There Is a K in Nikole.

Commenting, Liking, Posting, Poking, Just Plain Ol' Facebookin'

OK, so don't think I'm so forgetful and think I will never mention again about the comment that Robbie Davis left on my status 3 weeks about when Christmas came over my house.
I'm still on that.
I still didn't reply.
He probably doesn't even remember that he posted that comment.
Why am I still so hung up over this comment?
Maybe it's because of the fact that it may mean that Robbie Davis may even want to...
Little old me.

I sat in my bed with my laptop on my lap and I stared at the comment and tried to dissect it like a Biology lab frog.
Did it mean s o m e t h i n g
Did it mean n o t h i n g ?
And then I realized...
I'm an
He was obviously just being nice to me, and I was simply just blowing it all out of proportion. I slammed down my laptop and I snuggled up under my sheets and stared at my clock.
The green lights lighted up
9:34 PM
I'm pathetic.
Then from laptop, I heard a Facebook chat ping.
I sat up and reopened my laptop and saw it was from Ally.

Ally Gardner: hiya gurlie!<3

Nikole Hamilton: hey, ALYSON!

Ally Gardner: oh no princess, plz dnt call me that...NIKKI!!!!!!!!!

Nikole Hamilton: omg, ok i wnt jst take bck tht nickname...i hate bein called nikki!

Ally Gardner: lol kk, so did u c rob's last stat update? and his last tweet?

Nikole Hamilton: 1-i dnt have twitter n 2-NO WAT DOES IT SAY?!

Ally Gardner: check it out 4 urself. ;)

I quickly typed in Robbie's name and clicked his profile and saw it.

"Party @ my house Saturday night! I'll txt invited ppl the deets and ill chat u if ur invited but i dnt have ur #"

I got neither one of those things...I clicked on the list of people who were online, and it said Robbie Davis, with a little green circle next to it.
He was online.
He could see I was online.
I guess I just wasn't invited.

I closed my laptop and laid back down on my bed. I began to close my eyes and try not to think about the fact that Robbie doesn't want me at his party, but he wants Christmas and Ally there, and at that very moment, my cell phone rang.
It was probably either Christmas or Ally, calling me when they realized that I had gone off Facebook, but when I looked at the caller ID, it was an unrecognized number.

Me: "Hello?"

Unknown male caller: "Hi, this Nikole?...Nikole Hamilton?"

Me: "Yeah, this is Nikole. And this is...?"

Unknown male caller: "Well that's kind of awkward that I have your number and you don't seem to have mine..."

Me: "I'm sorry, but maybe if I knew who you were, I could save it..."

Unknown male caller: starts giggling, "It's me, Robbie Davis."

My heart just dropped 50 feet into my stomach, I felt like I had a cotton ball lodged into my throat. My hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my palms started getting moist. I couldn't find myself to say anything back...

Robbie: "Nikole?"

Me: "HI, HI, I mean hi Robbie, sorry about that..." God, I'm a moron.

Robbie: "So, uhm, I just called to invite you to my party on Saturday night. But I mean, if you can't make it, I mean, that's o--"

Me: "I'LL BE THERE! Thanks for the invite." I seemed way to be eager over this, but I simply could not control myself!

Robbie: "Great! That's great! Awesome, OK, I'll see you Saturday night then."

Me: "Yes you will. Bye, Robbie."

Robbie: "Bye Nikole."

We both hung up the phone. Oh my God! I can't believe this right now! I just got invited to a party, thrown by the hottest guy at Junipur High School, my crush since 5 years old just invited me to his party! I can't even breathe right now! Now I really could not get any sleep...I was too excited for Saturday to roll around!


Nikole, the girl who just got invited to a party by her childhood crush.