Status: Active. I'll be updating it slowly.

A Little Bit of Lust & a Whole Lot of Love

It's pretty dumb of you to not notice.

I actually kind of feel uncomfortable knowing that these 2 girls I just met a few days ago are staying at my house. But these 2 girls I just met a few days ago are the fans of my band, so I have to get used to it.

I walked to the kitchen to make lunch. Jared, Kennedy, and Pat were sitting on the couch in the living room. They looked like they were squeezed because there was only one couch in my house, currently. I didn't see Garrett's appearance anywhere near there.

"Where's Garrett?" I asked, preparing to make lunch.

"No idea. Roaming around your new crib, maybe." Jared answered, emphasizing the word crib.

I nodded.

"Ken, how is your friend? Uh, what's her name. Meagan? Did your parents let her to stay at your house?" Pat asked.

"No, they didn't. But she said she could stay at her friend's, so..." Kennedy shrugged.

"She has another friend here besides you?" Jared asked.

"Yeah. She's gonna stay at her high school friend's house. Her friend is a girl, so she said she'd be more comfortable to stay there."

I overheard their conversation from the kitchen. I was curious about this Meagan girl they were talking about. Because it seemed like I was the only one who had no idea who this girl was.

"Hey hey hey, who's this Meagan girl?" I asked.

"Nah. Just an old friend of mine. She's spending her summer here." Kennedy answered.


After an half hour, I finally served two big bowls of tomato soup and mac and cheese on the table.

"Lunch is ready."

Just in a split second, all these hunks were already gathered at the dinner table.


While waiting for John to make lunch, I and Katy decided to change our clothes to get more comfortable.

"Do you think it's okay if I wear their merch?" Katy asked.

"Mm, I think you better wear another shirt. We can wear that later on tour." I answered.

"I know, but I think I'm dumb enough that I forgot to bring any t-shirt other than their merchs."

"Aw, Meyers, you're such a high dedicated fan. No need to worry, that's the spirit!" I said fisting my hand, trying to mimic her.

"Shut up. You're not helping anything." She said, faking a pout.

"Haha, sorry. It's okay though, they're supposed to feel appreciated anyway."

She nodded as a sign of saying whatever. She than gave up and changed into a The Maine shirt. When we were done changing into t-shirt and shorts, suddenly someone knocked on the door. Katy opened the door to see Garrett standing in front of the door. Garrett said 'hey' and Katy replied with a 'hey' too, except she said it in a teasing way. I tried my best to laugh as quiet as I could seeing my best friend's first attempt of being seductive. Which ended up looking awkward.

"Oh, ow." Garrett said as he noticed what Katy was wearing. He smiled.

"Uh, I know it's embarrassing."

"No no no, why would it be embarrassing though?"

"I don't know..." Katy said, fixing her messy braid.

I overheard their conversation a bit, they were talking about John's house and some small talks. I was busy folding my clothes in the suitcase so I didn't really hear it. But all I could hear was Katy's giggles that covered their whole conversation. As I got done with folding my clothes, I, Katy, and Garrett walked to the dining room downstairs. Jared, Pat, Kennedy, and Tim were already busy eating so they didn't notice our appearance. But when John saw us, he told us to have a seat.

"Sit here, Cara. Uh, I mean, Katy. Yeah, whichever." John said, pulling a chair beside him.


Katy took a seat between Garrett and Pat, so it was clear to me that the only seat left was beside John. I've been head over heels for this guy, but why does it have to be like this when I finally got the chance to spend my summer with him. I have to determine myself that this summer has to be the best summer ever. Even if John doesn't want to be nice to me, I still have to ignore it.

Before I took my seat, I watched as John took a spoon of his soup. He was barely looking at me, but I could tell that he knew I was watching him. I didn't even notice that I was watching him more than a quick 10 seconds. Before I knew it, he started to give me a strange look. But it looked more like he was shooting me a cynical glare. Wait, what's with the cynical glare? I thought you had forgotten about it. As I felt the clumsiness that was happening between us, I decided to take a seat before others start to notice the situation in a jiffy.

This boy wasn't going to make this easy.

When we finished our lunch, we made our way to Pat's house which wasn't too far from John's. Ken and John brought their acoustic guitars. On the way to Pat's, they strummed a few random songs that didn't happen to sound familiar to me. Kennedy walked a few steps behind me, and John was in front of me. Everytime they wanted to choose a song to play, John looked back at Kennedy, but always glanced at me every once. I was somewhat afraid of him now, so I hung my head for my own good.


I have this strange kind of feeling for Cara. Everytime she's around me, I always feel trapped and end up giving her a cynical glare. But on the other hand, I always have this urge to see her face every once. And to make the situatiation even worse, now she seems to be afraid of me. The whole time we were walking to Pat's house, she kept hanging her head.

As we finally arrived in Pat's house, we rushed to the practice room. We started to play songs we played yesterday. We changed a bit part of certain songs. We continued to play again. Changed some guitar riffs. And it just kept going like that until 3 hours elapsed. Jared and I went downstairs to get some drinks because we were so damn exhausted. When I closed the practice room door, Jared shot me a strange gaze.

"What?" I asked him.

"What's happening between you two?"

"Who with who?"

"You. And Cara." He said pointing at me.

Jared's been my closest buddy since highschool. I can never hide anything from him. Even when I try to, he'll just notice right away.

"What do you mean?" I asked pretending.

"Dude, it's not like I just met you an hour ago," he said grabbing a can of soda from the fridge, "I know there's something between you two. I saw you giving her a cynical glare. Just spill." He continued.

I shook my head. At least someone has to know about this. Maybe he could help me, hopefully.

"Okay, I think I need to let this out." He smirked. "I've been having this kind of strange feeling for her. Everytime I'm around her, I always have this odd urge to see her face." I said, taking a sip of the alcohol.

"Woah, I thought you were going to tell me an interesting fighting story."

"No. I shot her a cynical glare because on the other hand, I always feel like I'm trapped when I'm around her. I feel like I have to play it cool whenever I'm around her. I don't even know what for."

"According to your best friend's intuition, it means that you like her."

"Don't even say that." I rolled my eyes.

"It's pretty dumb of you to not notice what kind of feeling it is." He said, opening the door.

As I stepped into the practice room, I saw Kennedy teaching Cara to play guitar. His left arm was snaking around hers. His right fingers were placed on Cara's right fingers, guiding her to strum the guitar strings.

Well, no one told them to get me all jealous like this.
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I knew I said that I was gonna update it next week 3 weeks ago, but school got me all busy and I barely even had time to get on the interwebs. I hope this chapter at least lives up to your expectation even just a bit.