Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

"You are such great couples. Except you, I'm not talking about you"

Stephanie’s POV
8 Days Later*

“Guys! Why are the vents on the grill cover closed? Did you close them?” I said after I closed the sliding glass door.
“Yeah” Jimmy said turning to look at me
“Can I ask why?”
“I was pretending that it was Captain America’s shield. Good shields don’t have holes” Jimmy said. I started laughing uncontrollably as well as the rest of the guys
“Oh Jimmy, I love you” I said laughing
“And I love you!” He said jumping on me, wrapping his arms around my neck. “Can I live here with you? Forever and ever?”
“WHAT?! Why not?! You are so horribly mean”
“No, it’s because you have a loving girlfriend who wants to have you all for herself, not sharing you with me” I laughed
“You’re right” He paused “I don’t want to live with you anymore” He stood up and walked towards Leana “C’mon princess of mine” He said grabbing her hand and leading her inside the house
“Where are you going?” Alana asked
“What?! No!” Alana said making them stop. “Not in our rooms, not in this house”
“Fine, we’re going home then. C’mon young lady” He said. A smile appeared on Leana’s face and followed him outside
“The fuck?”
“They are like that all the time Alana, don’t freak out” Zacky replied, I started laughing at Alana’s face. I turned around and stared at my backyard. I spotted Alana, Zacky and Johnny sitting on the garden table, drinking and playing UNO. Matt was heading to the grill to continue cooking and Val, Lacey and Gena were tanning near the pool. I sighed when I didn’t see Brian around. He had been avoiding me for the past week. Whenever I walked in somewhere he was at, he would stand up and leave, saying he had stuff to do. I sighed and headed towards the table. I was about to sit down when a loud laugh interrupted me, I turned around and saw Brian walking out the house, I stared at him as he stood next to Matt laughing about something.

“I’m going to get something to drink. Do you guys want anything?” I asked walking away from the table. The guys shook their heads and continued playing, I smiled and walked back through the sliding door into the house and headed to the kitchen.I leaned over in front of the fridge, looking for a bottle of water, when I felt someone stand behind me.
I stood up quickly and turned around. A smirking Brian was standing behind me. “You scared me” I said
“What are you looking for?”
“Something to drink” I said looking back in the fridge
“There are drinks in the coolers, outside”
“Yeah, beer. I want water” I said shutting the fridge door and heading outside
“Stefi” I heard Brian say “I’m sorry If I’ve being acting weird these past days” I stared at him, his eyes showed concern. I sighed, not being able to get mad at him
“It’s okay, Bri.” I smiled “You’ve been worried about the tour and the interviews, I get it” I said and walked closer to him “I’m happy you could come to the barbecue” I said and hugged him. “I missed you” I said and kissed his cheek. I saw his face turn into a strong shade of red. I chuckled and walked out again.

“So! Guys! Tell me, are you excited about your big release party tomorrow?” I asked sitting down with the guys.
“We couldn’t be more excited” Brian said sitting down next to me.
“Remember we’ll pick you up at 9 pm” Zacky said
“Yeah, we don’t want to be late. Get it?” Johnny laughed
“Yeah, we know. We have to get ready early shut up” Alana grunted
“Do you have your dresses ready for tomorrow?” Val said walking closer and grabbing a beer
“Yeah, I bought it two days ago” Alana smiled
“I have quite a large wardrobe. I’ll figure out what to wear” I smiled
“And have you already packed?”
“For what?” Alana said confused. Everybody looked at me. I had totally forgotten to tell Alana about the tour.
“Oh yeah, by the way.” I said “We’re leaving with the guys for Warped tour in two days” I smiled and looked away
“What?! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“I forgot, sorry”
“I fucking hate you!” She said standing up “I have to start packing now or I won’t finish by the day after tomorrow. I’ll see you guys later! I’ll be in my room” She said and left
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell her” Zacky said
“I Forgot!”
“Leave her alone” Brian said “Shads! We’re hungry here, when are those ribs gonna be ready?!”
“They’re done” Matt said placing a giant bowl full of ribs and meat in the middle of the table.

“That’s it. I can eat anything else” Zacky said rubbing his stomach
“Dude, you ate like a hundred ribs” Johnny said
“That’s why you’re chubby” I laughed “No, seriously. I can’t even move If I stand up I’m going to roll away” I sighed rubbing my stomach, everyone began to laugh.
“I think I’d like some dessert” Johnny said staring at us
“Are you fucking crazy?!” Brian said, his mouth wide open
“No, I want dessert” he stated
“Do you guys want anything?” He asked as I closed my eyes, all I could hear were No’s and grunts “Fine! Lacey, c’mon. We’re going to the ice-cream truck”
“What?! It’s far away!”
“What? Of course it’s not! We’re five blocks away from the beach. We just have to walk a little further to find it” Lacey shook her head but Johnny gave her his puppy eyes
“Ugh! Fine, I’m going” She said standing up. They were walking into the house when Gena stood up
“Guys, wait! I’ll join you” She said walking towards them “I feel like eating something sweet. Are you coming sweetheart?” She asked Zacky. He stared at the dirty table and then at Gena. He sighed and rubbed his stomach “Fine, I can make room for dessert” He chuckled and run towards Gena and grabbed her hand

