Horse Sense

Chapter Six- One Step At A Time

Chapter Six- One Step At A Time

"What did you two even get spooked just now?" I asked.
"The door, the wind it slammed it"
I left Anna there with Colonel in his stall, to check the door, hoping she wouldn't freak out. Even from the door I kept an eye on her with him. Colonel was the most calmest horse we had here I wasn’t stupid enough to let her be in a stall with Princess. I cared way too much for Anna. After I checked on the door and secured it right I slowly made my way back to Anna and Colonel. Noticing that Anna was petting his mane, calmly.
"You wouldn't hurt me would you, Colonel. Cause you know Daddy would be mad if you hurt his babygirl" Anna chuckled, Colonel snorted and Anna screamed, causing Colonel to jerk back. I ran back in and pulled Anna back.
"I'm okay... I-I'm fine." she said with her eyes closed. Her hands rose up to Colonel's head, she left her hands on him, started to take deep breaths. I stepped back, and let her be. She seemed to be calm with Colonel, I went back to feeding. Mr. Chee came in looking for Anna.
"Where is Anna?" he asked.
"She's with Colonel, but I would just leave her. She's calming down. She needs too."
"Alright, well she needs to come in soon."
"Actually sir, I was wondering if Anna could stay with me tonight?"
Mr. Chee was okay with me and Anna being together, but not the Misses. She didn't like me much, really not sure why. Wasn't my problem.
"I guess so, its up to her."
"Alright, thanks Mr. Chee"
"One of these days son, you're gonna have to call me 'Dad'" he said with a smile.
"I know, but for now I'm going to stick with Sir."
"Alright" he patted my back, and went back inside. I got done feeding, Anna was still with Colonel. She seemed to be doing better, Colonel is one of the horses that James uses with kids.
I realized that it was really quiet, I walked over to Colonel's stall, to find Colonel laying down, and Anna asleep on him, I couldn't help but smile.
"Hey Colonel, thanks for taking care of her." I said as I pet him. then picked up Anna. Took her back to my house, laid her down on my bed, and went to close up the barn. I couldn't leave it wide open, once I got it closed, I went back to the house. Anna was still asleep. I texted James before I went to shower, told him that he needs to come over tomorrow. When I got out of the shower, Anna was awake.

I don't remember being in Logan's room, but here I am. I changed to one of his shirts, thankfully, his little house was nice and warm. I sat in his bed, looking at my ankle and wrist. Going over everything in my head, I was so deep in thought, I didn't even noticed Logan when he got out of the shower. He sat by me, "Hey beautiful" he kissed my cheek.
"You alright?"
"Just thinking... ankle kind of hurts."
"Lemme see it"
I lifted my leg to where it sat on Logan's lap. Carefully, taking off the brace, I was trying not to wince. Logan finally got it off all the way, I covered my eyes, I didn't want to see how bad it was.
"Holy shit." Logan said.
With my eyes still covered, "Is it bad?"
"Yeah, pretty bad" Logan slowly put on foot up, got some ice, and placed it on my overly swollen ankle.
"Feel any better?"
"Not really. Its starting to throb really bad"
Logan got up and got me some Ibuprofen, "take that, it will help with your swelling. I'll keep an eye on you.So go to sleep, alright?"
I took the pills, "thanks babe. I love you"
"I love you more" he said, leaning over and kissed me sweetly, "Get some rest"
I love Logan, he always knows how to make me feel secure even in the worst environment. Now because of my ankle, I really couldn't do much. I could wrap my ankle and go on with everyday chores but Daddy wouldn't allow it. Mom, well she'd just tell me 'its okay, it'll be gone by the time you marry'. It was either suck it up and do the work, make Daddy mad at me or not do anything and have Mom mad at me. Its never a win-win.