Status: Active as long as you want it to be.

Save You Tonight


"I love you, Ariana." Dad said for the 40th time.

"I love you too, Daddy." I said, trying not to cry.

"I'll see you again, I promise. You just have to remember, you cannot tell anybody your real identity! Only Louis knows." He reminded me.

"I know, I know." I said. He hugged me.

"Tom? We're about to leave." A voice with a british accent said. A tear streamed down my face. My dad hugged me.

"I love you." He said, once again.

"I love you too."

"Audrina, you okay?" Louis asked me. I looked up, still trying to get used to that name.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said slowly. He gave me a light smile.

"Don't be shy to say if you need something."

"I won't. And thank you, again. My dad appreciates it, and I sure appreciate it."

"Stop thanking me. It is the least I can do. You're my friend and your safety is all that matters." I hugged him.

"Louis, Audrina, it's time to get on the plane." Niall said, his Irish accent standing out from the crowd. Me and Louis stood up and followed him and the 3 other boys onto the airplane to Los Angeles, California.

You are probably all extremley confused, and I'm sorry. This isn't the most simple story ever. It's kind of complicated.

My name is Ariana Grace Mathews. I am 18 years old. And I obviously do not have the most normal life.

My father is a spy. No, I'm not joking. He is a legit spy. A week ago, his nemises Thor threatned to kidnap and kill me if my father didn't give him the key to some sort of labratory. The labratory contained many things, including a chemical capable of knocking out the entire human race. He gave my father a week to give up the key.

That was just enough time for my father to form a plan. He dyed my blond hair dark brown and arranged a deal with his best mate, Mark. Mark's step son, Louis, was in the famous boy band called One Direction.

He arranged for me to accompany them on their USA tour so Thor couldn't find me.

I was also required to use a fake name. So I was now Audrina Tomlinson.

I shivered, thinking about all this chaos on my life. Louis gave me a reasurring smile as we got onto the plane and took our seats.

I've known Louis since..I don't remember when. We were never best friends, but we were close.

His band mates, Niall, Harry, Zayn, and Liam were nice enough. They didn't know my true identity. Nobody did. They all thought I was Louis' cousin who was just coming to spend time with him.

I was seated between Louis and Liam, and the others were seated facing us.

"Excited to be coming to America, Audrina?" Niall asked. I forced a smile.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to go."

"You're going to love it." Harry assured me. Doubt it. It's hard to enjoy something if you're in fear you're going to be discovered and killed by british outlaws.

Louis thankfully changed the subject to a girl he's been texting for the past few weeks, Eleanor. Harry apparently introduced them, and Louis took a quick liking to her.

I listened to Louis go on and I leaned back in my seat.

I missed my father. Me and him were always close. My mom died when I was 6, so he was pretty much all I had. I hated the fact I couldn't talk to him till this all blew over. It could take weeks, months, heck even years.

"Are you okay, Audrina? You look as if you're about to cry." Zayn said, giving me a worried look.

"I'm fine...just PMSing." I lied quickly. Louis chuckled and Zayn's eyes widened.

"Oh...alright." I couldn't help but giggle.

"I think we're about to take off. We should put our seatbelts on." Liam said. I buckled up and leaned back again.

Here we go.
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Another new story! This idea came to me suddenly, and I wrote this out. I hope it's good!
Let me know if it's worth continuing :D