Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

'Everything was going back to normal, everything was so perfect'

Alana’s POV

I was sitting on the couch watching some crappy TV show, when I checked my cell phone, ‘the guys should have finished their interview a while ago’ I thought. I grunted as the commercials started and started flipping through the channels for the hundredth time. I sighed as I turned off the TV and threw the remote over the couch.
“This is fucking boring” I said to myself. I was heading to the fridge to grab something to drink when I heard the door open; I turned my head around and saw Stephanie walking into the bus. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a coke.

“Alana” I heard her say
“Hey” I said closing the fridge door.
“Can we talk?” she smiled sitting down next on the couch
“You know we’re leaving Warped Tour tomorrow, right?” she asked seriously, I nodded “I was talking to Frank about it and well” she paused “He just asked me to stay here with him and go on tour with them after the Warped Tour is over” she said
“And what’d you say?”
“Well” she said smiling making me angrier by the second “I talked to Jimmy about it, and actually he was really helpful” she sighed “So I just need to know what to tell him and the rest of the guys” she said. I stared at her with my eyes wide open, I couldn’t believe she was really thinking about leaving us.

“I don’t believe you!” I said loudly, I put my soda down and rub my temples as I walked away from her. “I’ve dealt with you dating this dude, but that’s enough! I don’t mean to say that I don’t like Frank, I do, but c’mon! Since you met him, you have seriously changed! You’re always with him! We barely see you twice a day!” I said and stared at her, her eyes showed surprise and confusion “I have been okay with it and they’ve been okay with it! But this is where it stops.” I said and her head shot up and stared at me the whole time I was talking, her mouth wide open.

“What the hell are you talking about?” she paused “I’m always here! I sleep in the same freaking bus for god sakes!” she replied loudly.

“You’re always here?! You get to the bus late, sleep, wake up, have breakfast and leave!” I said looking at her “Frank has changed you to be such a bitch when you used to be so nice! You were always the center of attention, but now no one knows what you’re doing or where you are anymore! I just can’t believe you! You’re taking his side over ours, over mine! I’ve been in your life a lot longer that he has and suddenly he’s more important!” I yelled “For the past month I haven't even seen you at all! Did you even know Matt got sick again? And they had to cancel a couple of shows? Did you know that Brian finally broke up with Michelle?! No you don’t cause you are always with them!! Do you really want to go with them?! Then fucking leave! Because I don't want to deal with your ass anymore." I finished. I was breathing heavily watching her start to laugh. I stared at her confused, I was about to say something but then I saw her expression change, her smile disappeared and her eyes looked filled with anger.

Stephanie looked at me straight in the eyes as hers were starting to water. She was just about to say something but a loud slam coming from the door made us look away. The guys were walking into the bus, frowning.
“Alana, what is wrong with you? We could hear everything from outside” Matt said, staring deeply at me
“That’s not a nice thing to say, Alana” Johnny said as I shook my head, finding the right words to say “Can you guys just shut the hell up for a minute, please” I heard Stephanie say. I looked at her as she turned her head and stared at me.

“You know what? I’m sick of you, every time I hang out with someone other than you, you act like this. I didn’t stop hanging with the guys. I stopped hanging out with you! I hang out with the rest of the guys only when you weren’t around because I am fucking tired of watching you roll your eyes or stare at me like I’m the worst fucking person alive!” She yelled, her face turning red from anger. I heard Jimmy gasp, I rolled my eyes and stared back at Stephanie “And how the hell was I supposed to know any of that?! You could have told me! Any of you could have! Was I supposed to walk in and be like hey! Is Matt sick again?! C’mon, Alana!”
“If you would have care enough, you’d kn-“ I started but she cut me off
“I’m not done!” She yelled “And now listen to me Alana, I just fucking told you what Frank had asked me. I NEVER said I was going to even think about staying!” She said angrily, I looked over the guys; they had confused looks on their faces
“You said you wanted to know what to tell the guys!” I said pointing at them. She stared at me confused and laughed
“Are you stupid or what? If you would have let me finish you’d know I didn’t meant them!” she said “I meant Frank! What would I fucking tell Frank and the rest of the guys!” she sighed and stared at the window, she bit her lower lip and turned back at me “But now that I know what you think, maybe I should fucking stay”

“What did you just say?” I asked, looking at her like she was joking
“I’m staying with them” She said and made her way to the bunks, in less than 10 seconds she walked out the bunks, her luggage in her right hand. She walked past me and kept walking until she was in front of the guys. I saw her sight and turned to face me. “I want your shit out of my house by the time I get back”
“What?” I said confused.
“As soon as you get back to Huntington, I want you to take your shit out of my house” she said and turned around heading to the door, pushing the guys on the way out.

