Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

"So does he get the Synyster Gates Seal Of Approval?"

Frank’s POV

This was the last performance before we moved to the next city. Its been three days and Stephanie and Brian haven’t been talking a lot lately, and to be honest, I’m kinda happy about it, that made it easier for me to bond with Steph.

After just hanging on the bus for a little bit the bbq was going to start, so we all headed there. We both grabbed a beer. She stayed close to me the whole time. Then A7X and Alana showed up. Brian pretty much darted the opposite direction. I could tell she was getting tired.

“Hey, I think I’m gonna head to bed. Is that ok?” she asked me.
“Yeah no problem Steph” I said standing up.
“No, you don’t have to leave just because I am. Stay have fun,” she said.
“I’ll just tuck you in. I’ll come back out after” I said wanting to make sure she was ok.
She said goodnight to everyone as we walked towards the bus.

“Do you think… oh never mind,” she said stopping herself.
“What? no really ask me,” I said. Nothing was too much to ask.
“I just don’t really want to be on that bus right now” she said referring to A7X’s bus.
“I’ve got extra room in my bunk if you want. You’re always welcome there, ya know,” I said nudging her. I turned to my left and headed to my bus. We kept talking in silence, I stared at her every 10 seconds, her beautiful eyes were looking at her feet, she looked really sad. I sighed once we reached my bus and opened the door.

“Are you sure its okay?” she said getting on the bus.
“Yes I am” I said.
“I promise I won’t stay there too much longer,” She replied kissing my cheek. “Umm, Frank?” she asked so innocently once we were in the bunks area.
“Can I have something to sleep in,” she said with an embarrassed smile.
I laughed at her disposition,” Of course.” I gave her one of my shirts and a pair of boxers. “Thank you” She said and walked to the bathroom, I walked to the kitchen and waited for her to walk out. After a minute she walked out and headed to my bunk, I stared at her, she looked so pretty. I smiled as she climbed in. “Night Frank” I heard her say.

I walked closer to the bunks and stood still for a few more minutes. She zoned out quickly. She looked so peaceful laying there. God, she’s perfect. I kissed her cheek and then went back to the bbq.

I walked around trying to find my bandmates but instead, I saw Syn talking to Shadows. “Hey guys” I said walking closer to them. He needed to talk to her, and badly. I wasn’t going to push him, but let him know
“Hey” Matt said friendly
“Brian, can I talk to you?” I asked. He stared at me and sighed. He nodded. Matt nodded and departed. We stood still and quiet for a few minute, it was really awkward. He took a sip from his beer and I sighed “Look man, I have all of the best intentions,” I said.
He took a deep breath,” I know you do, man. I just, I dunno. I freaked out.”

“That’s what happens when you are close with someone. You’re just protective, that’s all,” I said making him known I had no quarrel with him.
“Yeah, I’m not really mad at anyone just I dunno” he shrugged.
”You really need to talk to her” I said
“yeah, I will. I’m just waiting for her to cool off, I know she’s still pissed” he replied and I nodded
“Just, don’t wait too much. She needs you” I said left him standing there by himself. I sighed and made my way towards the opposite direction, where my bandmates were hanging out.

After a few hours, the bbq was almost over, I had decided to go to bed a little earlier to get settled before we set off for the next town. I said goodbye to the guys and looked for Shadows, I found him talking with Alana and Johnny, I walked closer and let him know where Stephanie. After a couple of minutes I said goodbye to them and headed to my bus.

I pulled the curtain back and saw Stephanie lying in my bunk, completely asleep. Her chest rising and falling with such ease. ’God, she’s so beautiful. I’m not sure if it’s right, but I’m already falling hard for this girl’

Stephanie’s POV

I woke up to a silent bus. Well, minus all the snoring coming from the different bunks. Frank was sound asleep. I stared at him and then I carefully climbed out of the bunk and headed to the bathroom, I quickly changed into my clothes from last night and walked back to the bunks, I placed Frank’s clothes under his pillow and headed to the front and asked the driver how much longer.
"About 10 minutes" he said.
I grabbed some water and sat in the lounge area. I sighed and heard someone get out of their bunk. It was Gerard.

"Hey, how's it going?" he asked.
"Oh okay I guess. Brian and I are still at each others throats but everything else is perfect" I replied
"Ah, I see. The chocolate eyed monster, huh?" he asked.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't really get it, he avoids me."

"It probably just takes some getting used to. I mean when you're used to having someone all to yourself" he added.
“I mean, When I first met you, you and Brian were almost like twins, It was all about you two, and then out of a sudden, Frank appears”

"Oh! but he's being such an ass about it" I said and then felt guilty “well, not a big ass… just a little one” I said and Gerard laughed
“See, its still about him” he paused “He is a guy you know" he said "Guys are protective over their girls, even if they're just friends. I'm sure you've been protective towards Brian or even Alana"
"Protective? Yeah. Taking it out on them? No" I said.
"It'll work itself out. You two are way to close for it to not" he said as the bus stopped
"I better go, I want to see Alana" I said standing up after the driver got off
"See ya."
“Said Frank I said bye” I told him and he nodded

I quickly made my way to the A7X bus and found all the guys inside. Matt, Jimmy and Jhonny were playing with the PS system, Zacky and Alana were sitting in the kitchen and Brian was walking into the bathroom, with his gaze down to the floor

"Hey guys," I said warmly
"Hey" they greeted back
“What happened last night?” Johnny asked
“Nothing, I just fell asleep in MCR’s bus” I said and walked past Brian. I headed back to my bunk, grabbed some clothes and got ready.
After a few minutes I finally was done and walked to where the guys were and Brian walked in.

