Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

First round.

Stephanie’s POV

The sunshine that had streamed into car was what that had waked me up. I was freezing. I stretched myself, and noticed that Brian’s seat was empty. My heart began to beat faster. I pulled out my cell phone to check out the time, but I had forgotten the battery died yesterday while we were eating, I looked in the car’s clock, 12:55 pm. I know I had woken up late, but we fell asleep at 5 am; there was no way I could wake up sooner. I opened the door and saw that the rain had stopped long ago, but it was still chilly. I started looking around. No one was around. I sighed and sat quietly, waiting for Brian to come back.

After a while, I took a look at the clock, 3:42 pm, Brian has been gone for over 3 hours. I was starting to panic, I looked around but he was still no were to be found. I walked out the car and started walking in the direction of the closest gas station, but when I was a few feet away of the car, I saw Brian walking closer. My heart began to relax, I sighed
“Where were you?!” I asked worried
“I went to get some gas, sorry. I didn’t think you’d be up while I was gone” He said “Sorry”
“It’s almost four o’clock, why wouldn’t Id be up?” I asked sarcastically. “Let’s get back home, please”
“Sure, my dear” He laughed as I jumped into the car and he poured the gas into the car.

“Stefi” I heard Brian say “We’re home”
“They’re going to kill us” I said looking at the clock once again
“We left for dinner yesterday at 8 pm, and came back at 5 the next day? They’re gonna be angry”
“I doubt it, they wouldn’t be angry for something like that” He said jumping out the car. In less than two seconds he was already opening the passenger’s door for me.
“Thank you” I said and we both started walking in silence to the front door.

“Where the fuck were you?!” I heard Matt say angrily, standing right in front of the door.
“Where the fuck were you?!” He repeated “You didn’t show up last night! Do you have any idea how worried we were?!” He said hitting the wall before heading to the living room. He pulled out the cell phone and started to call someone. I stared at Brian, he looked surprised and shocked
“Guys! What happened?!” I heard Val say “Why didn’t you come home last night?” She said and stared at Stephanie and me “And why are you dressed like that?” She said
“We went out for dinner Val” I said
“Yeah, but when we were heading back home the car run out of gas, and it was too dark and dangerous to walk by ourselves, specially with Stephanie looking like that” Briand answered
“Don’t you have a phone?! “ Matt said hanging up. “We called you all night long, you never answered”
“Sorry, we ran out of battery too” I said
“You are unbelievable ” Matt said “The guys were looking for you since the sun raised, and you didn’t have the courtesy to call” Matt said angrily
“We’re sorry” I said again
“Did you call them already?” Val asked
“Yeah” Matt said “They’re on their way back”
“Do you mind if we go take a shower?” Brian said grabbing my arm
“No you’re gonna stay here and wait for hell to arrive!” Matt yelled
“Mattie we’re sorry.” I said “We didn’t know what to do, Brian wanted to walk 4 miles alone in the dark and leave me alone in the car but I didn’t let him. I was the one that asked him if we could stay in the car for the night”
“Stefi, I’m not mad at you or him because of that” He said “That was actually the right thing to do” He sighed “But why didn’t you fucking called! Or let us know what happened!”
“How?!” Brian said “Tell me what we could have done if we couldn’t leave the car and our batteries di-“Brian said but was cut off
“The fuck is wrong with you?!” I heard Jimmy yell walking through the door, followed by the rest of the guys.
“Hey! We already explained, the car ran out of gas and our phones were dead, we had to spend the night in the car” Brian replied before they could say anything else
“You could have walked and try to find a phone!” Zacky said
“Really?” Brian said raising an eyebrow “Just look at her” He pointed at me “If we would've walked 4 miles alone, in the dark, who knows what could have happened to her”
“And if he had left her alone in the car, she could have been in danger too” Johnny said before he sighed “He’s right guys, leave them alone” He said sitting down on the armchair
“Yeah, it’s good you’re back” Jimmy said sitting next to Matt “You had us worried though”
“Yeah, sorry” I said looking at them “We’re really sorry”
“Yeah, don’t worry” Zacky replied “Why are you dressed like that, by the way?” He asked staring at us
“We went for dinner after you left” Brian replied
“We’re sorry” I said once again
“It’s okay, Steph”
“Where’re Alana and the rest of the girls?” I asked
“At Jimmy’s place, you should call them Jimmy” Matt replied. Jimmy nodded and headed to the kitchen to grab his phone.
“Can we take a shower now please, dads?” I asked, making everybody laugh
“Don’t ask for permission, just go” Brian said walking behind me.

