Status: Active as long as you want it to be.

Save You Tonight


This is the tour bus, guys." Paul, the boy's manager, said as we entered the huge vehicle.

"Nice." Liam said.

"Audrina, I'm sorry, but since we found out you were coming on such short notice we didn't have time to get get you better sleeping arangments, so you will have to share a bed with Louis. We figured since you were cousins, it wouldn't be a big deal." He told me. I forced a smile.

"That's fine. We had sleepovers all the time as kids." I lied. Paul smiled.

"Great. Well, all your luggage is in the room. I'll let you all get settled. I'll be on the bus behind you." He said, and he exited.

They all began to walk to the back of the bus and I followed. We entered the room with 2 sets of bunk beds and one single bed.

"Louis and Audrina can share the single bed, since it's bigger than the bunks." Zayn said. All the boys seemed to agree, and began to argue over the top bunks.

"You okay, squirt?" Louis whipsered to me. Him and Mark always called me Squirt for some reason. I never knew why, but it somehow fit me.

"Yeah. Just..on edge I suppose."

"You're safe. Relax." I nodded and we focused back on the other boys. Harry and Liam won the top bunks.

I spotted all our luggage in the corner and I pulled my suitcases near my bed.

"We have about a hour before the bus starts going. Let's go to the supermarket down the road and get snacks." Niall suggested. All the boys agreed.

"Lou, Audrina, you guys coming?" Harry asked. I shook my head.

"I'm gonna stay." I said.

"I'm gonna stay with her. I don't want her to be alone." Louis said. Harry nodded and walked out. We heard the bus door close and I turned to him.

"I'm sorry I'm holding you back from doing things with your friends."

"Ariana, stop that. You were my friend before them, I'm protecting you." Louis was always a immature, comical guy. It was strange seeing him so serious lately. I sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just...I don't know." I said, sitting on the bed. Louis reached into one of his bags and pulled out a iPhone box.

"Here, I got you a new phone so you can always be in contact with me and the boys..just in case." I took it.

"Thank you, Louis. Really." I said, hugging him tight.

"Always, Squirt." We let go and I stared down at the phone, so tempted to dial my father's number.

"Do you think I'll ever see my dad again?" Louis sighed.

"I don't know. I certainly hope so. I know he's all you have."

"Okay, new subject. I'm about to cry." I said. He stood up.

"Let's go in the living room wait for the guys." I nodded, and followed him out. I sat on the sofa and he joined me. I began to play with my new phone. I downloaded Temple Run and played it. That game always had a way of taking my mind off of things.

"We're back!" Niall's voice rang through the bus, breaking my attention off my game.

In walked Niall, Harry, Zayn, and Liam holding each at least 3 bags full of food.

"Damn." I mumbled. That was a lot of food. Zayn laughed.

"Don't be too shocked. With Niall's appetite this will be gone withen a day." I laughed.

"Well then it's a good thing I'm not a heavy eater."

We saved the grocieries, and sat down. Niall, Louis, and I were on the sofa while Liam, Harry, and Zayn were sitting at the table nearby.

"So, Audrina, do you have a boyfriend?" Niall asked.

"No, no boyfriend." The question took me as a surprise.

"You're gorgeous, how could you not have a boyfriend?" Zayn asked. I shrugged.

"No boyfriend, no problem." Which was a lie. I had problems with or without a boyfriend, as you can see. Harry chuckled.

"Not all guys are the same, love. Trust me. You just obviously had assholes in the past."

I read in magazines that Harry was a flirt and a player, so I didn't take him seriously. I wasn't worried about guys right now anyways. But I had to act like I did, I guess.

"Thank you, Harry."

We sat around the rest of the day and night, and we all chatted. I made up lies all night. I hope I remembered all these facts I made about myself.

Apparently, Audrina Tomlinson was a Libra who had a younger brother, a mother who was a chef, and a father who owned a record shop. She also went to a private school and had 3 dogs.

At around 10:30 that night we all realized we were tired. I grabbed some sweatpants and a t-shirt from my bag and went change in the restroom. I entered the room to see all the boys besides Harry in the beds already. Harry apparently was waiting to use the loo.

I crawled into me and Louis' bed and pretended to not feel completley awkward. The boys thought me and Louis were cousins who had sleepovers millons of times before.

"I'm not gonna bite." Louis whispered. I chuckled, and scooted closer to him due to the coldness of the room.

Harry re-entered the room and turned the lights off.

"Goodnight, Squirt." Louis mumbled.

"Goodnight, Lou." I whispered back as I drifted off to sleep.

3:00 A.M.
Louis' Point Of View

"No. No." Ariana mumbled in her sleep. I slowly opened my eye. My vision was blurry with sleep.

"No." She said, louder. I blinked a few times.

"NO! PLEASE NO! STOP! PLEASE!" She was suddenly screaming and tossing and turning. I was awake now. I quickly jumped up and began to shake her.

"A, wake up" I exclaimed. Someone turned on the light.

"Is she alright?" Zayn asked, worry in his voice.

"She's having a nightmare, I believe." I heard Liam say.

"Wake up, A." I said, still shaking her. Tears were streaming down her face as she opened her eyes.

"Louis." Her voice cracked. I hugged her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I had a dream about..." Her voice trailed off and I knew it had something to do with her father and Thor. She began to cry harder into my shoulder.

"Sh, it's okay. It was just a terrible dream." I said. I saw all the boys were up now, looking at us worridly.

"Let's go back to sleep. Liam, turn the light off." Audrina said suddenly. Liam flickered the light off and we all layed back down.

I will keep Ariana safe. No matter what.
♠ ♠ ♠
No, there will be no romance between Louis and Ariana, if you are wondering.
Anyways, hope yall like it! Let me know if it's good!
Happy fourth!