Status: Active

'Till the End

Too Late Ta 'Pologize


I was enraged; literally shaking in anger as flung opened the door of the men's guesthouse.

"Where's Nason?" I asked barging in.

"Morning to you too, Ronnie." Eric grogged as he dragged himself out of kitchen.

"Answer my question!"

"Hey tone it down. I have a killer headache and a massive hangover!" Jeff groaned from the couch.

"Has anyone seen Nason this morning?"

No one answered.

"I don't believe so. Not since the party" Brian finally spoke up. I started to leave "What's wrong?" He asked.

Where to began on my list of problems?

Anyways, I didn't answer Brian's question. I stepped in to the main house. I probably should have knocked but the place was the exact opposite from the last time I was in there. The kitchen over flowed with cooks preparing meals for today's events. Just outside the white chapel was being constructed. Chairs, flowers and other decorum were being put in place.

I found Nason sitting on the couch. A servant handing him some pills and orange juice.

"We need to talk."

"Oh hey Ron-"

"Now!" I left knowing he would follow. When outside I turned around. Nason looked really confused. I punched him in face and I didn't care who saw.

"You sick piece of shit!" I yelled.

"What the hell was that for!?" Nason shouted tumbling backwards holding his left cheek.

I ignored his question."How could you fucking sleep with your cousin!?"


"You heard me, how the fuck could you something like that? It's on so many levels of wrong!"

"How'd did you-"

"You told me yourself last night before you passed out."

"I'm sorry you had to find this out this way. But I have to tell you to was a long time ago" Nason told me but I honestly was hardly listening as a paced. I decided to just walk away before I did something I'd regret.

I walked past the workers and servants scurrying about probably to do last minute shit until I had reach the end of the dock.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" I asked myself as I looked over the stagnant lake. Olivia. I closed my eyes and I vividly recollected her face right before I left. Her pink flush checks stained with tears. It was so clear to me. Her wild bedhead curly hair. I smiled slightly to myself, I had also thought she was adorable just waking up. I called her a incest whore... my insides felt cold from the memory I probably shouldn't have said that. but besides that, how could she do this to me!? I know we technically weren't together but still "I still love her" I whispered to myself.


I punched Nason and called him a sick fuck I wished I could have handled that a lot differently. But what's done is done. I ran my fingers through my somewhat tangled hair.

"Ronnie?" An all to familiar female voice said my name.

"What do you want, Rue?" I turned around to find Olivia's most annoying friend. You know, the one that looks creepily almost identical to her? Yeah, I don't like her.

"It's Oli!" She exclaimed in her annoying loud voice. But this time it was slightly different. She seemed frantic.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Oli's gone. She ran away!"
♠ ♠ ♠
...sorry, this isn't the best chapter & it's kinda short but I haven't been feeling that great these last few weeks and I'm not doing particularly any better.  I just really wanted to post something real quick to give you guys a heads up. It's  not that I'm sick or anything but I'm dealing with a lot of stress and some depression. Idk, when I'll update again. Maybe when I feel better?

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