Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

New house, New life

After ten long days, I finally finished furnishing my house. I loved the way everything looked. When the guys left, I spent two days looking for a place of my own, the real estate agent showed me a lot of places, but only one caught my attention. This place was perfect, I fell in love with it since the moment I laid eyes on it, it was a small cozy house, it had two big bedrooms, and a bathroom with a fire place in it. The kitchen was so small, as well as the living room, the backyard had a small pool and had a huge tree, somehow everything looked perfect for me. The place was near the beach, only five blocks away, and it was less than 10 minutes away from the guys’ houses. I did had to change some things, like the painting, I had to paint every wall in the house, they were painted in dark colors like brown or red, I didn’t like them at all so I chose lighter colors, like white and different shades of blue to paint everything.

I sat on my brand new sofas and stared at the living room , I smiled. I loved the way everything worked together, the place was quite small but the turquoise and white walls made the room look chilly and cool, and somehow I managed to place everything the right way, so the room would look a bit bigger. The TV I bought looked great hanging over the fire place and the couches I had bought, looked perfect, they were a light grey but the pillows, they were different colors, like blue, green orange. I definitely loved my new home.

I cleaned off the sweat of my forehead still smiling I got up from the couch and headed to my room. Once I walked into the bedroom, I stared at it, the thing I loved the most about my brand new home? Easy, my bedroom . I had decided to paint it all white, and get all the furniture in white as well, only a few touches of neutral colors. I stared at the chandelier, which was the thing I loved the most in my room, besides the bed, obviously. I had so much fun picking it out, I loved how it was so unique and yet so pretty and work great with the rest of the room. I smiled and headed to the walk in closet, I knew it was quite small, nothing compared to the one I had back home. I had to get a few new clothes so I wouldn’t go back into Brian’s place until the day he got back. I sighed and grabbed a pink stripped dress and quickly headed to the bathroom . I turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm up. Once I saw the steam coming out of the tub, I undressed myself and jumped into the tub, I closed the curtains around the tub and lay under the hot water.

Once I was dressed and had my make up done, I did my hair. I just let it loose and let my natural waves form. I smiled and walked downstairs, I grabbed a few boxes and headed to the car, I placed them in the trunk and closed it. I ran to the living room and grabbed my purse and Brian’s car keys and walked out the place again. I locked the door behind me and soon enough I was on my way to Brian’s place.

I sighed as I placed some of my clothes into a box. I wished I would have never unpacked. I had only been at Brian’s for a few weeks, and now I was moving out. I shook my head and laughed as I folded my jeans and tossed them down into the box. His girlfriend was so annoying and unbearable; I couldn’t stay at his place for more than a month.

