Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

'I came here with A7X, so I’m leaving with them'

Brian’s POV

I slowly woke up after I felt something holding me tighter. I opened my eyes only to find Stephanie in my arms, she was lying in front of me. She looked like so much like an angel, so naive and innocent. I stared at her wavy hair and moved a piece away from her face and placed it behind her ear. I moved closer and breath in her sweet scent, she smelled like roses and raspberry, it was so exquisite and lovely. I moved away and stared at her face as she took a deep breath. I felt so bad for her; Alana was really mean to her. She was not lying when she said she had put us aside since she met Frank, but she was really hard on her.
I sighed and shook my head; Stephanie stirred a little in the bunk and barely pouted. I smiled and kissed her forehead. A bigger smile spread across my face as she snuggled her head into my chest.
“Good morning, beautiful” I said pulling her closer to me.

“Nuht uh,” she grunted, not opening her eyes
“Uh, what?”
“It’s not morning. It’s just not morning” she said.
“Yes, it is morning” I said laughing at her. She grunted and hid her face in my chest; I held her close, caressing her hair. We didn’t moved or say a word for minutes; I knew exactly what was on her mind.
“Are you sure you want to leave with us?” I said as my jaw clenched. She looked up to me and nodded “You don’t want to stay with Frank?”
“Brian, what makes you think that?” She said trying to get out of the bunk. I shrugged my shoulder and followed her to the living room. I looked around to see if there was someone around, but there wasn’t. I sighed and sat next to her.

“I know how you feel about him, I don’t want you to leave with us and be all sad and mopey because you wanted to stay with him” I said staring at my hands, picking my nails.
“Did you hear anything I told you last night?” she said and raised her eyebrow “I’m not someone’s second choice. I don’t want to stay with him”
“Brian, I want you to understand something really important” She said grabbing both my hands. “I liked him. But my feelings for him, were nothing compared to what I feel about you guys, to what I feel for you” She sighed
“For me?” I said confused, she opened her eyes wide open and shook her head
“I’m not done, Bri.” She said “Don’t you think I knew this would happen? Brian, I met him in a two month tour, he lives all across the country. I knew this wouldn’t last”
“But you were so happy” I said confused
“Yeah, I am happy I met him. But I’m happier with you guys. I rather be with you and the rest of the guys” she said and her smile lightly faded “Sure, I’m sure gonna miss him. But if it were you who I’d had to miss, I’ll be depressed, drowning in alcohol and probably dead in two days” I laughed and blushed “I want to leave with you, Brian” she grinned. I pulled her close to me and held her tight.
“I love you” I whispered so low I could barely hear myself
“I love you too” She whispered back. She pulled away and checked her cell phone display “we leave at noon, I better break it off with Frank and say goodbye to the guys now” she said standing up. She kissed my cheek and walked out of the bus.

I sighed and stared at the door for a few minutes before I snapped back to reality. I smiled and walked towards the fridge to grab something to eat and then walked into the shower.

Stephanie’s POV

“Hey guys” I said walking into the MCR Bus. “Have you seen Frank?” I asked Gerard, he nodded
“He’s in the bathroom. Come take a seat” he said patting the spot next to him.
“No, thanks” I said as I shook my head “Can you tell Frank I’ll be waiting for him outside?” I smiled once they nodded and walked outside. I sighed and rested against the bus; I closed my eyes and waited for Frank to walk out.
I startled when I felt my butt vibrating, I quickly took my phone out of my back pocket and unlocked it. It was a new message, Brian’s. It’ll be okay, you’re strong, you can do it I barely smiled and put my phone back into my back pocket.
“Hey, my love” I heard Frank say. I turned around and faced him; he was walking out the bus, a big smile on his face “Have you made up your mind yet? Are you staying with me?” he said trying to kiss my lips, I moved away so instead, he kissed me on the cheek “what’s wrong?”

I sighed “I’m not staying”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay with me?”
“I’m not staying, Frank”
Frank took a deep breath and nodded “I’m gonna miss you” he said looking into my eyes. I felt my lower lip quiver. “I’ll call you every free second I have, and every time I get a couple of days off, I’ll take a plane to see you” he smiled “This is going to work out” he stated

“No, it’s not”
Frank stared at me confused “What do you mean?”
“You should spend all your free time in your fiancée, not in me” Frank stared at me with his eyes and mouth wide opened “Oh yes, I know”

Frank tried to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth. I shrugged my shoulders and headed to bus.

“Guys, I’m leaving” I said staring at the rest of the guys
“Frank told us you were staying”
“We even had to empty a bunk for you!” Gerard whined
“I’m sorry guys, I can’t stay” I sighed “I came here with A7X, so I have to leave with them” I shrugged.

“Take care, ok” Gerard said “I hope we get to see each other sometime” he said holding me close. I shook my head yes and hugged him back one last time.
“Goodbye guys” I said waving them goodbye and walked out the bus. I rolled my eyes when I saw Frank still standing there.

“I’m sorry” he stated
“It’s okay” I shrugged and closed the door
“How did you-“he said but I cut him off
“It doesn’t matter; I know now” I sighed “How could you?”
“I’m sorry, I really liked you and I wanted to give us a shot” he said “I guess I didn’t think this through”
“What would you have done if I had agreed to stay here with you?” I asked but he didn’t reply “I don’t like being a second choice, Frank. I don’t like people playing with me”
“I’m sorry”
“Save it” I said and took a deep breath “I’m not mad at you Frank, I don’t hate you. But this is over”
“I’m sorry I made you feel this way, I really am”
“Oh stop it. You’re not that big of a deal. I never cry, and I’m sure as hell I’m not gonna cry over this nor you. You don’t deserve a single tear.” I sighed “I’m leaving”

“Tell Brian to take good care of you” I heard him say once I was walking away
“He always does” I said without turning around

“Stephanie! Let’s go!” I heard Matt yell. I nodded and quickened my pace.
“I’m done, let’s go” I smiled and hugged Jimmy
“Oh, the pretty dwarf has finally arrived” I heard him say. I punched his arm and moved away from him
“Brian, Sullivan is being cruel to me” I pouted. He grunted and punched him in the same spot I did before
“Not fair” He replied holding his arm.

“Hey” I heard Alana say. I turned around only to find her standing behind me, staring at her hands. “I’m sorry for what happened yesterday”
“Don’t worry, we were stressed and having a bad day. Its okay” I smiled
“Do you forgive me?”
“For what, silly” I smiled
“For being such a bitch, for yelling at you and for how I’ve been acting the last couple of days”
“Don’t worry, it’s okay” I said and gave her a hug. “I love you” I said as I pulled apart

“What?” I heard Zacky said “You were at each other’s throats yesterday, now your hugging and kissing each other? Are you crazy and bipolar?” he said standing in the doorway.
“We’re really good friends. Not bipolar, asshole” Alana laughed
“Yeah, you guys are just jealous you don’t have such a good friendship as ours” I said. Alana laughed and put her arm around me as we walked to the bus.

I grinned as I climbed into the bus and sat down next to Brian. He put his arm around me and kissed my head. I smiled and stared out the window. We were going back to reality, everything was going to be like perfect again.
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New Chapter! :D