Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling


Stephanie’s POV

“Well, It’s quite a long story” I sighed. Images started to flash in my head and my brother screams started to echo through my mind.
I kept quiet and stared at my hands as I began to remember, after a few minutes I sighed and looked up to the guys, they were staring at me, waiting for me to begin. I sighed once again and started. “A few years ago, my family and I had to fly to London asap, my granddad had cancer, and he was getting worse. We spend three days just waiting” I took a deep breath and stared at the guys. “He died. He was the best man I have ever known, I loved him to death, but when I saw him lying in his coffin, it broke my heart. I just had to get away from there. I went back to my grandparent’s home, picked up my stuff and headed to the airport. There was a plane about to leave to NY right then, so I boarded it and when it was about to take off I heard someone scream my name. My brother had followed me.” I said. Flashbacks hit my like bricks


“Taylor! What are you doing here?!” I said confused when I saw him walking towards my seat.
“What do you think you are doing?” He said
“I’m going back home, Taylor.”
“Stephanie, please get off the plane. We’ll leave tomorrow, I’ll go with you. But please come back” he begged
“I don’t want to, sorry” I said as I watched the flight attendant stare at us
“Stephanie, please. I have a bad feeling” He whispered. I rolled my eyes, he was being paranoid, he was afraid of airplanes. He acted that way every time he boarded one.
“Taylor, just go. I’ll see you home when you get there” I said and looked away. I turned to my left and looked through the window.
“Fine! If don’t want to get off, I’ll go with you” He said sitting down next to me. He buckled his seatbelt and crossed his arms
“What are you doing?” I asked raising my eyebrow
“If you’re not getting off, neither am I” he said confident. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I closed my eyes when I saw the flight attendant explain what we should do in case of emergency. Soon enough, the plane started to take off. I opened my eyes and turned to my brother, his eyes were closed and his hands were holding on tightly to his seat beat. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine.
“Relax, is going to be okay” I smiled “I promise” He nodded and let go of the seat belt. I sighed and turned to the window. I stared at the clouds beneath us.

I woke up when I heard the pilot talk through the speakers. We would be landing in an hour. I stretched and turned to Taylor, who was staring at the buttons on top of him.
"See? I told you there was nothing to worry about. We're almost there" I said smiling. “The flight processed smoothly, take off was perfect. Even turbulence seems to be having a day off. I told you everything would be okay” I smiled
"I know, sorry. I guess I freaked out a little" he said turning red
"A little? Taylor. You almost got us kicked out of the plane" I laughed, He laughed as well. "Thanks for coming with me Ty" I said
"It’s okay, I would do anything for you” He said, smiling at me. I stared at my brother. His eyes showed warmness. “I love you little one”
"I love you too" I said grapping my arms around his torso. "I'm going to miss him" I said as a tear drop fell down my cheeks
"I’m gonna miss him too" he said right before the airplane shook roughly "oh dear god" he said tensing up
"Calm down. It’s just turbulence, its going to be over soon". I said sitting up. The steward quickly came out and asked us to put our seat belts on. I buckled mine and waited for my brother to buckle his. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the back of the seat.
After a few minutes, the turbulence continued, I was starting to get nervous. I turned away so my brother would see the concern in my eyes.
“You had to jinx it, didn’t you” Taylor complained. I smiled at his words.

My fear began to increase when I heard a small explosion on the right side. The plane jolted and there was a smell of burning machinery. I quickly looked out the window and saw smoke coming out of the left engine, I quickly realized both engines had failed.
I turned away and stared at Taylor, he was breathing heavily, I grabbed his hand and held it tight, letting him know I was right there for him, as soon as I held his hand, the Oxygen masks popped out the roof. It was quiet, everyone was assessing the situation, it happened so fast. It soon became obvious we were headed for the ground.

A sharp downward motion of the plane threw a lot of people to the floor, lots of them hitting their heads. Then I heard the announcement “This is the captain, brace for impact”
Me, Taylor and every passenger in that plane screamed in absolute terror, I held my brother’s hand tightly, before holding each other in a strong embrace.
“We’re going to die” Taylor sobbed. I could find no words.

