Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

'I have great news'

Brian’s POV

“GIIIIIIIIRLS!!” Jimmy yelled jumping into the bus
“What?” Alana said walking out of the bathroom
“We’re already here” Jimmy grinned
“Ugh! Back to the boring road” Stephanie groaned sitting down on the couch
“What did you do all day?” Matt said from behind me
Alana shrugged “We went for coffee and to a restaurant. Nothing much, actually”
“Well, we have a surprise for you” Zacky said clapping his hands
“We already know…” He paused looking at Stephanie “Nah, we’ll let Brian tell you, Alana come with us” He said smiling walking out the bus along with Alana, both girls had a confused look on their faces
“Bri, what’s going on?” Stephanie said once the guys left the bus. I turned to her and smirked “Come here” I said grabbing her hand and dragging her to the couch and sitting down.

We heard Alana scream in happiness once we were on the back. Stephanie stopped as she let go of my grip and looked at me confused with questioning eyes
“I have great news” I said jumping up and down, Stephanie didn’t move at all, she was waiting for me to say something “Two more shows and we’re back home”
“Really?! Finally! That’s the best thing you could have told me!” She squealed
“And I already know where we’ll be playing next” I said excited
“Where?” she asked excited but a slightly confused
“Back home”
“Really? But I thought you were playing two more shows before going back to Huntington” she replied.
“Yea-” I said and then paused realizing what she had said “Wait no”
“We’re not going back to Huntington” I paused “We have a show at the Nassau Coliseum. We’re going to Garden City! And we arranged to stay there for a couple of weeks!” I said excited, staring at her as her smile faded
“The guys and I talked to the Berry’s before we left on tour and we managed to stay there for a couple of weeks”
“Why?!” she said getting pissed. I stared at her in completely awe; I didn’t expect her to react that way at all.

“I don’t know”
“I don’t know? What do you mean ‘I don’t know’?
“We’re playing a show there, we thought you’d like to stay there and see your family”
“Why did you think that?!” she said now in shock
“I don’t know”
“Well talk! I’m not going anywhere until you do!”

“I thought you’d be happy to-”
“Why can’t you just play the show and then leave?! Why stay longer?”

“I don’t know. All I know is that we’re heading to Garden City as soon as the driver gets back” She put her hands in her head and started pulling her hair. I stared at her as she sighed and turned around. She put her hands down and walked out the bus, not saying a word.

I was confused and shocked, I was sure she’d be happy to know she was going home to see her family. I punched the wall in frustration and walked to the couch. I heard the door open as I sat down and saw Alana walking in.
“What happened, Brian?” I heard her ask, worried.

Alana’s POV

“Oh my god! Really!?” I asked jumping up and down. Jimmy and the rest of the guys just nodded with smiles on their faces “I can’t believe this! After two fucking years! I finally get to see my family!” I squealed as I jumped on Matt and he spoon me around “thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys are the best friends I have ever had” I said jumping off Matt
“Its okay, we wanted to do this for you” Johnny said

“Dear God! I'm going to start packing! And maybe I’ll call my mom and, no I wont call her, I want it to be a surprise and oh my fucking god! I'm so happy!” I squealed “Thank you guys!” I said and kissed everyone on the cheek. I barely heard the bus door open and close, but I didn’t saw anyone coming out, so I shrugged it off.
“Whoa, I see you’re excited” Zacky said laughing I nodded frenetically “you should start packing, you have a load shit of stuff, and your bunk is a mess” I nodded “we’re going to get the driver, tell Brian we’ll be back in a minute” I nodded frenetically again and walked into the bus.

I started humming as I was walking into the bus. I sighed and smiled thinking of my family. I was so happy I was finally going to see them, I have missed them a lot this past couple of years. I smiled as I looked up but I stopped when I saw Brian sitting down, a confused and worried look on his face.

“What happened, Brian?” I asked him worried
“I have no idea” Brian said confused. I sat next to him. “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, sure, what is it?”
“It’s about Stephanie” he said dead seriously. I motioned him to go on “Look, I told her where we were heading to” he said and I smiled “Stephanie was… she was not happy about going back home” when I heard those words, I realized it. I got excited for going back home, but I never thought about what Stephanie may feel about it, I stared at him as my smile faded away “And I want to” he paused and looked at me “I need to know why”
“She told you months ago, she left because she wanted a fresh start”
“A fresh start, from what? What happened?”
“Brian, it's nothing” I said standing up.

“Alana, I know something is wrong. I see it every time I look at her! And the way she just outburst!” He sighed. I shook my head and turned around to head back to the bunks but Brian took my wrist and stopped me. I looked at him and saw nothing but concern in his eyes “please don’t tell me it’s nothing because I know it’s not true. She has the most beautiful eyes in the world, but right now, they look broken, like something is missing”

“I’m not the one to tell you, Brian. It’s Stephanie who has-”
“But she didn’t” He said. When I saw the look on his eyes, I knew he was really worried. I took a deep breath and sat on the couch, I patted the spot next to me, motioning him to sit down as well.

“Do you know why we moved to Sacramento?” I mumbled
“When we met she said she wanted a fresh start, just like you said”
“That you girls were like out of control and she wanted to change”
“That’s” I stopped and stared at him before I started talking again “Not the whole truth”
“Then why you did it?”

