Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

When It All Begins

Alana's POV

“Are you sure about this?” I asked my best friend quietly.
“Yeah I have to do this” She said as she looked out the window at her house, furrowing her brows. It seemed as if she was saying goodbye to the place.
"But, what about Alex? what about your family? my family?," i asked staring at her
"I cant stay, Alana" she replied, staring at me with her big sad puppy eyes.

“For how long? When are we coming back?” I asked her after a while
“I'm not” She said finally “You can come back anytime, though”
“Look” she cut me off “you were the one who said you wanted to come with me, if you wanna stay here, stay”
“I want to go; I just” I paused staring at her “I need to know that you know you’re doing the right thing” I said and waited for her reply, but she didn’t seem like talking any time soon “I think you’re taking the wrong decision”

“Honestly, I don’t care” she replied with hurt in her eyes and I nodded silently. Stephanie is my best friends in the whole world; she and I have been inseparable since we were both 8. We’ve been through everything together, and here we are, 12 years later and we’re still together. I cannot imagine my life without her, I love her to death.

Stephanie’s POV
~2 Days Later~

“Yeah” I replied
“I was wondering where would be living when we get there, so when we stopped to grab a bite, I called a real estate agent, looking for an apartment on sale”
“I arranged everything, and we’re gonna have to stop by to take a look at the place, if we like it, we just need to sign some papers and the place will be ours, if not, we'll have to stay at a hotel, and the next day they'll show us other places, what do you think?"
“Alana, that’s great, thank you, you're doing way too much for the both of us, for me”
"Don’t worry, you’re my best friend. I wanna do everything I can to make this easier for you”
“Thanks, I love you” I replied as the car zoomed past a big sign saying ‘Sacramento, California, 50 miles'.

-After living my entire life in Garden City, here I was, I had packed some of my belongings and driven all across the country to move to Sacramento, California. I know it’s a hard decision, but I just couldn’t handle the memories that Garden city held for me- I thought as the June wind flew my brown hair around my face and smiled looking at the scenery that we were passing by. I shook my head and let a soft sight out, I had just taken a life changing decision, -Should I be crying? - I thought

Have you ever had the feeling when you feel like your whole life is crashing down around you? That is what I felt back home. Garden City had once been everything I ever wanted, it held everything I cared for and everyone I’ve ever loved, my parents, my sisters, and my amazing friends. But when my life started going downhill, I knew I couldn’t handle the heartache of waking up every morning, realizing anything had changed. So here I am. Running away

1 hour later, Alana pulled up and my head snapped up in the direction of a huge 14 stories building.I soon recognized as the Capitol Towers; I smiled it looked perfect for the both of us, we stepped out of the car once Alana parked and walked towards a lady that was sitting in a bench right out the building. After all the introductions and talking were done, we followed her into the 9th floor apartment and she showed us into the place, the living, diner and kitchen were all in the same room, across a hallway there were three rooms and a bathroom in the hallway. It was quite small, yet it was perfect for just the two of us.

An hour later, we were already signing all the paper so we could keep this place.
“So, you like our new home, Allie?” I asked as the real state lady walked out the apartment
“I love it, but I’m guessing were gonna have to go shopping for house stuff” She said as she stood up "And painting" she paused looking around "Red, red and brown its going to look great dont you think?"
"Whatever you like" I said "I pick the smaller room, by the way. You can have the bigger one" she smiled at me. I smiled back and we both walked out the place, beginning with our new lives.
♠ ♠ ♠
If I owned A7X, I would not be writing this. If I even knew them, I would not be writing this. This is simply a product of the dirty little world I live in.

I got the idea for this story a reeeaaally long time ago. It's going to be extremely long, but I’ll try it not to be, and it's going to take a really long time to be finished. I might not even finish it, because I have no idea of how to end it, but I'll give it a shot.

It involves the Guys in Avenged Sevenfold. any other character will be of my own creating. This story happens around the Waking The Fallen era.
This is not a love story, this is a story about love