"Alright guys, two in-” he paused and looked at me “Oh! I see Miss Stephanie has joined us again” he said smrking “Anyways, two interviews, the signing and performance" He said "We start right away with an interview at 11:30, so in 10, then again at 12:45. Signing is at 2 and performance at 6" he finished.
I was waiting for the guys to finish up getting ready when my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number.

‘Hey, Steph’ It was Frank. ‘When do you want to meet up’ Frank asked.
‘And what makes you think I want to meet up with you?’ I asked and he laughed ‘Up to you.’
‘How about you meet me at the Ap tent.’
‘Sounds good. Hopefully I won't be assassinated on my way in.’
‘Oh you could take 'em’ Frank laughed. ‘I really hate to cut this short but I gotta go. I'll see you in 10.’
‘Ok. See ya soon.’

I hung up and said my goodbyes to everyone minus Brian. While I was making my way to th door, I saw Alana giving me a disappointed look and turn to Matt

I quickly left to the signing and then went to the AP tent. The tent wasn't open yet but I could hear the guys inside. As I walked to the opening I heard, "Hey, no cutting." I turned to see a girl around 19 standing first in line.

"Cool it Princess, you'll still be first," I said sarcastically.
"Dumb bitch" the girl said when I turned around.
“Shut the hell up, I’m not in the friggin mood” I said calmly
"Steph… IN" Bob said. He had opened the tent.
"Where you picking a fight with a fan?" Gerard said as if he were my mother.
"No, she got her panties in about me cutting and I simply told her off" I explained.
"Yeah, and not a hair out of place" Mickey joked.
Frank was on the phone when I came in. When I was making my way towards him he stoop up.
“Hey, wanna go out? For a walk maybe?”
“Yeah, why not, see ya guys!”

“Steph?” he asked as we reached a bench
“Yeah” I said. My expression fell, I knew what happened when guys started the conversation with your name. It never quite ended how you wanted it to.
“I had a great time last night, and the night before that, and I could go on…” he started.
“Yeah me too” I said thinking ‘oh god what did I do’
“But I just think that we should…” he started.
“Oh I get it” I said getting the point “you just think we should be friends”
“No no, that’s not at all what I mean” he said stopping me in mid-stride.
“Well what do you mean?” I asked.
“You’re very intimidating, you know?” He said. I chuckled at him “Steph, you’re really something special to me. I know I’ve known you for a couple of weeks, but it feels like forever. I was just wondering, since we’re going to be staying here for a while, if you wanted to go out with me?”
“Frank, I” I nearly forgot to breathe, when he looked so deep into my eyes. I couldn’t get it out, so he did the best thing. He kissed me. It was even more intense then the first kiss. It was the second kiss. The rational kiss, the kiss that you had to think about before you wanted to move on in the relationship. When we pulled apart, he didn’t say a word just stared into my eyes.
“I think that’s a great idea,” I said. Finally confident with myself and what I did.

I was running like the devil back to the bus. I told Frank I had forgotten something really important in the bus. He offered to walk me, but I told him not to.

“Guys!! Where’s Brian?!” I asked out of breath
“Not here” Matt said
“Maybe outside” Zacky said and the moment he said it I made my way outside

After looking for him for about 5 minutes I finally spotted him walking away from the stages areas with a cigarrete on his hands

“BRIAN!!!!” I screamed and ran towards him. I jumped on him making him threw his cigarrete and spread his arms to carry me, I wrapped my arms and legs around him.
“What?” I heard him say in a cold tone, as I noticed he was still mad I got down and looked at him
“What’s wrong?”
“Come on, I’m trying Brian, You’re still mad for that thing Alana said?” I asked and he said nothing “C’mon Brian! You know I wouldn’t!” I said. He eyed me suspiciously and then put on a smile.
“Okay” he said. this time I eyed him suspiciously.
"were you thinking that I was going out with Frank and I hadn’t told you?!?"
"Yeah..." he looked down at his shoes.

"Brian...why would you think that?!? you know I tell you EVERYTHING...and if I were going out with him, I would have definately told you! I probably would have ran away from him after I said 'yes' just so I could tell you." I said smiling
"Really?" he asked looking back at me.
"Yes!" I said and he hugged me

“Okay, now what was that you wanted to tell me?”
“What makes you think I wanted to tell you something” I said smiling and he gave me glare
“okay, okay, what I had just told you is actually true”
“Uh?” he asked confused
“Frank has just asked me to be his girlfriend… and I said yes” I said smiling “so I told him I had to go, and I started looking for you and here I am” I said and he just stood there surprised
“Yeah! Can you believe it!!”
“That is awesome” he said, sadness in his eyes.

“Hell yeah!. So does he get the Synyster Gates Seal Of Approval?” I smiled
“Mhm, are you happy?” he asked. I could swear I saw his eyes looked afraid. Like if he didn’t want to know the answer.
“yeah” I nodded smiling
“then yes, he gets the Synyster Gates Seal of Approval” he nodded.
“Thanks” I said and kissed his cheek

After that we were sitting on the ground talking. We stayed up most of the night catching up. I told him about everything I’ve done the last week and so did he.
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I have to say it, I'm such a lazy ass. I wrote this chapter two weeks ago, and For the last couple of weeks every night I would tell myself 'tomorrow morning I'll post a new chapter' and the next morning I'd be like 'Nope, tomorrow'. I'm sorry my friends, But i finally posted it! :) enjoy