Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

"We are going to keep you girls forever"

Stephanie's POV

After a 15 minute drive back home, we took around and an hour to get showered and dressed. I had already changed into my Outfit for the night and had my make up done as well. I put my curly hair up in a ponytail and left my bangs landing on my right eye. I finally put on the necklace I had on my dresser and walked out my room into the living room, where Alana was already waiting. We decided we could walk to the bar, as it was only six blocks away.
We left the loft and and got to the bar in less than 15 minutes. There was a line forming outside, luckily we didn’t had to wait. Alana knew the bouncer and he let us pass as soon as we got there
“I don’t know why, but I have a great feeling about tonight” Alana said grabbing my hand and led me to the bar’s entrance

I walked into the bar and I looked at my outfit “You look great! Now let’s have some fun!” Alana said pulling me by the arm
“Hey, try to stay out of trouble tonight okay?” I told her and she laughed. The bar was already packed and people were dancing and drinking. I looked around and spotted two empty seats at the bar, right down the swiming mermaid . I made my way through to the bar and sat down on one of the stools
“So are we gonna get wasted tonight?” Alana asked
“So wasted” I laughed “Two beers!” I shouted as soon as I spotted the bartender.
“Make that four, please!” a male’s voice said and the bartender waved at us. I stared at Alana and saw the look on her eyes, We really didn’t needed to be hit on
“Listen dude-“ Alana started saying, she was ready to throw some insults and tell him off, but something just stopped her from doing so. “Fuck me” was all she said

I turned around and saw a tall, muscular man with makeup on his face, he had a smokey look on his eyes and a really pale face. I kept staring at him and noticed he had his ears pierced, as well as his lip, his right sleeve was completely tattoed, and he was wearing all black. I recognized him as the lead singer from the band we had just seen and realized why Alana had acted that way “So you know my name” he said smiling, showing his dimples.
“Well, not your name, but your music, I really like it” she said as I remembered when she told me she didn’t knew the names of the band members, just their songs.
“Thank you, I’m Matt anyway. Sorry I know what it sounded like, it’s not like that”
“Don’t worry, it’s okay, I’m Alana and this is my best friend Stephanie” She replied and I said hi to him as we saw the bartender place our drinks in front of us.
“Do you girls want to come with me? The rest of the guys are all sitting over there” he said taking his beers and waited for an answer
“Do you want to Steph?” Alana asked me
"I don't think thats a good idea Alana, whe shou-"
"Please, pretty please" she cut me off and stare at me with her big round brown eyes.
“Ugh, fine” I said grabbing our beers and handing one to her
I took a sip from my drink and walked behind the tattoed guy, to his booth. I stared at Alana and saw her smiling like crazy, she looked like she was about start jumping and screaming anytime soon.

“Go get me a new one before I punch you in the-“ I heard a really skinny guy said, he couldn’t finish because he stared at us and then Matt, as If waiting for him to say something.

We stood in front of the booth and the four tattooed guys stared at us, I obviously reconigzed them as the guys whose show we had gone to, there was also a girl, she had blackish short hair, she was really petit and had a 1000 watts smile, the guy sitting next to her was the drummer, He was really skinny and obviously tall, he had black hair and a pair of glasses perched on his nose, hiding his piercing blue eyes, his arms were tattooed as well, he was wearing all black and fingerless gloves. Next to him, sat the bass player, a guy with jet black hair and a Mohawk, on his left side, sat one of the guitarist, the one with snakebites piercings, he had black hair but with patches of purple in it, his eyes were green, but they were covered by red eyeliner and make-up, but the next guistarrist was the one who caught my eye, he had a nose ring on his left nostril and longish jet black hair with patches of red, his strong jaw and high cheekbones made him look so good, his muscular arms were covered in monster tattoos, and his chest was big and strong and he also had a very slim waist. He, like the rest of the guys, had his face covered in make-up, black eyeliner and eye shadow.

“Guys I would like you to meet this girls, we started talking at the bar so I invited them over” he said “This lovely lady here, girls, is my girlfriend, Val” he said kissing her and taking his seat next to her
“Hey” She smiled “Oh c’mon! It’s not like the guys are gonna eat you out! Have a sit!” she said as the snakebite guy started making enough space for the two of us between him and the monster tattoos guy.

