Status: Active as long as you want it to be.

Save You Tonight


I sat in their dressing room that night at the concert, waiting for it to be over.

I could hear the screams of fan girls loud and clear, and I could faintly hear the boys singing. Those fans sure were crazy. I shook my head.

Finally, they busted in the doorway, sweaty and smiling.

"Hey Audrina!" Niall exclaimed. I smiled.

"Hey. How was the show?"

"Awesome." He said. His grin was contagious. You had to smile around Niall, even if you were mad.

"I'm starving." Zayn mumbled, ploping down on the sofa next to me.

"Me too. Where's Paul?" Niall asked, poking his head out the door and looking in the hallway.

"He went to get us some fast food. McDonalds, I believe." Louis said.

Right as Louis sat down on the other side of me, Paul walked in carrying 2 Mcdonalds bags.

"Alright. I got cheeseburgers for Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn. Audrina, Lou told me you like chicken nuggets so here. And Niall, 20 piece nugget and a cheeseburger."

"Thank you, Paul." I said, taking my food.

We ate our food, and then headed to the hotel we were spending the night at.

"Niall and Zayn, you two are sharing a room. Liam, Louis, and Harry will share another, and Audrina gets her own." Paul said, passing out keys. Lou looked worried.

"A, if you have another nightmare, feel free to come to our room. In fact, take my key." He said, holding it out to me. I smiled softly.

"I'll be fine, Lou."

"Just take it. I'll feel much better knowing you at least have it." I sighed and took it.

"Thanks for looking out for me, Lou." I whispered so only he would hear it. He smiled.

"Of course."

My room was nice. It had a TV, a bed, and a bathroom. Good enough for me. I took a long, hot shower, which was much needed, and climbed into my bed.

I really wanted to talk to my dad. Or at least know he was okay, alive, and breathing.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. Must be Louis. I sighed as I walked over and opened it.

"Louis, I'm gonna be fine. Stop worr- Oh. Hello, Harry." I said when I saw it was him and not Lou. He smiled lightly.

"Hey, Audrina. Were you asleep?"

"No, I actually just got into bed." I said, crossing my arms awkwardly. I had been doing a good job of avoiding Harry so far. I didn't think he'd come to my room.

"Oh. Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. And like Lou said, come to our room if you have another nightmare. I'm glad he gave you a key." I tried not to meet his eyes.

"I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." There was a long, awkward pause. He was staring at me, and I was staring at my feet.

"Well, goodnight. See you tomorrow." He mumbled.

"Goodnight, Harry." I said. He slowly walked away and I closed the door.

This is gonna be harder than I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little update. Been busy.
Anyone wanna co-write this story with me? :)
& also....I said there would be nothing between Ariana and Louis... but should there be? Like a love triangle between Harry and Lou? What do you guys think? <3