Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

'We're going to see MCR’s show'

Stephanie’s POV

"No, Jimmy! It’s my turn!" I yelled as I chased him around the bus. "I want the camera! You’ve had it since 5 minutes ago"
"no! You’re retarded!" He yelled back

"Rev! Give Steph the camera!" Matt yelled from a table a couple of yards away from the bus. He was talking to Johnny. Jimmy stopped running and I stopped in front of him.
"You’re just lucky Matt's here" he mumbled as he handed me the digital camera. Then Brian came running up to me and Jimmy

"c'mon Stefi! Let’s go take pictures of stuff!" Brian said. He grabbed my wrist and started to drag me behind him. I took a picture of Alana as Brian dragged me.

"Hey! I wasn’t ready!" Alana yelled. Brian and I stopped in front of the table Matt was at. I held up the camera.
"Hey Matt, want some beer?" Brian said. He turned his heads and as soon as he did I clicked the button and the flash...flashed. Then Brian and I took off running before he could say anything, then we stopped in front of the table Zacky, Johnny and Jimmy were sitting at.
“Hey guys, guys, look” Brian said. And just like Matt, they turned their heads and I clicked the button and started running again.

For two hours, Brian and I took like 1000 pictures of the bus, Johnny pouting, Zacky trying to straighten out his hair, Jimmy making himself a toast, Matt tickling Alana, a beer can, Brian and me making funny faces, me eating M&m’s, and finally one of Brian giving me a kiss on the cheek. We finally stopped for a break from running around the place we had been at since we arrived when I pulled put my cell phone, 4:57.

“ALANA!” I said running towards her
“We’re late!” I said grabbing her wrist and dragging her to the stage.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Matt asked us
“To do some stuff!” I said, not completely lying…just not saying what the ‘stuff’ really was.
“C’mon! We’re gonna be late” Alana yelled

“So what’s the ‘stuff’” Brian asked. He knew me better than I thought.
“We're going to see MCR’s show!” Alana answered him in hurry
“Oh! I’ll join you!” Brian said standing up from the ground
“Me too!” Jimmy said and both of them ran toward us.

When we managed to get backstage, the guys were already on stage, they were playing a song called ‘Our Lady Sorrows’, I saw Gerard running through the stage and Ray and Frank spinning around when suddenly they stopped and Frank looked at us. The whole time the guys played and he looked at me from his guitar, he'd smirk. When they finished playing, Brian, Alana, Jimmy and I clapped for them, as well as the entire crowd

35 minutes later they were already done and everything. We were on our way to the bus, Brian and Jimmy were walking in front of us, talking about where they’d be playing next, Alana and I were walking behind them.

“Hey, I want the camera back or I’ll tell Matt”
“I’m done with it you can h…”
“Hey girls!” Frank said jumping behind us
“Hey!” we both replied
“So? You liked it?”
“You guys are awesome!” I said and Frank smiled
“Guys, I have to leave you, I need to talk to Matt” Alana said running like the devil towards the bus area.

“What was that?”
“Probably just wanted to ask him where the camera is” I said laughing
“Hey, wanna come tomorrow and watch us again?” he said out of a sudden
“Meet me at 5 at our tent, okay?” He said
“Yup” I smiled “The guys have an interview in like 15 minutes, Frank. I really have to go” I said as we reached the buses.
“Sure, it’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow” he said and kissed me on the cheek

Matt, Jimmy, Alana and I were sitting on the living area watching TV, waiting for the other 3 guys, who were doing an interview. I sighed staring at the TV, waiting for Jimmy to stop flipping through the channels. I pulled out my cell phone and stared at the clock, 2:47. I sighed; I had to wait two more hours so I could leave to see Frank’s show.
“So, do you like Frank??” Jimmy asked, giving the remote to Matt.
“How did you know?” I spat “I mean what are you talking about” I said giving Jimmy and Alana a glare.
“Uh huh, so you do have the hots for Frank” Matt antagonized.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I said trying to hide the smile that was forming on my face.
“Well he’s got the hots for you too, so don’t worry about it” Jimmy said kind of dryly.
“What do you mean?” I asked prying.
“What do you mean what do I mean?” Jimmy said laughing a little at his comment.
“It’s written all over his face” Matt said. I rolled my eyes
“Hey I’m gonna take a little nap. Don’t let me sleep past 4:30” I told Alana, and dropped the subject as I got up and headed towards the bunks area.
“Alright” She replied

I woke up to the guys laughing in the front of the bus. Groggily, I looked at my cell phone’s clock, 4:45. Dammit Alana!
I jumped out of my bunk and headed towards the bathroom. I reapplied my eyeliner and combed my hair.

“Thanks for the wakeup call” I said as I passed Alana in the kitchen area.
“Oh yeah, wake up” she said laughing. I just stuck my tongue out at her as I made my way to the door.
“Where are you going?” Matt asked getting up as if he was going to join me.
“Somewhere” I said making him sit back down.
“Where?” Alana asked.
“Can’t tell you” I answered. Alana and Matt rolled their eyes and stared at Brian, who sighed
“Hey Stefi, where you going?” He asked before he chuckled
“I’m going to meet Frank” I said winking at Jimmy
“Again?” Alana asked from behind
“Yep, again” I said stepping off the bus.

I walked towards the back of their tent and was greeted by Ray and Bob
“What did we do to deserve the presence of Miss Steph?” Ray said as I approached.
I gave them both a little hug and started talking to them about some random stuff when I felt two hands cover my eyes.
“Hello” Frank said as I turned around and smiled at him.

We headed up the ramp to the stage, Frank and I talking the whole way. Finally the time came and the guys headed on the stage. I couldn’t sing along because I didn’t know their songs yet, but I did watch them play their hearts out. I stared Frank most of the time. I honestly couldn’t tear my eyes away from him

Frank’s POV

We had a pretty good show but I couldn’t get my eyes to focus on anything but Stephanie. She was staring at us intently and smiling the whole time. Every time I caught a glance of her my heart melted and I’m sure it showed. I walked over to Steph after we finished and we said all of our thank you’s and what not to the crowd.
“Amazing” Stephanie said.
“Thanks” I said. I just kept thinking yeah ‘YOU’RE amazing but I didn’t let it slip. I gave her a hug and she didn’t even cringe.

“Ew, sorry I probably stink” I said.
“Nah, not too bad” she said with a smirk on her face
“I’m gonna go get cleaned up but then I’ll see you at the bbq?” I said completely mesmerized by her eyes such an electric nut brown.
“Yeah definitely” she said.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one goes to @Hanerjoy ;)