But You're Beautiful to Me

Chapter 3

Frank POV
I hadn't seen Mikey at school all day, but we needed to get our science project finnished, so I decided to make my was round to his house after school.
On the way there, I tried to keep my mind on the science homework, but I couldn't stop thinking about Gee. Her wavy dark hair, her bright hazel eyes, her long slender legs, the small curve of her scarlet lips... No. I had chance to be good friends with Mikey, I wasn't going to mess it up over a stupid crush. He'd probably so creeped out if he found out I liked his sister.
Soon, I was at their front door. I knocked hard three times. No answer, I knocked again. This time, I head a faint yell from inside the house, so I waited patiently. The door opened to the beautiful sight of Mikeys sister. She had on her striking makeup, her hair was half straightened and a dressing gown was draped over her slight frame. She looked half asleep and had her arms folded firmly accross her chest. I hadn't realized I was staring until she made a small cough. She giggled as I came out of my trance.
"Can I help you sweetie? Aren't you Mikeys friend?"
"Uh, yeah. We're um, doing a project together. I didn't see him in school so I thought I'd come round."
"Didn't he tell you? Him and mum have gone up to New Jersey for our aunties funeral."
"Oh, sorry. I'll leave you be, you look like you were busy."
"Don't be silly! At least come in for a coffee."
And how could I resist. She walked me through to the kitchen and put on the kettle. I sat down and made myself at home. A silence stretched out and it was begining to feel awkward. I was never any good at small talk.
"So how come you didn't go with Mikey to your aunts funeral?" Smooth Frankie. Real smooth. Way to chat up a girl.
"I'm sorry, that sounded rude-"
"Hey, it's alright. My auntie wasn't, uh, 'fond' of me. We didn't see eye to eye to put it lightly. My Uncle said he didn't want me there. But hell, I wouldn't of gone anyways. Old bitch."
If the silence was awkward before, then I dont know what it is now. I thought it was best to clear the air, trying to be polite and all.
"Look, I didn't mean to intrude yesterday, I didn't realize..."
"It's fine Frank." She reasured me with a smile, "What exactly did Mikey say?"
"Just that you scare people? I really don't know. But hey, I liked your tshirt."
Her face lit up at my compliment, "No shit! You like The Misfits?? Mikey said you were cool, but" I'd never known someone to get so excited over a band before, it was actually really cute.
"I went to a gig a while back, and you'd never guess what. I got Danzigs fucking autograph!" She exclaimed, and then I was getting excited.
"Seriously?! Dude, you have to show me."

Gerard POV
Did he say dude?!?! If I had known he was coming round I would've done my makeup properly and put on some damn clothes! I was getting ready to go out, see if I could fool anyone else, but I really couldn't turn down that face. He had the biggest brown eyes and a big hopefull smile. I guess five minuites wouldn't hurt...
"Sure, it's in my basement, come look!"
We were just walking out the kitchen when I saw the errors in my plan. 1) I said basement. Frank probably wasn't excpecting my bedroom when I said basement. 2) My room was a tip, and not the most girly of places. There were boxers hanging off chairs and a whole load of other shit. 3) Even if I did manage to somehow clean my room before Frank go down there, there was no certainty I was going to be able to find the piece of paper in the shit hole. 4) All I was wearing were a pair of boxers and a flowery dressing gown. And it was getting uncomfotable keeping my arm crossed to hide my lack of chest.
"Um... Will you give me a second Frank? I'll just put some proper clothes on and then you can come down." So I managed to mention that the basement I was luring him into was possibly my room without sounding like a creeper. Now all I had to do was find the damn autograph. I quickly ran down the stairs, tripping on the way down because I still hadn't uncrossed my arms from my chest, and into my room.
Right, get rid of all guyish stuff first. All stray boxers were shoved in my wardrobe. Make it look more... girlish? I took all the makeup I owned and struned it across my desk. Hopefully it looked like a dressing table. I took some of my girls clothes and draped them over chairs aswell. Quickly pulled on the clothes I was planning to wear and called Frank down.

Frank POV
"FRANK! YOU CAN COME DOWN NOW!" I slowly made my way down the stairs. I wasn't sure what to expect, I was assuming a bedroom... Holy shit what if whe WAS inviting me into her bedroom? I was making a stupidly big deal about it.
Her room was nothing like I'd exptected. It was a hell of a lot cooler. It was a complete shit hole, but that's part of what made it awsome. She had posters alll over her walls, much like Mikeys room, but many more of them. They covered every wall and even the ceiling. She had CDs and comics all over floor like Mikey too. Basically, her room was just like Mikeys, but on a bigger scale. She was bent over the side of her messy bed, so all I could see were her legs sticking up in the air. She was now wearing a pair of shorts and some fish net tights, and when she sat back up, I could see she was wearing a poofy black blouse. She looked stunning.
"Shit, I can't find it ANYWHERE. Where the fuck is it?!" She gave a big huff, "I give up."
"Never mind," I smiled, I really wanted to see it, but I was happy just to sit here with Gee. I wonder what that was short for anyways,
"What is Gee short for?" She suddenly looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
She stuttered, "Um... It's short for... uh... Gemma! Yeah, it's short for Gemma."
I have no clue what that was about, but Gemma was a pretty name.
"Your name's really pretty you know."
She blushed a lovely shade of pink and smiled, "I'm glad you like it"
Wait, was that flirting?! Who was I kidding, she was way out of my league.
"So how old are you, Gee?"
"I'm in art school, I write comics." She told me. Well Mikey deffinetly didn't mention that!
"Wow, that's so cool! What are you working on at the moment?"
"Well, I'm working on this project called 'The Umbrella Academy'..." And so the conversation went on. It slowly drifted from our favorite comics to our favorite movies to our favorite bands. I really didn't think we would have that much in common, but we got along really well. Even so, I didn't expect the conversation to end the way it did.
"So... My friends band has got a gig on Saturday, want to go?" she asked shyly,
"Uh, yeah. Sure!" Holy shit, did she just ask me out?! I wasn't going to get my hopes up, but I really hoped it was.
"Great! Pick me up at eight, and I'll show you where it is. It's only round the corner."
"Awsome, but I really need to get going now, it's getting kinda late." I hadn't seen the time, we'd been talking for hours. She walked me up the stairs to the front door to say goodbye.
"Well I'll see you on Saturday then, don't forget!" and gave me a peck on the cheek. SHE KISSED ME. ON THE CHEEK. My brain went to mush as I stumbled through the door and she giggle at me. She was so cute! I said goodbye again and headed home. I really couldn't wait for Saturday.
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Pretty long chapter O.o well, for me it is. Sorry if anyone doesn't like the word mum. No matter how many times I read this through I still find more mistakes. I give up! Hope peoples like :3