After a few seconds, I heard a loud sound, like something was breaking. I looked behind and saw the right wing was nowhere to be seen, the wind had torn off the right wing. People started to fly away, through that big hole. A lot of people had bloodied noses or eyes from hitting the seat in front of them. I clanged into my seat and my brother’s hand, praying it’d be over soon. I opened my eyes and saw my brother’s seat belt breaking. I stared at him, panic in his face, I quickly grabbed his hand trying to make him stay in his place but he soon was up in the air. I held into his hand and arm for dear life.
“Please, Taylor don’t let go” I said, tears coming out my eyes. He stared at me, an apologetic look in his face “No! Don’t let go!” I yelled before he let go of me and flew away through the hole in the plane. I saw his body hit the seats in the plane, trying to hold on to something “Taylor!” I yelled but he was nowhere to be seen anymore “TAYLOR!” I kept yelling. I turned around and held to my seat.
The shadows of the trees started coming past the window. Then there was this loud noise from the trees hitting the plane. I didn’t feel any slightest pain; everything went black as soon as the plane hit the ground.

End of flashback

“It seemed like an eternity before the plane finally made contact with the ground. It felt like the worst car wreck you could imagine” I said staring at the floor; a single tear ran throw my cheeks. “I was knocked unconscious, when I woke up I looked around, it was a like a battle field, dead people scattered all around, the plane broke into three sections and each went in a different directions. There were cables hanging down, blood everywhere” I sighed. I looked up and stared at the guys, a horror expression on their faces.
“There were 18 of us still alive” I sobbed “I was in a really bad shape, I had a nasty gash in my right arm, the scar is barely visible” I said showing them a lightly scar on my arm “I don’t really remember if it was a piece of glass or metal, but there was a sharp thing sticking out of my waist” I said showing them a visible scar on my waist. They winced “I had a dislocated shoulder and bruises and cuts all over my face and body. Every single part of my body hurt. Luckily a doctor was there, so he tried to heal the injuries” I sighed “Before it was dark, the 18 of us got together and managed to make a bonfire and waited for someone to come get us the next day” I paused and stared at my hands “A day went by, two days, three days, a week. And no one came for us” I sighed “The first days we lost 3 people. They didn’t have the strength to get through. Four more because of their injuries and two more, they were slow and got eaten by a pack of wolves. I saw the wolves fought for their bodies leaving them lying there, unrecognizable” I sobbed “By the eight day I was desperate, I wanted to find my brother so bad, I was afraid he had ended up like them. I walked into the woods, determined to find him. And I did, it took me a day, he had fallen 4 miles away from the plane, he was barely conscious, he had scratches and cuts all over his body, his face was swollen and constantly bleeding, his femur was sticking out, and there was this awful bruise in his chest. I don’t know how I managed to get us both to where the rest was. I was in a lot of pain, but I still managed to carry him all the way back. I was happy, I knew I was lost, injured and in pain, but I had my brother with me, and he was still alive” I began to cry as flashbacks came back “I managed to keep him alive for five days, he was still lucid so I fed him, and tried to heal his injuries, but one day, he just didn’t wake up” I said, tears falling down my face “Two days later we were rescued. After two weeks, they found us. They couldn’t see the plane crash site from the air, so they’d had to send a group out on the ground. I had spend that last week barely alive, I really don’t know how I managed to wake up every day” I buried my face in my hands, tears all over my face, Brian tried to hug me but I didn’t let him. It took me a few minutes to calm myself “The next thing that I actually remember is waking up in a hospital bed in New York, I remember being told how lucky I had been. Turns out I not only had a dislocated shoulder and the things I told you” I sighed “The gash in my arm got infected, also the one in my waist, I had a broken rib and wrist, that’s why they hurt so much. A day before we were rescued I fell from a cliff, a really small one, turns out I had internal bleeding in the stomach because of it” I sighed “At the end, there were only 7 of us. Two more guys died in the hospital” I paused “166 people on that plane, and only seven survived “ I cried “A few months passed by, I had to attend trials, talk to judges, lawyers” I paused and sighed “They gave us 45 million dollars, each” I stared at them, their mouths dropped. “It was hard to go back to my normal life, I guess that after being involved in a plane crash it would be foolish to believe that everything would ever seem exactly the same again” I paused and wiped out my tears “I blamed myself for my brother’s dead, my parents blamed me too” I sighed and held back new tears “He tried to warn me, but I didn’t listen” I cried and buried my face in my hands, tears were running down my face again. Brian quickly held me close and gently caressed my back as I sobbed into his neck