“Back then, she was the happiest girl on earth. Every girl would kill for the life she once had" I smiled "She had a loving family, lots of friends who loved her, a boyfriend who’d die for her, she was doing great in school” I paused “But she was too impulsive” I sighed “And one day, all of the sudden, she hit this hole in her life and it all started to crumble” I paused when I saw Brian’s face “She has truly gone to hell and back”
“What happened?”
“She had broken up with her two year boyfriend, she started having way too many problems with her parents, she started dating this guy who stalked her and was obsessing over her, her grandpa passed away and she was in a couple of acc-” I stopped when I heard the bus door open, but decided to continue when saw no one walked in “She had two terrible accidents” I sighed “Her world was crashing around her. She started drinking more than usual, she become such a trouble maker, she even spent a few nights in jail” I stopped and saw he was paying attention to everything I said “A few weeks after she woke up from the coma she was in, she just decided to leave”
“Coma? When the fuck was she in a motherfucker coma!?" he asked exalted “why the hell didn’t I know about that?!”
“Brian, calm down, it was a long time ago. Stephanie doesn’t like to talk about it””
“Why? What hap-”
“Shut up and let me finish, okay” I said quietly and he nodded “A few weeks after she woke up, she decided to leave. She couldn’t stand being in Garden City, two of her siblings were gone, and she was scared and hurt. She couldn’t take it anymore. So she didn’t think twice about moving out. In early May we moved to Sacramento” I said looking through the window
“Two of her siblings gone?” He asked confused
“Yeah” I nodded “You do know she has siblings, right?” I asked confused
“Yeah, a younger sisters” he replied “Audrey" I think”
“Yeah, but there are two more”
“Really? I didn’t know” He smiled, when he saw I didn’t smile back, his grin disappeared “what?

“Brian, she hasn’t told you about it?“ I asked him, he shook his head “Brian, she had an older brother” he stared at me with a confusing expression on his face “Taylor and Steph were the closest siblings I’ve ever met. They even got along better than she did with her twin.” I said and in a second his mouth was wide open, he was in total shock “You didn’t know that either” I said

“Twin?!” he asked in shock “She has a twin?!”
“Yeah, they loved each other as hell” I said, his mouth still open “They were so different, in every single way. Stephanie had always been the loveable, warm and outgoing girl, Melanie instead was the quiet, bitchy, and kind of snobby one” I paused and stared at Brian, who had an look of awe on his face “Audrey is Stephanie's younger version, she loved her to death.” I smiled as I remembered the Sloan family
“And what happened that made her leave it all behind?” He asked seriously

“The accidents she was involved in, they changed her. She went through so much, leaving was the only way she could get over it” I paused “I didn’t want her to feel like that again, I just didn’t want to lose her” I said but Brian cut me off
“Why would you lose her?” He asked staring at me. I didn’t answer right away. I went silent for a few seconds and then took a deep breath

“Brian, she tried to kill herself” I said seriously. His mouth was slightly opened but his eyes looked terrified “That’s why I care so much for her; I don’t want anything to happen to her. I don’t wanna see her in pain again; she already went through so much” I said looking into his eyes “You know, I do have to thank you” I said smiling
“Why?” he stuttered
“Stephanie didn’t smile or laugh in months. The first time I saw her laugh and actually mean it, was when she met you guys. I never saw her smile the way she does until she met you” I said looking at him and he faintly smiled looking at his hands “you entered her life just in the right time”

“Alana, I still don’t get it" He said after a few minutes of silence "What could have possibly happened that made her feel like that” He asked confused. I could see he was extremely concerned
“Because everyone blamed her for what happened" I took a deep breath, remembering the anger I felt back then "Even I did for a while. Most important, she blamed herself”
“For what? What happened?”

“You really want to know?” I heard someone said. I turned around and saw Stephanie resting on the driver’s seat, her arms crossed over her chest. I quickly opened my mouth and tried to say something, but nothing came out.
“I'm so sorry Ste-” She shook her head
“It’s okay, don’t apologize” she said as she walked toward us and sat next to Brian “I’m sorry I acted that way, Brian. Why didn’t you wait for me to tell you?”
“I'm sorry” He said ashamed, when I turned around I could see all the guys standing right in front the bus door, all of them had their mouths hanging open. I’m guessing they were outside the open door and heard it all too.

“Get in boys! We’re leaving!” I heard the bus driver say. The guys walked into the bus and into the living area, they sat in front of us as the bus driver closed the door and started the bus “We’ll be in the venue in 4 to 5 hours, we’re leaving now” he said and closed the curtain.

“Steph, do you really have a twin sister?” Jimmy said staring at her
“Yeah, Melanie. Melanie Jean” she said looking to the floor with a weak smile
“Seriously?” Jimmy said smirking; she nodded “Melanie Jean and Stephanie Jane? Really?” she nodded smiling
“Blame our parents” she paused smiling. She stared at him and went back to her fingers “She never liked being called Jean, she thought it sounded stupid”
“Just like you” Johnny said
“You don’t like your middle name, Jane, but we love it” Zacky said as Brian put his arm around Stephanie’s shoulder and held her close.
“Steph, can you tell us what happen?” Matt said concerned after a few seconds. Stephanie sighed before she slowly nodded.
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