“Stephanie, wait!” Brian yelled walking behind her “Stephanie!” he said loudly, grabbing her by the wrist.
“Let me go!” she said as she let go of his grip and walked away. We all watched her leave and get lost between the buses.

“Alana!” Brian yelled angrily turning around, heading towards the bus “What happened?!” Brian asked once he walked back into the bus
“We could hear you yelling from outside” Jimmy added
“I think I’ve made a huge mistake” I said and sat down “I thought she was going to tell me she was going to stay with Frank”
“You think she would have done that, Alana?! Really?!” Jimmy said pissed off
“Why would she stay with Frank?” Brian asked confused
“Frank asked Stephanie to stay with him, and go on tour with him?” Jimmy said staring down at the floor. Brian turned around and faced me. You thought she would have stayed, Alana. Really?” He said pouching the table near him.

“Alana, we heard everything, but can you tell us what happened?” Matt told me as Zacky sat down next to me. I sighed and told them what had happened.

“Alana, don’t worry. It’s not your fault” Matt said
“She just told her she was a terrible friend, and that she hates her boyfriend” Zacky said “I do think it’s her fault”
“We’ll try to fix this” Matt said after he hit Zacky in the back of his head
“Yeah, but first we have to let her cool off.” Brian sighed.

“Wow, we finally got to see Stephanie angry” Johnny said randomly after a few minutes of silence
“That?” I chuckled “That was just a warm up, you have no idea how she is when she’s angry, you’ll notice when she is” I said smiling staring at him

Frank’s POV

I was walking towards the bus, when I saw Stephanie walking to the other direction. “Steph!” I yelled but she didn’t listen to me. I stared at her and saw a suitcase on her hand; I began to get worried so I ran towards her.
“Hey! Stop!” I said once I reached her. I grabbed her by the wrist and stopped her. “What’s wrong?” I asked as she turned around and hid her face on my chest. “Stephanie, what happened?” I said as I held her close to me and took the suitcase from her. I dropped it down on the ground and pulled her face away from me. “Babe” I said pulling her chin up with my hands. She shook her head and looked away “What’s wrong?” I asked worried
“It’s nothing”
“What is it?”
“I said it’s nothing” I sighed and decided not to push it.
“Okay, you look tired, you should take a nap” I said and she nodded “C’mon” I said. I grabbed her suitcase and placed my left arm around her and led her to my bus quietly

Stephanie’s POV

I frowned as soon as I woke up, I heard whispers somewhere but I refused to open my eyes, I knew as soon as I opened I would face reality and would start crying. ’How could she say that’ I thought to myself.
After a couple of minutes I slowly shook my head and grunted, I had to get up and tell Frank what happened. I sighed as I slowly opened my eyes and looked up, only to face Brian staring back at me, like he was out of it.
“Hi princess” he smiled and kissed the top of my head. I stared at him and smiled
“Hi” I whispered “What’s wrong?” I asked stretching my arms and my back.
“Nothing, I was just looking at you and thinking about how lucky I am to be your friend” He smiled.
“Aww, yeah right” I chuckled, he smiled.
“Yeah” he said standing up “C’mon lets go outside” He said and taking my hand, I held him tight and he pulled me up from the bunk “C’mon” He said as picked me up and put me on his shoulder. I hit him in the back once he began to carry me across the bus.
“Brian, put me down!”
“Nope” He said as he walked through the kitchen, Gerard, Frank, and Mickey stared at us as they chuckled. I barely heard a ‘thank you, guys’ coming from Brian
“Brian, put me down, please!” I said as he headed towards a bench. He chuckled and put me down. I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest
“C’mon, sit down” He said as he sat down. I sighed and sat next to him, he stared at me and raised his eyebrow “Okay, what is it?” he asked me looking right into my eyes