“You are all awesome” I said staring at both couples. I turned and saw Brian, Matt and Val staring at me.
“Why?” Matt asked confused
“You guys look like this badass guys, hardcore and mean. Like all you care is about sex, drugs and alcohol” I smiled “But you are the sweetest guys I have ever met, maybe you’re into alcohol, but I don’t know, the way you act with your girlfriends, its genuine love” I sighed “You all are such great couples” I smiled and turned to Brian “Except you, I’m not talking about you” I said
“What you want me to say? You are a really good guy, but you have a terrible taste in girls” I shrugged my shoulders.
“You couldn’t be so wrong” He smirked and stared at me deeply

Brian took a sip from his beer after he told me how Warped Tour would be. He jumped slightly when he felt a few drops of water hit him and looked up. I turned around and we both smiled when we say Matt had just jumped into the pool.
I started wandering when I remembered when all my family was playing with water balloons at the backyard. I remember I ended up with a hug bruise in my chest because Taylor had thrown at me a balloon filled with sand. He got grounder for like a month, but he never got mad at me. He always claimed he did it on purpose, so my parents would get me new clothes, as a kind of consolation prize.
I smiled my dad’s red angry face appeared in my head. I shook myself from my thoughts when I noticed a shadow come over behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Matt walking slowly towards me, an evil grin on his face. I quickly looked for Val, but she was waiting for Matt to go back into the water.

“Get away from me Matthew Sanders” I said standing up, I quickly began to back down but my body was stopped by a tall figure. I couldn’t even turn around when I was already over Brian’s shoulder, screaming.
“Don’t even think about it, Brian!” I said kicking him hard.
“The more you kick, the harder I’ll throw you” he stated
“C’mon! I’m not wearing a bathing suit! Please Brian!” I said.
In a second I was already flying in the air, going directly into the pool. While I was in the air, I managed to grab Brian’s hand and held on tightly to it.
“What are you doing?! No!” He yelled before we were both underwater.

The water was actually pretty warm. I popped up to the surface, gasping for air and took a big breath. “I hate you. I fucking hate you” I said swimming away from him
“She just said a bad word” Matt joked “You pissed her off so bad, you made her say a bad word”
“Oh shut up” I said
We swam around each other, Brian and I still in our clothes. I dove underwater and swam up behind Brian and grabbed him by the waist. “No!” He yelled before I pulled him underwater with me.
“Just wait for it!” Brian said gasping for air once he popped back up “You’ll never see it coming; you won’t know where it’ll happen. But it will happen” He said and walked out the pool.
“You’re such a baby” I laughed jumping out the pool as well.

“Hey guys” Val said coming out the house. “Matt and I are leaving. It already dark, we want to sleep in early” She said. I turned around and looked at her; she was already changed into her sweats and a tank top. Matt walked out behind her, different clothes as well. I sighed and shook my head.
“You didn’t have sex in my house, did you?”
Matt, Val and Brian started laughing “Of course we didn’t” Val said once they stopped laughing “We did look for Alana upstairs, but we couldn’t find it anywhere”
“She might have gone to get some new clothes” I said and checked my cell phone’s clock “Its late, she should be back in a while” I stood up and headed towards the house, Brian followed me “I’ll see you tomorrow guys” I said opening the front door for them
“I’ll see you tomorrow” Matt smiled and walked out, heading towards his SUV
“Do you have your dress already?” Val asked. I nodded smiling “The girls and I are going to a salon to get out makeup and hair done. If you want to come with us, be at my place at five”
“Oh, no thank you. I’m gonna do that myself” I smiled “And I’ll do Alana’s makeup and hair. Thank you anyway”
“No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow, Steph! Bye, Brian!” She said and ran towards the SUV. I sighed and moved away from the door.
“I better get going as well, Stefi. Michelle isn’t going to be very pleased if I take longer” He said rolling his eyes. I did the same
“Alright” I smiled “Are you sure you don’t want me to lend you something? I have to have something that fits you somewhere” I laughed
“It’s okay, cutie” He laughed “I’ll see you tomorrow. And you better look pretty, get it?”
“I always look pretty” I pouted
“Well, even prettier” He laughed and kissed my forehead “I’ll see you tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at 8, don’t be late”
“We won’t” I smiled “Bye, Brian” I said and hugged him. His arms wrapped around my waist and he held me close. After a few seconds I pulled away and stared at him. “I missed you”
“I missed you too” He smirked and walked away. He jumped into his car and drove away. I walked into the house and ran to my room. I quickly changed into my pj’s and walked into the closet. I pulled out some suitcases and started doing my luggage.
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Sorry guys, finals have been a pain in the ass, but I manageed to finally update :) hope you like it