Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

Sometimes its better to be alone, no one can hurt you that way

Steph’s POV

“Jesus Christ! The girls are here!” Jimmy said jumping up and down as the bell rang. Making Matt, Zacky and Johnny stand up and walk to the front door. Seconds later all you could hear was a bunch of people talking and screaming.

“What going on Brian?” I asked looking at him
“Everyones girlfriends. They were on vacation, and got back today” he said looking at the floor
“Val is coming?!” I said excited but then realized something “Everyone’s?” I asked him, and my nose to crinkled in confusion and he just stared at me while he stood up. Right then Jimmy walked in with a cute girl with a bright smile to his side

“Stephanie my dear, Alana” He said as he walked towards us “I would like you to meet the love of my life, Leana” he said giving her a quick peek. Alana and I Awed. Leana let go of Jimmy and placed her arms around me
“You’re THE Stephanie?” she squealed “It’s so great to finally meet you, Steph! The guys have been talking about you nonstop” She paused “Specially this giant teddy bear over here and Mr. Haner himself” she said staring at me and pulled away “Besides, I really wanted to meet you and check if you were not imaginary” she chuckled making me laugh “Seriously, Jimmy’s been talking about you so much I thought you were not real” she blushed
“Yeah, I would think the same, if I were you” I smiled “Don’t worry, I'm pretty real”

“Yeah. You’re really pretty!” she said randomly looking me up and down “Now I get why he likes you” she said barely above a whisper but I still heard her “And you’re short!” she said excited “no more being the shortest girl! Now I have you to keep me company!” she said as 4 girls walked into the living room “You and I are gonna be best friends get it!” she said and we both laughed

“Girls, we’re having a bbq outside, make yourselves feel comfortable” Matt said walking out the back with Johnny and Zacky by his side

“See! I told you! She’s real” Jimmy said picking up Leana “Aint she cute?” he said while he put her down
“Yeah she is” Leana laughed
“Leana, I love her” Jimmy said seriously “Can we keep her?”
“what?” Alana and I said rising our eyebrows
“Can we? Can we? Can we?” he said jumping up and down
“No, hun. We cant, she’s not something you can keep with you”
“But leanaaa!, she is so tiny! i think she can fit in my pocket or even your purse if you want to take her with you! Please” he said with a lost puppy look on his face making me burst on laughing and leana just shook her head trying not to laugh
“Women this day, They don’t take anything seriously” Jimmy said walking out with his head down. Leana, Alana and I started laughing so hard we almost cried. After a few seconds we calmed down and Leana started talking to Alana.

“Steph!” a beautiful blonde appeared behind me and pulled me into her arms, just like Leana did. “

Val !” I said smiling “You’re blonde! I said looking at her “You look so hot”
“Thank you. I'm really happy I got to see you and Alana again. I heard you girls took good care of these men, back in Sacramento” she said with a genuine smile plastered on her face “I don’t know what did you do back there, because they have changed a lot, they look happier. Especially Brian, thank you” she said hugging us
“We didn’t do anything” Alana said “But we’re glad you’re happy”

“Yeah, you must have done something like, magical, it’s awesome” Leana said bouncing

“Hi, I'm Gena !” a blond haired girl said from behind Val “Zacky’s girlfriend and this is Lacey , Johnny’s girl” she said as a brunette came closer.
“I’m Stephanie” I replied smiling
“You’re Stephanie? Gosh, I’ve heard so much about you!” she said smirking “the guys talk about you all the time. And you must be Alana” she said turning to look at her and she nodded. “Jesus! I never thought there was going to be a day where we met someone who’s shorter than Johnny and Leana” she said when she stood up next to me
“Yeah, I thought the same thing when I met her” Brian said wrapping his arms around my waist “isn’t she the tiniest and cutest thing to ever walk this earth?” he said laughing
“Keep making fun of me, one day, I'm gonna grow up and you’re gonna be sorry you mocked me” I said smirking and hitting Brian in his arm.
“You’ve been saying that since we were 17” Alana said making everybody burst out laughing

“Brian what are you doing?” I heard someone say. I turned my head and saw a brunette girl standing there with her arms on her waist. I stared at her, noticing some resemblance with Val. I stared at her hair, it looked as if bleach had fallen on her head, and her face, showed annoyance “You should’ve helped me with my suitcases; instead you’re here with this bitch?” She said looking at me
“HEY!” I yelled
“Don’t call her that” Brian said calmly
“Yet You don’t let go of her! even though I'm right here!”
“I'm sorry I didn’t know it’d bother-“
“Shut the hell up bitch, no one is talking to you”
“Michelle!” Val told her
“Yeah, whatever” She said walking towards us “I missed you” she said and kissed him. I felt something crashing inside of me, as if someone had stabed me right in the middle of my chest.
“Yeah, me too” I heard Brian say lightly. He looked over his shoulder, staring at me, as if he was asking for forgiveness. Somehow his girlfriend noticed and looked at me up and down, with disgust in her face.