Brian’s POV

“Okay, what is it?” I asked her, she took a deep breath and started to look around “Stefi” I said and she finally looked at me
“Is it true?” she said looking down at her feet and playing with her hands
“That since I started dating Frank I became a bitch?” she said worried. I swear I heard a tear in her voice. She raised her face to look at me. I sighed when I saw she had let a tear fall, staining her beautiful cheeks, I felt my heart ache a little.
“No, it’s not true”
“But she said so” She paused and stared at me “Brian, I had been friends with her since we- I have had all the time in the world for Alana since I was a kid. Surely it’s understandable if I want to take time to appreciate something new in my life” She paused “that’s exactly what I was doing” she said quietly
“Stefi, we know, Alana is just jealous, you don’t hang out with her anymore. She misses you”
“But” She paused “I’m sorry I haven’t been around you guys that much, I was just-”
“You were in love, it’s reasonable, you are in love and you want to spend as much time with him as possible” I said and put an arm around her shoulder

“Brian, he asked me to stay with him and go on tour with them” she said. I felt my heart shrink but I shook it off.
“What did you say?”
“I was planning to tell him no, but-”
“But what?”
“I don’t know” she said staring at her hands “I’m a horrible person, you know?”
“What? No, you’re not” I chuckled
“Frank has a fiancée” She stated
“What?” I said surprised. I stared at her as she shrugged her shoulders
“Two days ago, I was walking to your tent to hang out, but when I was on my way I heard Gerard’s voice, so I walked closer just to say hi. And well, I accidently eavesdropped” she paused “Gerard and Mikey were talking about Frank, about how could he be so into me, when this girl named Jamia was waiting for him back home. And then, Mikey said something like why would he ask her to marry him, If he was going to cheat on her’” she sighed “I just walked away and headed to the bus” she shrugged “I was going to break up with him, but then this happened and, I don’t know” she paused again as she stared at the sky “I am going to break this thing off, it’s not fair for me or his fiancée, right?” I nodded
“I’m sorry” I said
“It’s okay, I’m not hurt at all actually” she smiled “I guess I’ll just take a plane and go home”
“Do what you want to do, we won’t get mad” I said and hugged her
“Thank you”
“For what?”
“For being here for me, even thought I don’t deserve it”
“Stefi, you deserve this and more, don’t worry about it” I said making her smile. We both sighed and stayed in silence for a few seconds when suddenly she broke it. “And about Frank, I liked him, but you deserve better” I said and kissed her forehead
“I know” She smiled. I stared at her, she wasn’t lying at all, she wasn’t hurt or sad at all. “What?” she asked when she noticed I was staring for too long “What’s wrong?” she asked again
“You are a mystery, you know?” I said as she rested her head on my shoulder
“What? Why?” she laughed
“You found out your boyfriend has a girlfriend, you just had a fight with your best friend and you’re leaving your friends and going back home” I sighed staring at a couple of kids running towards the food tent. “I’d expect you to be crying your heart out or at least a little bit sad” I said. She lifted her head from my shoulder and stared at me then shrugged
“Don’t take me wrong, I’m not happy about Frank, actually I’m really pissed at him” she sighed “I’m just really good at acting” She smiled. I stared at her seriously “I guess when you’ve been hurt so much, so many times. You just stop yourself from ever feeling that way again” she shrugged
“What are you talking ab-“
“Besides, I don’t have time to feel mopey and angry” she smiled “Now, love me” she said and rested her head on my shoulder again.
“Congrats, by the way” she chuckled
“Why?” I asked confused
“On breaking up with that whore” she laughed “You too deserve better than her” she said

“I’m not leaving” she said after a few minutes of silence
“I’ll leave with you guys” she said, I could hear the smile in her voice “I love you and the guys too much to be apart from you again”
“Awesome!” I said and pulled her into a tight hug. I felt her wrap her arms around my waist and held me tight. I smiled and kissed the top of her head before I rested mine on hers.

A few minutes passed by and we were still sitting on that same spot, staring at all the people walking by. None of us said anything; the only thing we could hear was each other’s breaths and heartbeats. I sighed and lifted my head and tried to move but she didn’t let me
“Please don’t move, just wait a few minutes” she said pulling her body closer to mine. I kissed her forehead and rested my head on top of hers again. I smiled. Everything was so perfect. I wanted to stay like this forever
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I'm back! I've got a new and long chapter for you guys! :)
Hope you like it. I'll update a new chapter tomorrow morning ;)