“I'm Zacky” he said “This is Jimmy, Johnny, Brian and as you may already know, Matt” He said
“Nice meeting you, I’m Stephanie and this is my best friend Alana” I replied

Syn’s POV

“Hey man, that show was awesome!” I said as I drank from my jack
“Fuck yeah! I know, the kids were totally crazy, it was unbelievable” Johnny said really excited “So anyways, what are we gonna do this next week?”
“You better behave guys, I gotta head back to Long beach, I’m not gonna be here to take care of you” Val said laughing “Stay out of trouble” she warned
“Yeah, we promise we’ll behave” I said chuckling making her smile at me
“Anyway, back to the question, what are we gonna do this next week?”
“Mhm… I don’t know, there must be more bars and clubs here” Zacky replied
“Yeah! A week off! We have to make it worth it! We’ll drink ‘till we die!” The rev said playing with his imaginary drumsticks “Hey! Who fucking drank my fucking beer!?” he said pissed looking at Johnny
“Jimmy! I swear I didn’t! You already drank it!”
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did!” Johnny said trying to convince him he had already drank his beer
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did! Go get me a new one before I punch you in the-“ Jimmy said but couldn’t finish because something caught our attention.

Matt was standing there, with two girls by his side, their faces showed nothing but shock and excitement, suddenly a small smile appeared on my face.
“Guys I would like you to meet these girls; we started talking at the bar so I invited them over. This lovely lady here, girls, is my girlfriend, Val” Matt told them and kissed her before taking his seat
“Hey” I heard Val say “Oh c’mon! It’s not like the guys are gonna eat you out! Have a sit!” she said giving Zacky and me a glare and we made enough space for them between us.

The two of them were really pretty and seemed really cool. One of them, the taller one, had pale white skin, her hair was some kind of brownish. Her eyes were big and blue and she had slightly pumped up lips. I kept staring at her as she looked at Matt, smiling widely.
I looked away in order to see the other girl, and soon I noticed how gorgeous she was. She couldn’t be any taller than 5’3, her skin was slightly tanned, her hair was brown and short. It was pretty wavy and was up in a ponytail, she also had bangs that landed just above her right eye. She was really petit but had a great body; curves everywhere, her lips were pretty pink and really delicate. Her eyes were beautiful; they were deep true-brown. They looked soft, warm and sparkled quite a lot, with perhaps a slight touch of hardness.
But what caught my attention was her smile, a sweet smile, the kind that melts your heart. It was genuine and naive. She had a beauty mark on her right cheek, which made her look stunning, as well as her cheek dimples.. ‘She’s beautiful’ I thought to myself looking away. I looked up to find her, she noticed I was looking at her so she smiled and took the empty seat beside me.

Matt’s POV

“So girls, I'm Zacky” he said “This is Jimmy, Johnny, Brian and as you may already know, Matt” He said pointing at me and we heard three different hey’s
“Nice meeting you, I’m Stephanie and this is my best friend Alana” she said
“Owe, those are really pretty names Steph and Alana” Val said with her head resting on my shoulder making them smile

“So, what are you guys doing out here?” Zacky asked.
“Well, same thing you are” Alana Said
“Haha yeah sorry” he replied
“Hey! Why are your glasses empty? Johnny! Go get them whatever they want!” Jimmy said pretty buzzed
“Yeah it’s on us, so don’t worry” I said
“Oh no, it’s ok“ Stephanie started saying
“Matt said it’s on us! So, DRINK!” jimmy shouted making all of us laugh
“Okay, I’ll have a jack and coke please, as well as Alana” She said looking at her, Alana just nodded
“Okay!” he said and 5 minutes later he came back with the girl’s drinks and two rounds of beer for each one of us.
“Here’s the alcohol!” his voice rang out

Time passed by and we kept talking and I found out that the girls and the rest of the guys had tons of things in common. All of us got along pretty well; we talked about everything, music, movies, about our band, their favorite bands and songs; and I found out both of them have pretty good taste is music, each one in their very own way.

Stephanie’s POV

All of sudden I had to piss really badly, after all, I had had about 12 beers, I needed a bathroom quick!
“Hey guys, I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be back in a minute” I said while jumping off the couch
“Mhm… well there’re always the trees” Jhonny said laughing
“Yeah right, but I don’t think so!” I said about to burst
“I’ll join you,” Syn said
“Thanks” I said and smiled


It seemed like the longest walk of my life. Syn was walking silently. Then he asked something I didn’t expected.
“Hey Steph, who in the band you find the best looking?” He asked joking and I could feel my cheeks getting redder and redder. “Come on you can tell me, your secret is safe with me” he reassured me laughing
“Umm” I hesitated
“C’mon just tell me” he said anxiously
We were at the bathrooms and I turned and looked at him with his long hair and his piercing catching light.
“Mhm…” I said “Matt seems really cool”
“Oh” he said confused, like disappointed
“Hold on I will be right out,” I said and practically ran in the bathroom
“Yep sure” he said and walked over to the men’s bathrooms.
I walked in and when I was done I didn't go right out. I had to fix my makeup and my hair, I finished and went out to where he was there waiting with two beer bottles.
"Here!" Syn said and handed me a another beer and we started walking back with the guys