“who the hell are you?” she said rudely
“If you look at me like that again, your worst nightmare” I said seriously. I saw Brian open his eyes wide open, surprised. I felt all the girls staring at him, telling him to say anything to stop us from fighting
“Mich. This is my best friend, Stefi. Stefi this is my girlfriend Michelle” He said
“Oh! So this is the whore who’s been all over you?”
“whore?! You better watch you mo-” I heard Alana say as she walked closer

“So! What are we up to?!” Brian interrupted.
“I don’t know, maybe we could-” Leana replied
“Whatever we’re doing, I’m not doing anything if this whore is gonna be here”
“Sorry this whore aint going anywhere” I said smirking
“Michelle, I’m sorry but she will stay” He paused as she started leaving but he stopped her “C’mon babe, stay. Just try not to fight”
“Okay. Just cause you asked me” she smiled and gave me a quick peek. “come with me” she said grabbing Brian’s wrist and walking outside

“And that’s Michelle” Leana said behind me “she’s Brian’s girlfriend” she whispered. She just stared at me with a look of disgust and turned away and hugged Brian. I looked at Alana confused and disappointed.
“Oh” I replied quietly as Brian walked closer to her “Twins?” I said looking at Val
“Yeah, I'm the good twin though” everybody laughed “she’s the bad and bitchy one”
“Yeah I know that feeling” I said to myself

“Don’t worry Steph, she’s always like that, neither of us can stand her, only Val cause, well, she’s her sister after all” Gena said giving me a sympathy look
“Yeah, besides. She really hates you” Leana laughed
“Why? I mean, we just met” I said confused
“Yeah, but the guys, have been talking about you two girls non stop, Specially Brian. And lucky for you, we are not the jealous type, Michelle is, though”

“Burgers are done!” Matt yelled from the backyard. Val and the other girls walked outside and found their seats next to their respective boyfriends. Leaving Alana and I standing inside the house

“What is it?” Alana said looking at me
“He has a girlfriend” I sighed
“Yeah, she’s a fucking bitch and she’s ugly” she said “Val’s prettier. Look act like you don’t care, even thought you do, okay? Don’t let her get to you” she said hugging me
“Yeah, I know” I said disappointed “I just, thought that he was..” I sighed “I kinda of liked him”
“I know, but he has a girlfriend, Steph”
“I know” I sighed “I didn’t know he had such a bad taste when it came to girls, I didn’t even say anything to her when she started messing with me!” I said
“Yeah, its been a while since you acted that way” She smiled “It was almost like having the old you back” “Shut up” I said making my way out. I took an empty seat beside Leana and waited for Alana to join her with a plate with cheese, lettuce and pickles.

Within minutes everybody was eating their burgers and the table was full of everyone’s voices. Alana and I started watching them; Jimmy and Leana were cute as hell, made for each other. Zacky and Gena, I haven’t seen, in my entire life, someone look their significant other, the way Gena looks at Zacky, there is so much love in her eyes. Johnny and Lacey were in their own little world talking to each other. Val and Matt, they just seemed like a married couple, they were right for each other. Brian and Michelle, there was something wrong with them. Michelle was texting someone and Brian was eating in silence, they didn’t even look like a couple. I turned to Alana and she just stared at me confused, she was thinking the same thing I was.

“Steph, you want a beer?” Matt asked me. I nodded at him as I chewed my food and he just smiled as he stood up and walked into the house.
“There you go” he said handing me the beer
“Thank you Mattie” I smiled at him and felt someone was staring at me, I turned to see who it was and from across the table, I saw Brian staring at me, he looked at Michelle from the corner of his eyes and then at me, his eyes were silently saying sorry. I just smiled and stoop up. I walked towards him as he followed me with his eyes. Once I reached where he was sitting I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck

“I’m sorry” he said quietly
“Don’t worry, you have nothing to be sorry about” I said with a chuckle as I kissed his cheek
“Excuse me!” Michelle said putting her cell phone over the table “I'm right here”
“So?” I said glaring at her and I let go of Brian.
“Brian we’re leaving now!” she said standing up “Brian!” she said from the back door
“Yeah, wait for me in the car” he said and turned to me “I'm sorry Stefi”
“God, no. I'm sorry; I didn’t want you guys to fight. I'm really, really sorry” I said worried
“Don’t worry, it’s not your fault, she’s always like this, she is always looking for a reason to fight” she said hugging me
“Should I stay somewhere else tonight? I mean, she’s gonna freak out once she finds out I'm staying at your place”
“No. you’re staying with me and that’s it” he said kissing my forehead “I’ll see you tonight” he said and started saying goodbye to everyone and when he walked in, Matt stood up and went after him
“Awkward” Johnny said and Jimmy stood up and walked to where I was
“Smurf, don’t feel bad, Michelle and Brian are always on each other faces, they’re always fighting. What had just happened Its not your fault, that’s the way they relationship works” he paused “I don’t even know why they’re still together” he chuckled and took me under his arm and walked me to our seats
“Now we all are gonna eat and don’t let that bitch ruin this wonderful day!” he said when he sat down on his seat and started eating. Suddenly the noise level started increasing again.