“BRIAN?!” I heard someone yell; we both turned around and saw Michelle closing the front door.
“What?” I asked
“Leave, now” Brian said walking back
“Where the hell were you!? I was worried sick! And why are you dressed like that?!” She said staring him up and down, she slowly turned around and stared at me. "I saw that dress hidden in the closet, I thought it was for me, you bought it for her?" she said lookin at Brian and paused for a minute “Were you cheating on me?” she asked
“Were you cheating on me with that whore?” she said calmly “You did! You spend the night with her!” Michelle started hitting his chest, Brian tried to grab her hands but she didn’t let him. I looked away and started at the guys, they looked awkward, as if they didn’t know what to do.
“Michelle, he didn’t” I said walking closer to where she was standing, out of the corned of my eye, I saw Matt and Jimmy standing up, waiting to interfere if something happened “The car ran out of gas and we didn’t know what t-“

“Michelle!” I heard Brian yell as I felt a hot and stingy pain in the cheek. I stared back at them, touching my cheek, she slapped me.
“You fucking whore! I want you out of my house now!” She said staring at me. Brian didn’t know what to do, he didn’t reply, no words came out his mouth. “You fucking bitch” She said before jumping on me.

I tried to push Michelle back, but she was bigger than me, I could even move her and inch.
“Michelle! Stop!” I heard Val say. Right after I felt her punch my face, I felt someone lift her off of me. I sighed finally breathing properly as Matt grabbed me by the stomach and pull me up. Michelle managed to get loose of Zacky and Johnny so Jimmy and Matt placed themselves in front of me, trying to protect me from her. As I heard Michelle yelling I looked at Brian, he was standing right behind her, doing nothing at all. I sighed and looked down, he had let me down.
I looked up and Brian was staring at me, he sighed and looked at Michelle. He shook his head and walked towards her. “Michelle!” He yelled
“What?! Are you going to stand up for this bitch!?” She yelled. Brian grabbed her by the arm and led her outside
“I want you to leave this house now”
“Are you kicking me out!? This is my house!”
“I said leave!” He said and pushed out the door “By the way, this is yours” He said throwing at her the plane ticket “This was her ticket, but she decided you should go instead of her” Michelle was fuming at him, using her eyes to try to bore holes into Brian’s head as he turned to look back at me and closed the door at her face.
“Guys, there’s blood coming out of her lip” Val said staring at me

After a few minutes, the cut in my lap had already stopped bleeding. I was sitting down on the armchair, as the rest of the guys stared at me.
“You’re not going?” Jimmy asked. I shook my head “Why?”
“I don’t like planes” I sighed “I don’t like London” I said as a flashback appeared in my head. I shook it off before I would start crying right there.
“Why?” he asked again
“I just don’t” I shrugged my shoulders.
“Please! You have to go!” Jimmy said pouting
“Guys, if she doesn’t want to go, she won’t go. Leave her alone” Val said “You’re not staying here thought”
“What?” Brian asked
“She’s staying at our place, they’re no way she’s staying here” Matt said
“It’s okay, guys. I’ll be fine” I said resting my head on my hands “I just want to to do me a favor guys. Please don’t tell Alana, she’ll freak out” I said
“Sure, no problem, Steph” Zacky smiled “I think we should leave” he said “They’re tired. They need to rest. Besides we need to pack” He said standing up. He kissed my head and headed outside
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay here?” Val said checking if my lip wasn’t bleeding anymore. I nodded “Alright then, be careful please” She said as Matt kissed my head and they walked out
“Please, thing about it” Jimmy said
“Dude, she already said she doesn’t want to” Johnny said
“But please! I promise I’d be nice” Jimmy said after he kissed my cheek “Think about it, please. I’ll see you tomorrow” He said and walked out with Johnny
“Bye guys!” Johnny said and closed the door behind him.

I stood up and headed upstairs. “Stefi!” I heard Brian yell. I ignored him and kept walking all I wanted to do was to lie down on my bed. I walked into my bedroom and quickly grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this in a rush. What do you think?