“Nice tattoo by the way” he said randomly, looking at the small heart on my left inner elbow
“Thanks, you too”
“So, do you have more or just that one?” He asked
“Nah, just that one, I’m not a tattoo person” I said
“Yeah, me neither” he said rolling his eyes. We both laughed “So what does it mean?” he asked grabbing my wrist and looking at it

“I don’t wanna say” I said serious and he looked surprised “I'm joking, the heart is made ​​up of my parents and sibling's names, each one with their own hand writing" I paused and sighed "I know its not a large tattoo or a portrait or something like that, in fact its quite small, but I wanted something that meant something to me, something to remind me that my family is always with me, wherever they are.” I said looking at the tattoo and then at him
“That’s cute, it looks good on you” he said. I blushed and said thanks

Soon enough and after all the drinks, beer rounds and drunk dancing, all of us were pretty drunk and making our way out of the bar

“Okay! We need to grab a cab!” jimmy yelled running around
“Then this is where we say goodbye, we’ll walk home. GOODBYE guys!” Alana managed to say as she collided with Jimmy
“What? What? What? On your own? Noooo way in hell, we’re going with you” Brian stuttered looking at me
“It’s too dark for two girls to walk alone” Val said seriously
“It’s just a few blocks away”
“We don’t care, so start walking!” he said and then we started walking and they followed us.
After the 25 minute walk, a few falls from me and Jimmy, we finally arrived to our building

Alana’s POV

After Stephanie almost tripped with a bench and jimmy and Johnny started dancing in the middle of the street, we finally made it home, we kept talking ‘til we got to our floor, and the guys walked us to the door.

“Come on Stephanie, you can do it. The world is not spinning” She said as she rested her head on the doorframe
“I, Brian Haner, am going to help this lovely lady and take her to the couch” Brian said walking in the living, leading Stephanie to the loveseat.
“Hey Steph, what is your favorite hardcore band?” he asked as the rest of the band joined them “Cause I just love Good Charlotte! They are like soo haaaardcore!” he said making us laugh at his stupid statement
"Nice place" Zacky said
"Thank you" I replied "Its quite small, but its pretty" I said resting on the wall.
“we’re so glad we met you” Matt said throwing his hands in the air
“Yeah! One night and I already love you!” Jimmy said laughing while he stoop up “You are so tiny” he started saying as he hugged me “and so pretty. We’re going to keep you girls forever and-“
“JIMMY!” we all yelled running to where he had just fallen. Every single person in the apartment was talking or laughing at him for just passing out and I couldn’t understand anything they were saying

“Hey! You people! Shut up! This is my apartment so shh!” Stephanie slurred and they all shut up “I think you are in no conditions to leave so! If my roomie and beloved friend agrees! I say you should stay the night!” She said smiling looking at me waiting for approval
“Yeah, actually I think you’re right” I answered
“YEAH!” all the guys said
“Okay okay! First you got to help us lay Jimmy on the couch” I said while I was walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water “he’s so big and heavy I think neither Stephanie, Val nor I will be able to” I said but when I looked back at the living Jimmy was nowhere to be found, Stephanie was sitting on the couch falling asleep and the rest of the guys were in the living room waiting for anyone to say anything
“Where’s Jimmy” I asked
“Sleeping on the couch, in the guest room I think” Zacky said rubbing his eyes "Its a whitish painted room and has a green fold out sofa?" he asked and I nodded. "then he is in the guest room"

“Okay, then. We have the guest room you just saw and that big couch is a fold out sofa, so you get to decide where you’re gonna sleep. Goodnight!” I said walking to my bedroom
“Val and I will take the spare room!” Matt said and I saw them running past me to the room.
“Okay, that leave you guys with the fold out sofa and the sofa” Stephanie told them. Once I reached my room I heard them argue about where they were going to sleep but I decided to ignore it and go to bed

“I call dibs on Stephanie’s bed!” Johnny yelled and I'm guessing ran to her room
“That is so not fair! That is my bed! I have every right to sleep on it!” I heard Stephanie complain
“Oh my god! It’s too small in here!” I heard Johnny said right before I blacked out
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so terribly sorry! I have not updated anything in six months! I've had this chapter written for a long time, but i didnt had the time to update it. I promise to write a few more chapters before school starts again.
Please let me know what you think of the story :)