Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

You are beautiful

Around eight o’clock a knock came to the door just as I walked to the kitchen with a glass of water. I walked over to the door, knowing already who that might be. I pulled open the door, seeing Jimmy, Matt and Brian. I smiled at them and walked away from the door, letting them walk in.

“You look nice” Matt said, a smirk appeared on his face, perfectly showing his dimples. I slowly began to turn red; I had totally forgotten I was wearing my red tank top white boy shorts. I quickly stood behind the couch as they sat down, so they wouldn’t see me like that. I stared at Brian; his eyes were staring deeply at me, his mouth slightly opened. I took the closest pillow and threw it at him

“Stop watching me perv”
“I believe the real reason you wanted to move from Brian’s is because you wanted to walk naked around the house, don’t you?” Jimmy said laughing
“Shut up” I said glaring at him
“Here” Brian said handing me his jacket
“Why do I need this for?” I asked taking it; He quickly sat down, not looking at me.
“So you can wrap it around you and go to your bedroom to change” He said
“Thanks” I said, feeling my cheeks burn. I wrapped the jacket around my waist and headed towards the stairs “What are you doing here?”
“It’s your first night here; we thought we should celebrate by getting drunk!” Jimmy said happily showing me two packs of beer
"I actually slept here the whole time you guys were gone" I chuckled
"Its your first night here since we've been back, so we are going to celebrate by getting drunk" Jimmy said annoyed “We have more in the car, I just brought this to start” He grinned
“Guys, it’s late”
“We don’t care, go get dress and bring Alana” Matt said
“She’s already sleeping. She’s really tired”
“We don’t care, wake her up” he replied. I grunted and walked upstairs.

I knocked on Alana’s door but there was no answer. “Hey, wake up” I whispered turning the lights on and walking into the room. I smiled, she didn’t change anything about the room, everything was where I placed it the day before. I knew she would like the room. I walked over the window and closed the curtains “Alana, wake up” no answer “WAKE UP!” I said louder. Alana quickly sat up and stared at me.
“What?” she said rubbing her eyes.
“Are you up?”
“Yes, yes I am” She said getting off bed “Want do you want?”
“The guys are here, get dressed”
“You woke me because they’re here?” She stared at me angrily. “Tell them to fuck off” She said and crawled back to bed.
“Alana c’mon” I said but there was no reply, she was asleep again. I shook my head and walked out the room after I turned the lights off.
I headed to my room and into my closet, I grabbed a white stripped long shirt over the boy shorts and put a grey stripped cardigan over the shirt. I put on my grey ballerinas and walked out the room. I wasn’t wearing any make up so I let my hair down so I wouldn’t look as bad.

“She’s not coming” I said walking into the living room
“What?! Why?!” Jimmy said throwing himself to the floor. I laughed
“She’s too tired guys, let her get some sleep” I said sitting down on the armchair
“No fucking way, I’m gonna wake her up, where’s her room?” Matt asked standing up
“Matthew Sanders! If you wake her up I’m gonna kick you in the ass!” I said loudly
“C’mon bro, she’s tired. Let her get some sleep” Brian said opening a beer. Matt rolled his eyes and sat back in his place, next to Brian.
“Thank you” I smiled “Where are Zacky and Johnny by the way?”
“Girlfriend night” Jimmy said “Fucking girlfriends, I hate them” He said and took a sip of his beer “No I don’t, I actually love all of them. I just hate them right now”
“What about me?” I said pouting
“I love you even more because you’re not having sex with any of us” He said and handed me a beer. I opened it and took a sip.
“So! Guys tell me, when is the release party? Aren’t you excited?” I said. I stared at Matt, who had already finished his beer can and was opening the second one
“In a week, we’ll have a couple photo shots and that’s all for the week, the tour starts in 10 days”
“That’s great” I smiled
“Yeah, Warped tour” Matt smiled “It’s our fourth Year in a row. You are gonna love it” He said
“Hey! Hey! I have an idea!” Jimmy said interrupting him “What if we play strip poker?” he clapped

The room became fuzzy as I looked at the three guys standing in front of me. Matt didn’t lose any game, so he was fully clothed. Jimmy, who was jumping around with a glass of vodka in his hands, was only wearing his underwear. I turned to Brian, his naked chest showing. I sighed, as I stared at him, he looked so good shirtless; the tattoos he had on made him look hotter than he already was. I kept staring as my vision became blurry.
I stood up walked upstairs, towards the bathroom, I stood in front of the mirror and looked up to my reflection and I saw that my eyes were blood-shot and my wavy hair was a shaggy mess of knots and tangles. I looked down and saw me only wearing my boy shorts and bra.
“Fuck” I said and walked out the bathroom.
I walked back to the living room but only saw Brian sitting on the armchair. “Where are the other two?”
I said heading to the backyard “They jumped into your pool, naked. I doubt you want to see that” he laughed and closed his eyes.
“I think you’re right” I said walking back to the living, tripping on my way.
“I think you’ve had a little too much to drink” He said walking towards me
"So have you" I said. I turned around when I heard a door open, Matt and Jimmy walked into the house soaking wet, luckily, their pants on.
"You have a really cool pool" Matt stuttered.
"Yeah, and I threw up in your lawn" Jimmy smiled proudly.
"You’ll clean that up in the morning, Jimbo" I said hiding my face in my hands.
"I’m tired" Matt said letting out a yawn.
“Under the stairs is a closet" I said making my way to the stairs “grab some blankets and pillows, or whatever you want" I stuttered "these will be your beds for the night" I said pointing to the couches. "Bye bye" said and walked upstairs, tripping on my way.

I sighed once I walked in my room. I locked the door behind me and headed toward my bed. I jumped on it and quickly began to fall asleep, but something interrupted me, a knock on my door.
I got up the bed and managed to make my way to the door, I opened it only to find Brian standing in front of me,
"Those fuckers kicked me out and I have nowhere to sleep" he pouted "and I thought, I have a sexy friend, she might let me sleep with her" he grinned, showing me all his teeth
"You, my dear friend" I paused "you have to stop being such a pushover" I said and let him in. I closed the door and walked to my bed. I moved the sheets and wrapped myself in them. After a few seconds I felt my bed move. I turned around and saw that muscular body sliding into bed with me.

"You are beautiful" I heard him saw. I opened my eyes and stared at his blood shot ones. "You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met" he laughed “Even when you’re wasted, You are the most beautiful thing to ever grace this planet, let alone walk into my life”
"Thanks" I smiled and closed back my eyes “I know” I laughed
"I love you, Stefi” he said staring at me “And I really mean it, for once in my life” I stared deeply into his chocolate eyes; I didn’t say a word I just stared at him “I love that beautiful smile of yours, your wavy hair, our conversations, the funny random comments you make. The burning touch of your fingertips on my skin, how I can see how you’re feeling just by looking at your eyes, the way you take my breath away every time you look at me” he said moving a piece of hair away from my face. “I wished that you loved me the way I love you, that you needed me. That without me your heart would break. I wish I was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep” he said before I let out a yawn
“Without you my heart does break” I smiled weakly, closing my eyes “I do love you” I whispered falling asleep
“And I love you” He said and kissed my forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dum Dum Duuum!