“I cannot eat any fucking more” Jimmy said rubbing his stomach “I don’t think I can even drink the rest of my beer” and we all agreed, everyone began cleaning up. Once we finished, everyone began to head to their own houses,

“Guys, I should head out too” I said looking at Val.
“Want me to call a cab?” she offered but I shook my head
“No its okay, I’ll walk” I smiled, but Val face changed into a shocked one and Matt walk into the living room
“No way, its midnight, you’re not walking to Brian’s” Val said
“It’s okay, I like walking”
“Yeah, but it’s dangerous at night” Val said and turned to his boyfriend “Matt, please”
“Yeah, c’mon I'm driving you to Brian’s”
“What? No, I don’t want to bother you Matt”
“You’re not bothering, I want to drive you there” he said grabbing his car keys “I’ll be back in 15, babe” he kissed Val and headed out

“Bye Bella, you pretty little dog” I said as I caressed her tummy “Thank you Val, I’ll see you tomorrow “I smiled
“Yeah” she paused “Steph, I hope my sister doesn’t give you a hard time over there, if she does, call me, you are welcome here anytime” she said and hugged me “I'm serious, you don’t have to take all her crap just because Brian doesn’t want you to leave, anything, just call me”
“thank you, Val" I said
“You’re welcome” she said with a yawn as she walked upstairs

After a 10 minutes ride, we finally arrived at Brian’s. I was kind of scared of going in there, because Michelle would most likely flip out and hit me
“Thank you Matt, I’ll see you tomorrow”
“Don’t worry, if she does something Steph, call us. I don’t want you to have a hard time just because she’s there, okey?” he said and kissed my cheek “I’ll call you in the morning” he said and started his truck.

I walked to the front door and rang the bell, I heard screaming coming from inside and when the door opened, Michelle appeared
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” she yelled “listen to me carefully bitch, you’re not coming in. tomorrow when I'm not here, you’re gonna take your shit out of my house and go back to the rat hole you’re from!” she said and slammed the door at my face. I turned around and looked at Matt who had a shocked expression on his face and motioned me to rang again. I did and waited for Michelle to open again, but it was Brian who opened the door this time
“I'm really sorry for that, Stefi” he said as he put his arms around me. “Thanks Matt!” he yelled and waved him goodbye, so did I

We walked in silence to my room and when we reached it, we stood there in silence for several minutes before Brian sighed and walked in, closing the door after him

“Stefi, I'm really really sorry” he said with a sad look on his eyes
“Bri, don’t worry. I mean, she has every right to act like this, if I’d found out a stranger was living at my boyfriend’s place, I’d freak out too” I said smiling
“Yeah, but she crossed the line, she was so rude to you and, I'm really really sorry” he said one more time “and I'm gonna make it up to you, wait here” he said and walked out my room, 5 minutes later he came back with a box in his hands

“Stefi, I meant to give you this as a birthday present, but I don’t know, I was so caught up in the moment that I forgot to give it to you and decided to do it later” he paused “I know your birthday was 2 months ago, and I was actually looking for a present for you and saw this and totally fell for it, I know it would look good on you” he smiled “And, I want you to wear it tomorrow, cause I'm taking you to dinner. That’s as an apology for Michelle’s behavior”

“Syn, I don’t wanna cause more trouble between you and your girlfriend”
“Stefi. Don’t mind her, she will freak out, but you think I’ll care? C’mon open it” and I did
Inside the box was a black dress, I stared at it for a minute, it was kinda short, but I loved it he had good taste in girls clothes

“Stefi?” Brian said
“Brian, how much did this cost?”
“I'm not telling you”
“Bri, I want to pay this back to you,I mean-“
“I'm giving it to you, so no you wont pay me back anything” she smirked and stared at me “You liked it? If you didn’t I can always return it, I just thought it was meant for you and bought it. I hope its not too big”
“Brian, I love it. Thank you so much” I said as I jumped in his arms “Its so pretty, thank you, thank you, thank you” I said and kissed his check
“For you, anything” he laughed “And again, I'm really sorry for Michelle’s behavior.”
“Its okay, don’t worry” I smiled “Maybe, she’ll manage to love me after a while” I sarcasticly smiled
“Yeah, right” He laughed “You did surprised me today, though” He said
“I’ve never seen you act the way you did earlier” He said
“Yeah, that’s because you’ve never seen me angry, silly” I sighed “I hope you never get to see me angry or something like that, so warn your girlfriend” I replied
“Yeah, right” He laughed “I guess we should try to sleep now, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, we should” he nodded and made his way towards the door, but stopped “Good night, Stefi”
“Goodnight, Brian. And thank you so much again” he just winked at me and closed the door behind him.

After I brushed my teeth and changed into my pj’s I crawled into bed. Sighting, I began to yawn and soon I was falling asleep, one thought on my mind

‘Fuck, I’m falling for him’
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like it :)