Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

"Another bad word! She said ***ing!"

Brian’s POV
I jumped out of Matt’s SUV and walked up to the front door, I knocked a few times but no one opened the door. I sighed and opened it, I walked inside and looked for the girls in the living room and the kitchen.
“Stefi! Alana! C’mon!” I yelled at them as soon as I realized they were still upstairs.
“I’m coming!” I heard Alana yell after a door was closed roughly
“I’m going! I’m going!” I heard her say. I turned to the stairs and saw her coming down. I stared at her, her dark hair was down to her shoulders and the black dress she had on, looked kind of whorish on her. I chuckled
“Nice dress” I smirked “Where did you get it? Did you assault a whore?”
“You bastard!” She laughed and slapped my arm “You might have to wait a few, Stephanie isn’t ready yet.” She smirked “I’ll be waiting in the car with the rest”

“Stephanie! C’mon! We’re late!” I yelled once again staring at Alana as she jumped into Matt’s SUV. I was so excited to see her in a dress, I’ve never seen her in one besides that time we went out to dinner and my car ran out of gas.
“I’m sorry; Alana took like an hour in the shower. I ran a little late” I heard Stefi say.

I turned to the stairs and saw her coming down. She looked absolutely gorgeous in that dress, her legs looked really long and nice in high heels yet, she looked really petite. I sighed as I stared at her. She looked gorgeous in that shade of pink. Her makeup was a slightly touch of pink and black, just like her dress, and her hair was up in a bun. I stared at her as she walked down the stairs and smiled

“You look beautiful”
“Thank you” She blushed and tried to hide it. I smiled; I love how she looks when she blushes.
“C’mon, we’re running late” I said popping out of my trance and turned to head outside.
“Brian” She called me; I turned back and walked towards her “I got this for you. When I saw it I just knew this was for you” She said handing me a round box.
“You shouldn’t have” I said opening the box. I pulled out what was inside and saw a Fedora ”A hat?” I said smiling
“You didn’t like it?” She said worried “Omg, I’m sorry, I’m going to return it tomorrow morning”
“What, no way” I laughed “I love this. I’ve wanted a hat for a long time” I smiled “I just didn’t have the time to get one. I walked closer to her and gave her a hug. I held her tight in my arms until there was a honk. “We should get going” I said putting on the fedora.”How do I look?” I laughed
“Perfect” She smiled, her tiny dimples showed, making my heart melt. I shook my head and walked out the house. I waited for her to walk out and close the door
“Thank you” I said as we made our way to the SUV.
“No problem” She smiled and hopped in the SUV.

“We’re here” Matt said from the driver’s seat. I looked out the window and saw quite a few people outside the place, waiting to get in. Once Matt parked I quickly jumped out the SUV and ran to the other side and opened the door for the girls.

We walked through the people and into the place. And as soon as we stepped into the place, everyone started clapping and taking picture of us. The rest of the guys soon joined us and handed us beers.

I turned next to me, but I didn’t see Stefi there, I turned around, trying to find her, but instead saw Michelle walking towards me. I stared at her, my mouth dropped open. She looked really bad; she even looked like a prostitute.
My face twitched when she wrapped her arms around me. I sighed and pushed her away.
“What’s wrong baby?”
“Nothing. I didn’t expect to see you here” I said looking for Stephanie in the crowd
“Of course I’d be here, babe. It’s your big night.” She smiled “I had to come all by myself, but here I am” She said. She grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine and began to walk through the crowd.
“Where did you get that hat?” She asked. I could barely heard her among all the noise
“I got it today” I smiled.
“It looks bad on you” she rolled her eyes “I didn’t know you had such a bad taste on clothes” I glared at her.
“You talking about bad taste, what a shocker” I smirked staring at her clothes
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She glared at me. I shrugged and kept walking behind her.

“Brian, come over hereee!”, Jimmy slurred. He was wasted, no doubt about it. Then again, we all were. I knew that this night would be epic the minute we knew we were going to have a release party. Matt, who was the reason we were even having this party, seemed to be the worst off. There was no one in this room more drunk than him at the moment. I stood up quickly, maybe too quickly, and my head started to spin.

“I'm coming!”
I wobbled my way over where the rest of the guys were, almost knocking Alana over. I walked near a booth and sat down. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the back of the couch. I fought to keep my eyes open, not wanting to crash just yet. But it was too hard, so I closed my heavy eyelids. I don't know how much time had passed before someone attempted to wake me, but it didn't seem very long. I felt someone's cold finger poke me in the ribs.
“Syn! Get upp!” they whined.

I opened my eyes to see that the party was still going on, and that the person bothering me was none other than Matt.
“How long was I out?”
“About two minutes.” He answered sitting next to me “Jimmy and I were calling you, but you never came over”
“What did you wanted?” I asked closing and opening my eyes
“I don’t remember” He answered. I looked at him confused.

“Guys, are you okay?” I heard a sweet voice say. I turned and saw Stephanie sitting in front of us.
“Yep” Matt replied as Val sat down next to Stefi. “Oh my lovely love”
“Guys, are you okay? How many drinks have you had?” She asked once Alana walked closer and stood next to the girls
“These many” Matt said holding up his ten fingers. Stefi and Val giggled, Alana rolled her eyes.
“Guys, I think we should head home” Stefi said standing up and helped me stand up

“What do you think you’re doing, slut?” I heard my annoying girlfriend say
“Michelle, I’m not in the mood, don’t fucking mess with me” I heard Stephanie say
“Another bad word! She said fucking!” Jimmy squeaked from behind
“Leave my boyfriend alone” Michelle stuttered
“Easy. I’m just helping him stand up. You should go home, Michelle” She said “You both are pretty drunk”
“Don’t tell me what to do”
“Michelle. Stop it” Val stopped her
“Val, I’m leaving” I heard Stefi say. She looked at Alana and she nodded
“Why?! Neither of you drank tonight. What’s wrong with you?” Zacky said walking closer and sitting next to Matt “Not ever one beer”

“I don’t want to be hangover tomorrow Zacky” She answered
“Yeah, hangover road tripping is the worst thing ever” Alana chuckled.
“Road tripping? Are they going with you Haner?” Michelle said glaring at me. I ignored her.
“No, they’re going somewhere else, Michelle. Shut up” Val answered. Stefi looked at me and weakly smiled. Both girls said their goodbyes and they finally started to walk away. I stared at them the whole time, just to make sure they got in a taxi. I sighed once they finally left and turned towards Val, who started to help Matt stand up.
“You guys should go too, you have to get up early and get your stuff ready. The bus leaves at eight pm”
“But I don’t want to. I’m having such a great time” Michelle said throwing her arms in the air.
“Take Brian and leave” She ordered, Michelle grunted and complained before she grabbed me by the arm and headed outside. I looked back and saw Val telling the rest of the guys to go home. I turned around and walked outside behind Michelle. Right after Michelle called a cab, she kissed me. I tried to push her away, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t resist it, I kissed her back

As the kiss was getting harder, I sighed and smiled when one thing appeared on my mind. Not my girlfriend, not her kiss. But the girl I was in love with.
I smiled and felt my heart melt when I pictured her standing in front of me, her eyes closed and kissing me back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so truly deeply sorry. I know I took so long to update, but hey! school is finally over! I'm going to update every chance I get :)
As I havent updated anything in a while I thought I should give you guys a gift, so there are two new chapters this time. I hope you like it!