Status: Active as long as you want it to be.

Save You Tonight


I opened my eyes slowly and blinked in the darkness. Louis was beside me, snoring softly. I could see that the others were also still sleeping. I quietly pulled out my flat iron and a outfit for the day, and I tip-toed to the bathroom.

By the time I was dressed and ready, the boys were in the living room, dressed as well.

"Good morning, Audrina." Liam said. I smiled.

"Good morning."

"If you don't mind me asking, what was that dream about last night? It seemed pretty...horrific." Zayn asked me. I had mentally prepared myself for this question while I was getting dressed."

"Ever since I was a little girl I've been terrified of zombies, and every once in a while I have one of those zombie apocolypse dreams. They scare the living hell out of me. Sorry I woke you guys up, I couldn't really control it."

"It's alright. We all have those types of dreams every once in a while." Niall said. Suddenly, Paul walked in.

"Good, you are all dressed. We're at the venue for you guys to practice and do a sound check. It's a private one, so there's no fans. The quicker we do this, the more relaxing time you will have before the concert tonight." He said. We walked off the bus into the venue.

"Audrina, you can sit anywhere in the audience and watch until we're done." Louis said. I nodded, and took a seat in the 3rd row.

The boys began to practice and I must say, they are good. I kept up with them during X Factor and rooted for them since I had known Louis pretty much all my life, but when they hit stardom I kind of forgot to keep up. They had gotten way better.

Harry had the most amazing voice, in my opinon. They were all incrediable, but something about Harry made me like his more.

Louis and Niall didn't have many solos, and that bugged me. I used to catch Louis singing every once in a while when we were younger, and it amazed me. It would always make me wish I could sing.

Niall was also very talented. Why didn't they have more solos? They were just as amazing as Harry, Liam, and Zayn. It pissed me off.

They began to sing a song, I believe it's called More Than This. They each had a solo in it, so it automatically became my favorite. Plus, it was a great song. I reminded myself to download it onto my phone later.

I began to get bored, so I allowed myself to get lost in the world of Temple Run.

"Are we that horrible that you have to resort to playing games on your phone to distract yourself?" A voice asked. I discovered that it belonged to Harry. I blushed.

"No, you guys are incrediable. I just don't really like sitting in one place for long with nothing to do."

"I was just kidding. And that must run in the family. Louis has the same problem." I forced a chuckle.

"You have an amazing voice, by the way. Well, you all do."

"Thank you." He said, flashing me a smile. His dimples were cute.

Stop it, Ariana. Don't you dare form a crush on him. He dosen't even know the real you.

"So, is this sound check thingy almost over?"

"Just about it. We're taking a break right now, then I think we only have 2 songs left."

"Alright, sounds reasonable." He began to stare at me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked.

"No.. you're just extremley beautiful. It's breath taking." I blushed deeply.

"Thank you, Harry. That's very sweet." He opened his mouth to say something, but he was interuppted.


"I better get back." He said. I nodded, and he slowly walked away.

Harry was really cute, and seemed sweet enough... but I couldn't let myself get close to him. He thinks I'm Audrina Tomlinson, not Ariana Mathews. He dosen't know the real me, and I can't allow him to know the real me unless I tell him what's going on with my father, and he cannot know what's going on with my father.

I'm simply just going to have to ignore Harry Styles at all cost.

Shouldn't be hard....right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Isn't the best, but I felt the need to update. Sorry it's not spectacular like I keep promising.
Did you all have a good fourth of July? Hope so!