Forest of Tempenga

Day 1 : The Preparations

We find, deep in a slumber, the Princess of the Xia: Miradita.
Miradita's resting her gentle head on a large rock covered in a soft lime green moss.

My eyes fluttered open after hearing a noise I wasn't familiar with.
It just turned out to be the Servant Boy wheeling a wheel barrel.
The Sun glistens down on Tempenga, heating the workers and making the plants grow and reflecting off the dew.
I arise from my moss bed and go on a search to find King Empoli and Queen Mystik. Otherwise known to me as Father and Mother.

While walking down to the riverbank to refresh myself, I find the King and Queen discussing battle tactics with our female knight of our sea and lake area, Seaen.
Seaen notices me instantly, "Princess Miradita, be blessed." She curtsied and I placed my hand on the top of her head, "Seaen, my water knight, may you also be blessed." She then stood upright again and smiled nervously,
Seaen: "The King and Queen and I have been discussing the water battle tactics against the Klan in the next couple days."
Me: "Ahh, yes. Mother, Father, have you also discussed the tactics with my land knight, Keserin?"
King Empoli: "No not yet darling, we were just about to, would you like to join us on the walk, Daughter? You are also welcome to join us Seaen."
Seaen: "I would be honored, Your Majesty." She bowed her head in respect.
Me: "I will join all three of you in a short timespan, I need to refresh myself in the river first."
King Empoli: "Fair enough, come along Seaen, you too Wife," slowly walking down the riverbank with Mother following close behind. I could see they both carried freshly carved and sharpened daggers, for protection.
Seaen: "This is the coldest water we've had for a while, I will heat the waterfall for you if it's too cold, Princess."
I slowly dipped my foot in the water, and the coldness ran shivers up my spine.
Me: "Why is the water so cold, Seaen?"
Seaen: "It's been getting colder and colder ever since Klan has called war on Tempenga. It's their cold and evil hearts mixed with the people's sad and brokenhearted spirits of the slight possibility of losing our home, again..."
Me: "Silence, my Knight! We shall not be losing this war, especially to the Klan, I will not let this happen to my people and my territory. Now please, no more of this negative chatter, please, may you heat the waterfall for me."
Seaen: "My apologies, Princess. And yes, right away." Seaen then cupped a handful of water into her delicate white hand and blew on it. Once she blew on the water, steam starting forming over the water, she then tossed the handful of water into the waterfall, and the fall started steaming and warming the water to the perfect temperature.
Me: "Perfection, Seaen. Like always. This is why you are water knight."
Seaen blushed and properly excused herself to catch up to the King and Queen.

I disrobed from my sleeping garments, revealing my born royalty tattoos covering a large portion of my body, and ran behind the waterfall for privacy. Only royalty was allowed to be behind the waterfall, for our privacy sake. Inside a jeweled cave behind the fall, I kept my wardrobe, my Princess gowns and necessary garments to wear. Since the attack plan from the Klan, everyone in Tempenga has been told to wear their warrior armor, for protection and safety. I grabbed my warrior clothing and laid it on a rock and I quickly jumped into the water, warmed to perfection. I bathed myself and cleaned my sleeping garments in the water. I swam around for a while, enjoying being with myself when I noticed something peculiar in the mountain rocks. I saw...smoke! Smoke up in the mountain rocks? I swam out a little farther away, to see if there was a worker up in the rocks or if something naturally caught fire. When I went farther, I saw a white cloth trying to put out a fire, it was shaking vigorously over what seemed to be a campfire, putting it out and making the smoke rise higher and higher. I could not see the hands shaking the white cloth but suddenly both the smoke and cloth disappeared. I stared up for a while to see if a person or something would come out and reveal itself.
Yet, nothing appeared.
I jumped out of the water and quickly dried off and placed on my warrior garment. I braided my long blonde hair and decided to check out what was going on in the mountain side. I ran out from behind the waterfall and made sure no one was there to see me go on the side of the mountain.
I decide to find out this for myself, handy with my newly sharpened weaponry, I scaled the side of the mountain, heading toward the smokey area.