“Best friend of all times! We’re back!” I heard someone yell. A big and shiny smile appeared on my face, after 10 long days, the guys were finally back. I squeaked and stopped what I was doing. I quickly ran out of the room and to the stairs.
“Jimmy!” I said after I saw him. A smile rocked his face.
“Midget! I missed you!” He said and spun me around “I know I promised I wouldn’t leave you again, and I did and I’m so sorry! I won’t do it again, I promise! I was so depressed the whole time, not even drinking could cheer me up” He said after putting me down
“Yeah, he was a really sad drunk” Matt said, placing a big suitcase on the floor “He couldn’t stop talking about how great it could have been if you were there” He said after he gave me a bear hug “I missed you”
“I missed you too” I smiled
“Did you use the key I gave you?” He asked
“Not really, I didn’t need to” I smiled giving it to him “Thank you though”
“Hey chica” Alana said “I brought you this!” She said giving me a little big Ben sculpture
“Thank you, I missed you” I said hugging her
“And we missed you too!” Val said placing her arms around our shoulders. She lead us to the living, where Matt and Jimmy where sitting at.
“Hi, beautiful” I heard that voice say. I turned around and saw Brian throwing some pink suitcases away. He walked closer to me and gave a big hug, one of those hugs you don’t want to end “I missed you” He whispered in my ear
“I missed you too” I said. He kissed my forehead and let go of me
“Where are the rest?” I asked
“They were really tired, so they went home already. They told me to say hi to you” Matt said, I nodded.
“So? Did you guys have fun?” I asked
“Not much, all we did was work” Jimmy said pouting
“We did though” Val said “The girls, Alana and I went crazy shopping”
“And all you got me was this?” I asked Alana pointing at the little big Ben. She smiled and turned red, everyone started laughing at her.
“Brian, did you checked everything? Nothing is missing?” I heard that annoying voice ask. I sighed and stood up.
“Guys, I have something to show you” I said grinning. I walked to the door and waited for them to follow me, but no one did “Get up”
“Why? Just show us. I’m too tired to get up” Jimmy said pouting
“Get up” I said firmly “Brian, can I use your car? I really need you guys to see this” I smiled
“Sure” he said. He walked closer to me and turned around, waiting for the rest
“Get up now!” I yelled. Everyone began groaning and complaining
“I don’t want to, can you show us tomorrow?” Alana said
“You are gonna love me for this, so shut the hell up” I said I headed to the car and jumped in the driver’s seat.
“Brian? Are you going?” Michelle asked
“Yes Michelle I am. You’ll stay” He said and headed to the passenger’s seat, he jumped in but Michelle quickly closed the door and jumped on the car.
I drove calmly, ignoring everyone’s complains. Soon enough. I saw that pretty house I fell in love with. I parked the car in the driveway and walked out the car.
“What is this?” Alana said I ignored her and headed to the front door. I opened the door and walked into the house, waiting for the rest of the guys to enter.
“What is this?” Alana said for the second time once she walked in, followed by Michelle and Brian. They stared at the place.
“This, my dear friend. It’s our new house” I smiled and squealed
“What?! “
“I bought it for us” I smiled “I even painted and decorated everything too, all by myself” I said proudly of myself
“Did you buy the furniture too?” Matt asked in awe. I nodded “In ten days?”
“Yep” I said “That’s what I did while you were gone. Find a place and make it look pretty” I laughed
“It’s so pretty” Brian said in awe
“I am so gonna crash here all the time” Jimmy said plopping on the loveseat. “Where is my bed?” He asked excited
“You’re sitting in it” I smirked. He pouted and crossed his arms
“I love how you made everything work together, you have really good taste. I love this place, it’s prettier than mine” Brian laughed looking around. Michelle stared at him, anger on her face.

“Where did you get the money from?”
“Excuse me?” I asked. I stared at Alana, shock and anger on her face
“The fuck did you just say?” Alana said standing next to me.
“Where did you fucking get the money from?” She repeated
“Michelle! That’s not of your business” Val said
“I told you! You should not have let her stay alone in our house. She could have stolen all my jewelry! Or your music stuff!” She said angrily “How is it possible for a woman her age to take off her job be able to get a new house? And new furniture?” she yelled “You fucking stole something from my house, didn’t you bitch!?” She yelled
“Oh you fucking whore” Alana said walking over her

“Alana! Stop” I said. She calmly walked back to her place and stood next to me. I stared at Brian, anger on his face. He saw the way I was staring at him; he walked to where I was standing and stood next to me, trying to stand up for me as well.
“You know what is the thing I like the most about here, Michelle?” I asked walking closer to her. She didn’t move at all and stayed in silence “That it’s my damn house, I no longer have to be nice to you” I smirked “And just so you know. I didn’t steal anything from your crappy stuff. I have more money than you could only dream about. Enough to get me this house and twenty more. So no I don’t have or need to steal from you” I said, my anger started to raise “And I know it, I haven’t work enough to get this house, or my Sacramento apartment or anything I own right now” I said “But I sure did went through hell and back. I deserve every penny I’ve got”
“Oh so you stole it from someone?” Michelle cut me off. I had finally had it. I walked closer to her and grabbed her by the hair.
“Get out of my house!” I said opening the door
“Get away from me!” She whined “Brian help me!”
“Get out!” I said and threw her on the ground “I won’t be nice to you anymore. So if you ever piss me off again, and the moment you do, I’ll kick your ass” I said, she started to get up slowly. “Oh and this” I said “This is for the fat lip you gave me” I said and punched her in the face. That’s right, I punched her. Her face was bleeding “Now get out of my house you fat cow”
“Brian!” She whined
“You’re lucky that’s all she did. Now leave” He said from the front door. Michelle grunted and quickly left the driveway.
“That wasn’t very nice” Brian said laughing
“I’m sorry, Val. I really am”
“It’s okay, Steph. She had it coming” She laughed “We’re leaving though. We’re really tired” She said after she yawn “C’mon James”
“No! This is my home now!” He said
“Rev, Get the fuck up” Matt said “it’s really nice, the entire place looks great. Well done” He said patting my back “Alana you should come too, we’ll drop you at Zacky’s so you can pack your stuff” He said walking out hand in hand with Val. She nodded and walked out
“I’ll be back in a while” She squealed
“Fucking people, I hate them” Jimmy said “Not you. You I love” He said
“Wait” Brian said running out “Here, have my keys. I’ll stay a while” Brian said giving him the car keys “I’ll see you guys later” He said walking back in. “Wanna go to get something to drink?” He asked, a smirk appeared on his face.
“Sure” I smiled “Alana probably will take hours to come back” I said grabbing my purse and walking out the house. Brian followed me and waited for me to lock the door. “Where do you want to go?” I asked
“There is this place, they have the best milkshakes ever” He smiled “We can walk, it’s not that far”. I nodded and began walking.

