see that Avery followed her.

Ally: He's going to make a move, I know it.

Me: Think he's got the balls so early in the year?

Ally: Heck yeah.

Christmas opened up the freezer to grab the milk and Avery walks right by, purposely knocking his shoulder into Christmas'.

Avery: Oops, I'm sorry. My fault.

Christmas: That's alright Avery, how was your summer?

Avery: Pretty good, alright. Kind of lonely. Yours?

Christmas: Good, real good. And lonely? Didn't seem like it at Pamela's party like 2 weeks ago. I saw you there, you seemed fine.

Avery: Well yeah, I saw you too. You looked really pretty. Like really pretty. But I was lonely because you weren't really in my summer.

Christmas: *blushing* Aww, thanks, thanks. I guess my summer was pretty lonely too.

Avery: *blushing* Cool, thanks.

Christmas: So uhm, Ally, needs this milk, so I'll, talk to you later?

Avery: Definitely. Bye, Christmas.

Christmas: Bye Avery.

Christmas came back to the table, grinning like an idiot. And, I don't necessarily blame her.
Why can't that happen to me and Robbie?


Nikole, the girl who's best friend is grinning like an idiot.