“That’s why you didn’t want to go to London, and refused to get on a plane” Jimmy sighed staring at me
“Why didn’t you tell us, we wouldn’t have pushed you into going with us to London” Johnny said
“I didn’t want you guys to feel sorry for me”
“No one knew only their family and me” Alana said wiping out my tears “We never talked about it again. Every time we did, we could see how something inside of her broke. Just like now” she said

“A few months later, after all the therapy I had gone to, I was slowly getting over that, so Alana and my sister decided to take me to this party” I said and stared at her “Do you know why we left that day at the party Alana?” I asked her and she shook her head “You knew Chris was there?” she nodded this time and I turned to face her “Do you know why I stopped seeing him?” she shook her head. I stared at her and sighed “He hit me. He wanted to have sex and I didn’t, so he beat me up” I said, trying not to see that night in my mind.
“You said you went to the lake house and fell into the lake” she said shocked, I slowly shook my head
“That fucking asshole” She said pissed
"I was drunk, and he tried to take advantage of me. I didn’t let it happen, so he hit me again” I said and left everyone shocked. I felt Brian's hand turn into a fist and Jimmy and Johnny tried to protest but Matt and Zacky stopped them instead, and let me continue


I walked out the bathroom and looked around, the hallway had empty out and no one was around. I shrugged it off and tried to walk towards the stairs. I was just about to turn right and reach the stairs when I felt someone grab me by the waist and pull me back. I look at the guy's face and saw Chris standing in front of me right before he slammed me against the wall.
“Chris, get away from me” I said pushing him away, as his other hand had found my thigh.
“You know you want it” he said, his breath smelled of alcohol
“Chris, stop it!” I tried pushing him off, but he was stronger than me. He pulled me closer to his chest, and picked me up, turned around and quickly pushed me into an empty room and closed the door behind him. “If you come any closer I swear I’ll scream” I threatened him. He didn’t listen and pushed me into the bed “Get the fuck away from me” I said fighting, but he was fighting harder to stay on top of me. “Chris! Stop!” I screamed once I started panicking as his hand went up my shirt. “Don’t!” I screamed again but he covered my mouth and started to take my shirt off.
“Shut the fuck up” he said angry as he took my shirt off. I was already sobering up from the fear I was feeling.
“HELP!” I yelled at top of my lungs once he removed his hands and started hitting his chest.
“I told you to shut up, bitch!” he said and punched me in the face and stomach before he started to kiss me forcefully.
I heard the door open and felt someone pull Chris off me. I quickly started to put my shirt on and ran outside the door, only to run into Lindsay. I looked back to see who had saved me and saw Daniel beating the living shit out of Chris

“Daniel ! Stop it! He’s not worth it!” I said once I broke from my trance. “Daniel , stop it!” I said grabbing him by his arm but he let go “You’re gonna kill him!” I said. He stopped and looked at me.
“How can you stand up for this asshole?” he asked shocked
“I’m not! You’re gonna get in trouble if keep beating him up!”I said and my ex stopped. I stared silently at him while my eyes started to water “I want to go home” I said as my voice cracked
“Lindsay. Can you look for Alana and Melanie? We’re leaving” Daniel told my best friend. She nodded and quickly ran out before he kicked the body on the floor once again.
“Daniel” I said quietly. He nodded and picked me up bridal style. I hid my face in his neck so I didn’t have to see anyone stare at us on our way out.