"What can I get you two to drink?" a waiter asked with a fake smile.
"I want a chocolate shake." I grinned a bit.
"I'll have a strawberry shake." Brian said.
The waiter walked off and I looked over the menu. I instantly knew what I was going to get and soon the waiter returned with our shakes.
"Are you guys ready to order?" He asked.
"I am, are you Bri?" He gave a nod. "All right I want some French toast, double bacon no cinnamon, no sugar, no secret anything, just the bacon and bread. I also want a grilled cheese sandwich, no jalapeño Oh! And some orange juice please."
The waiter wrote all of that down as I said it then both Brian and the waiter gave me a 'There's no way in hell you'll finish all that’ look.
"Uh... I'll have the same except the French toast, I want everything on it." Brian looked to the waiter writing this down.
The guy walked off to put our orders in and I smiled sitting back as I took a drink of my shake. “These 50's places make the best shakes.” Brian said. I nodded "Where do you plan on putting all that food in that small body of yours?" he asked in a curious tone.
"Right here in my stomach." I said with a hand on my tummy and a huge grin on my face. “I haven’t eaten in all day, I’m hungry” I shrugged.

Brian laughed a bit and we made small talk. About 10 minutes passed and the waiter came back with two grilled cheese sandwiches. He set them in front of us and went off to wait on other people.
When breakfast was done, my plate had nothing on it while Brian’s plate had over half the French toast.
"Where the hell do you put it all Stefi!?"
"I told you, in my stomach. I eat like a pig when I’m hungry"
Soon after the bill came and like a true gentleman Brian left the tip and paid for the food. We headed back out to the house.

“Brian, do you mind if we stop real quickly at your place?” I asked as we left the restaurant “I need to get my stuff”
“Sure” He smiled “I hope Michelle’s not there thought”
“Don’t’ worry” I said “I’m sorry; I just couldn’t take it anymore”
“Hey, I told you, you could kick her ass anytime, didn’t I? Well, she deserved it” He laughed

After a few minutes Brian and I were packing my things down and placing in the boxes. I didn’t have that much to take with me. I was just taking my clothes, personal items and things I had bought this past month.
“Hey Stefi, you’ve got everything?” Brian asked, coming into the room, flashing his signature smirk.
“I think” I replied, looking around the room “I guess if I forgot anything I can always come back”
“Of course, you’ll always be welcome here” He smiled “Matt already left my car, we can drive to your place” He said. He grabbed the remaining box in the room and headed downstairs. I checked I didn’t forget anything, and quickly followed Brian; he waited for me at the front door and closed it once I walked out the house. “Let’s get you home” He said

Brian pulled the door open before I could even take my seat belt off. I giggled as he pulled me from the car and wrapped his arms around me. "I can't fucking wait to go in tour with you." He chuckled, taking me by the hand and pulling me towards the house.
"Geez" I said "Tour?"
He flashed me a smirk, and then grabbed a box from his truck, as I grabbed the house keys from my purse. I walked towards the door, and stuck the key inside.
"Yeah, around the US don’t worry." Brian murmured as we walked through the front door. “No planes involved” He laughed and placed the box down on the ground “It’s a two month tour. We’re having a party in a few weeks, when the new cd is out and a few days later we’re going on tour” He smiled “and we asked for a big tour bus, so you girls can come with us“ he said and wrapped his arms around me. "I fucking love you, pretty girl" He whispered, leaning down and kissing me on the head.
“I love you too, Brian" I smiled
"I guess I should probably go get the last box, huh?" He chuckled.
I smirked. "If you want me to finish unpacking when the sun is still up then I guess we should do that."
"I'll pack them in." He shook his head. He didn't want me doing heavy lifting, like always "You just be prepared to put your stuff away." I smiled
He smiled at me before he made his way out of the house. I sighed, as I looked around the house I now called home.