Chelsea Dagger


“See you later,” Patrick Kane said goodbye to Jonathan Toews. He started to get off Toews’ coach and place the x-box controller he had been holding on the coffee table in front of him. Toews barely even acknowledged the other hockey player.

“Where are you going? Come on man, one more game.” Toews waved his own controller in the air to emphasize his plea.

“I told you I couldn’t stay long. I have to pick Chelsea up from the airport,” Patrick said for what seemed like the hundredth time. Jonathan refused to believe that this girl actually existed.

“Who is this Chelsea girl who has you so whipped anyways?” Toews questioned.

“First off I’m not whipped,” Patrick said pointing a finger at his friend. “Second Chelsea isn’t just some girl she’s my best friend from back home.”

“I thought I was your best friend,” Toews joked.

“No, your not. So now that we have that all sorted out I’m going.”

“Whipped,” Toews called out as Patrick was reaching towards the door. Pausing only momentarily to flip off Toews and then kept walking.

It was just a short drive for Patrick to get to the airport and soon he was scanning the crowd for the petite brunette. The second he saw her a smile broke onto his face before he could stop it.

“Chelsea King,” he called out.

“Patrick,” Chelsea called out. She quickly dropped her bags and the second she did Patrick had her in a hug. “It’s so good to see you my little scumbag.”

“You know you’re the only person who could get away with calling me that,” he laughed.

“I hope so. I would hate to think that you share what we share with anyone else. Since I know you share almost everything else,” she said with a knowing smirk.

“I’ve missed you Chels,” Patrick told the girl before picking up her bags.

“Not as much as I missed you Pat.” Patrick led his friend to his car. Once she was settled she fished through her carry on for instructions to the hotel she planned on staying at.

“I hope you’re not looking for directions to a hotel right now,” Patrick said.

“And why would that be?” She raised an eyebrow while turning her head to look at her friend.

“I went ahead and cancelled the reservation you made,” he told her as a matter of fact.

“How and why did you do that?” Her eyebrows knitted together making her confusion clear on her face. The glance Patrick stole at the girl made him smile. It was brief though. Shortly after the smile appeared it turned into a smirk.

“Being me has its advantages and there is no way you’re going to be living in some hotel when I have an extra room. You’re staying with me.” His statement was more of an order and the finality in his voice told her not to argue.

“Thank you so much Patrick, but it’s only until I can find a place of my own.” She didn’t want to take advantage of him, but he was offering her a place to stay.

“Don’t worry about it, Chels. You can stay as long as you like. Let me take care of you for a little while.” Chelsea and Patrick had been extremely close throughout high school. Almost everywhere one of them went the other was soon to follow. They where Kane and King the inseparable duo and there couldn’t be one without the other. Back then their friendship involved a lot of Chelsea covering for Patrick, and more than once she saved his ass. She had missed him like crazy while she was at college. He wouldn’t admit it but after a long day or a tough game he would give anything to have Chelsea by his side.

“Thanks again Pat this means a lot.” She reached over and touched his leg in a friendly and flirty gesture as the city of Chicago went by in a blur.

“Really Chels, don’t worry about it. It’s just a ploy to get you to spend all your free time with me anyways,” he said with another smirk firmly in place on his face.

“You don’t need a ploy for that. You Know I love spending time with you,” she smiled at him while his eyes stayed on the road.

“Good I was afraid you would out grow me or something.” He played it off as a joke but there had been the tiniest trace of actual concern in his statement.

“Pat, that would never happen. You’re part of my life you have been since middle school there is no way you can get rid of me now, no matter how hard you try.” She honestly believed those words Patrick was one of the most important people in Chelsea’s life at this point and he had been for a while. The second she found out she had gotten the job in Chicago she called him. He could barely under stand her, because she was excited and talking a mile a minute. When she calmed down she was able to tell him only resulting in a similar reaction from the boy.

‘That’s what I like to hear,” he said with a cocky smile on his face. He shifted the car into park in front of an apartment building. “Well home sweet home.”

“I can’t say thank you enough for this,” she gushed, but he just shrugged it off again.

“Stop it this is what friends are for and you are my best friend,” he told the girl while wrapping his arm around her. She leaned into his touch enjoying the moment after being away from him for song long.
“Since I’m your best friend maybe you should help me with my bags seeing as you’re the big strong hockey player,” she sighed enjoying being around him.

