There Is a K in Nikole.


The sound of hangers scraping across the pole on the top of closet is all that I my ears could hear. It was starting to get irritating. I had nothing, absolutely nothing to wear for Robbie Davis' party tomorrow! I just can't throw something on and leave the house looking like I didn't give a shit! This was Robbie Davis' party, I had to look presentable, nice That's right, me, Nikole Hamilton, was trying to look sexy for Robbie.
Sexy was never a word that I used to try and describe myself. If I was to describe myself, I'd use terms like, average, cute, nothing you'd look twice at. I wanted to make a statement at this party, make him notice me.

I flopped myself furiously on top of my bed. Maybe I was taking all of this way to far...what if he doesn't like sexy? What if he likes average?
But what if he doesn't like average?
And then I got a really desperate and trashy idea...

I walked into my closet and opened up a container box containing clothing that I used to wear in Junior high and Freshman year. Not that there was anything sexy or vulgar in the container, but I could probably find a shirt that I fit my kind of tight. That could be, OK?
I found a nothing special black V-neck t-shirt at the bottom of the container. I tried it on and I felt oddly uncomfortable. It fit as a belly shirt with a plunging neckline.
You could see cleavage. Cleavage.
I put on a skirt and some wedges. I looked decent, I looked attractive, I looked hot in my opinion. Alright, I found an outfit.

I took off the clothes and sat on the floor in my panties and bra, and I started thinking.
Was I really going to do this all for a boy?'s not really just a's Robbie.
Was I really trying to impress Robbie or was I trying to make myself into something I'm not?
Would I even be able to get next to Robbie at this party?
Why was I even invited to this party?
Does Robbie like me? Does Robbie like Sonya?
Why am I just not grateful that I got invited? Why am I questioning this like an idiot?
Why am I sitting on the floor, mostly naked?

I layed down on my soft shag carpet and closed my eyes. I needed to calm down, it's just a high school party, it's not like it's a life or death situation.
Or is it?
Is it a life or death high school popularity/notability situation?
Why am I trying to impress people I don't even like?
It's because, I never had to deal with them before. Finally, one question answered.
I guess now all I need to do is wait for Saturday night...


Nikole, the girl who lays half naked on the floor thinking and is waiting for Saturday night.
♠ ♠ ♠
**sorry this was such a short installment, but the next chapter at the party will be a long one so I didn't want to make this one too long. HEADS UP: The next chapter and maybe a few chapters after will become more inappropriate and involve more cussing and sexual reference and teen drinking and drug use. It would be rated either PG-13 or R. Just a warning :) Hope you enjoy.**