Once we reached my sister’s car, Daniel put me down and looked around for my friends and sister. “Are you pissed?” I asked quietly
“I'm furious”
“I’m sorry”
“Steph, it’s not your fault. I'm pissed at that dick! I'm pissed at myself for letting it happen and for letting you go”
“Daniel , please don’t” I cried
“Stephanie, I lov-”
“Not now” I sighed
"I'll stop by your place tomorrow so we can talk" he said cupping my face and kissing my cheek. I nodded as my sister came running out the house, Lindsay behind her.
“We couldn’t find Alana anywhere. Can you find her and tell her and the rest of the guys we left?” Melanie asked Daniel as she jumped in the car, he nodded.

“I’ll see you tomorrow” Daniel said and kissed my forehead. I jumped in and he closed the passenger door for me. "Are you sure you are able to drive, Mel? I mean, you have had a few drinks"
"I'm perfectly fine, don’t worry."
"If you think it’s safe for you to drive like this, it’s okay" he said once Mel and Lindsay put on their seat belts “Drive carefully” he told my sister and waved goodbye

Melanie had sped out of the party and was heading home. The car was silent as she drove. Neither Melanie nor I wanted to talk. Lindsay was just staring from Melanie to me and back, she was waiting for my sister to explode
“You need to say something” Lindsay said waking me from my thoughts
“We were really scared back there” Melanie said this time
“How did you know I was there?”
“I saw you go upstairs, Melanie said you were going to the bathroom and then we saw Chris stumble behind you. I knew something bad was going to happen.” Lindsay paused “when you didn’t come down immediately, I got worried and ran upstairs, I ran into Daniel, who was looking for you as well. Once we were upstairs, we heard you screaming.” she paused when we saw Melanie’s grip on the wheel got tighter.
“I'm sorry”

“It’s okay” Melanie said
“If you hadn’t been there who knows what could’ve hap- MELANIE! LOOK OUT!” I screamed as I saw a bright light behind my sister, heading right for us. I clung into the seat and waited for the impact while Melanie tried to swerve the car out of the other car’s path, but failed. I heard Lindsay screaming her lungs out as I felt the crash. The car rolled so many times, smashing the ground every time. I saw Lindsay hit the back window hard, breaking it, leaving glass stuck in her head. Everything and everyone was being flung around in the car.
When the car stopped rolling, I opened my eyes and realized we were upside down, I turned to Melanie, blood was running down her face. I stared at her in pure shock, she was barely breathing and I started to panic, I looked through the rear view mirror and saw my friend, blood coming out her mouth and her eyes closed.
“Lindsay” I yelled. “Melanie! Please wake up!” I cried out loud. Just then I saw Melanie’s eyes slowly open “Mel! Are you okay?” I asked quietly, she didn’t answered, instead she stared at me and started coughing up blood
“We’re going to be okay” I told her quietly, barely smiling as I started feeling lightheaded. I held my sister’s hand before everything went black

End flashback

“I'm sorry” Matt said
“Do your parents know this?” Johnny asked and I shook my head and he wiped the tears from my eyes. I had never talked to anyone about this before
“No. this is the first time I’ve ever talked about it” I said. Alana’s face was filled with tears, she was having a hard time breathing properly by then “Anyway, the next thing I knew is that I was waking up in a hospital bed from a coma” I continued
“What happened then?” Jimmy asked
“A few minutes after I woke up, my mom told me what happened” I said and stopped, all the memories and feelings from that night came rushing into my mind “My sister was in a really bad shape, and my best friend had died in the ER.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally. I know it took me a while but I had a really hard time writing this chapter, I wanted it to be really good that it turned out to be really long too. So I had to cut it into three different chapters.
I hope you guys like it, I'll be posting the next chapter the day after tomorrow ;)