“Don’t you forget it.” He took his arm away from around the girl and flexed his arm before picking up one of her bags.

He brought her up to his apartment and pointed in the direction of the room where she would be staying. She was surprised when she walked in. The walls were painted a lavender color that contrasted against the sleek black furniture that was placed in it.

“Do you like it?” Patrick asked coming up behind the girl who was frozen in the doorway.

“I love it, Pat, but you didn’t have to put this much work into it. I don’t want to bother you for long as soon as I can find an affordable place I’ll be out of your hair,” she told him.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Chelsea. You can stay here as long as you want. In fact I would love it if you stayed here permanently,” he continued on sheepishly. He wanted her to stay with him but he wasn’t sure if she would want to.

“Honestly Pat I don’t want to cause you trouble or cramp your style,” she protested.

“I don’t know how many ways to say this but you would never cause me trouble. I want to help you out and let you stay here. Please just humor me.”

“Fine,” she gave in and dropped her bag in the room before attacking Patrick into a hug. “Thank you so much, Pat.” He dropped the bag he had been carrying for her and hugged the girl back.

“How about we go celebrate now?” he asked once the girl had backed away from his body ending their hug.

“That sound perfect,” Chelsea responded with a smile. Patrick led her back out of her room and into the living room. He motioned to the couch indicating that she should sit before disappearing into what Chelsea assumed was the kitchen. Her instincts seemed to be correct when he walked back into the living room joining her with a bottle of champagne in one hand and two champagne flutes in the other.

“Oh champagne, that’s so classy. It looks like you might have changed after all,” she teased.

“I doubt that, I’m still the same Patrick.” He shrugged pausing for a minute and sitting down next to her before adding an explanation. “But this is a special occasion after all.” There wasn’t a further explanation needed as Patrick poured out two glasses of the champagne. Chelsea took her glass and was about to take a drink when Patrick stopped her.

“Hey not yet,” he scolded while gently guiding her gall back down. “This calls for a toast.”

“Well, this is certainly different. Usually it’s drink first talk later with you,” she observed. “What are we toasting tonight?” She quirked her eyebrow giving Patrick a look that temporarily made him forget what he had wanted to say.

“Us,” he said raising his glass. “We both made it out of Buffalo and you’re still here with me after all these years you’ve stuck around. So thanks.”

“I’ll drink to that.” She smiled as the two of them brought their glasses together causing a satisfying clink before both glasses were drained. Chelsea’s eyes focused on the empty glasses. “You’re right some things never change.” With a laugh and a shake of his head Patrick refilled the glasses.

“I can’t say this enough, I missed you Chelsea,” he told her again looking right into her eyes.

“You say that now but just give it a few weeks and you’ll be sick of me.”

“I would never–and I’ll repeat that–never get sick of you. You, Chelsea King will always be my best friend no matter what. I just want you to know that,” he said while sitting his champagne flute on the coffee table in front of them.

Before she could open her mouth to respond his hand gently brushed her cheek. It wouldn’t be the first time the two of them had crossed this line, the line between friends and friends with benefits. They were back in familiar territory when Patrick placed his lips firmly against Chelsea’s lips. She reveled in this feeling that she haven’t felt in years. Suddenly her mind was void of all thoughts that didn’t involve Patrick Kane. It wasn’t until the sound of broken glass caused her to pull away.

“Oh my God. I’m so sorry, Pat,” she said. The realization that in her rush to get her hands on Patrick she had dropped her glass caused some color to rise on her cheeks. Patrick just laughed at the broken glass and spilled champagne on his previously clean carpet.

“Don’t worry I’ll clean it up tomorrow,” he informed her holding back a laugh at their current situation. “But right now nothing is getting in the way of me welcoming you to Chicago.” He quickly stood up easily scooping Chelsea up into his arms catching her by surprise.

“What are you doing?” She couldn’t help but giggle at his antics.

“I wouldn’t want you to hurt your feet by stepping on glass. Blood would ruin your first night living with me and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?” he purposed hypothetically.

“That’s the opposite of what we would want,” she agreed while Patrick carried her into his bedroom.
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New story! What do you think? Let me know if it's worth continuing, I mean I'll probably continue it anyways but the next update will be sooner with a little feedback. So until next time subscribe, comment and stay awesome.