Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

I, The Reverend Tholomew Plague, proclaim this day, August 17 of 2004, as the day we were happy

Alana’s POV

I groaned opening my eyes and turned my face to my closed door, staring at it. I sat up in my bed and looked around, I was trying to remember how much did I drink last night or how did I get back home when suddenly it hit me, the band stayed the night.
I ran to the door, nervous to what I’d see and slowly opened it only to see Stephanie’s room door wide opened and two persons sleeping on the living room.
“Fuck, I don’t remember anything from last night” I said rubbing my head. I thought they all would be hungry when they’d wake up so I decided to make some pancakes and headed to the kitchen.

Stephanie’s POV

It was a ray of sun that finally woke me up, meaning it was no longer night, I couldn’t even opened my eyes due to a pounding ache in my head; I rolled over slowly, groaning at the disgusting taste in my mouth and the horrible hangover I was feeling
“Oh my god, I have the worst hangover ever” I thought still not opening my eyes, I tried to think about last night and then the memory of Alana and I coming back home with the guys from the band popped into my head.

I slowly opened an eyelid and saw a body facing the wall and memories of the night before came rushing back.
“Hangover!” I said as I was sitting up and looked around and stared at the guy next to me, I instantly recognized him as Syn.
“Steph, I warned you about drinking all that jack, didn’t I?” Alana said walking out of the kitchen
“Shut up" i said "I feel like there’s a knife inside my head”
“One day you will learn to listen to me” she said handing me an aspirin
“You know that will never happen” I said drinking it

“Hey, Steph” Syn said sitting up rubbing his eyes
“Good morning sunshine” I stared at him “I’m sorry if I woke you, you can go back to sleep” I said sitting down on the fold out sofa and saw all the guys entering the living room
“What the hell happened last night?” Matt asked walking out of the spare room “The last thing I remember is drinking at the bar then blank and the next thing is hearing Stephanie say something about her bed or something” he said grabbing an aspirin Alana handed him and giving one to Val
“I remember taking Jimmy to the spare room and fighting with you guys over Steph’s bed” Syn replied with his head resting on his hands
“Oh my god! You kicked me out of my bed?!” I asked shocked, realizing I had woke up in the fold out sofa making Val star laughing
“Yes! Johnny did! I slept on the couch, because you passed out on the fold out sofa and Syn stayed with you” Zacky answered rubbing his eyes
“Sorry for taking your bed” Johnny said looking down, making Val laughed harder
“Yeah, they always do this;you’ll learn to deal with it, eventually”
“It okay, I don’t care honestly, all I care right now is getting a glass of water” I said as I walked inside the kitchen “Owe! Allie! You made us pancakes!” I yelled making everybody run to the kitchen and grab a pair of pancakes.
"Matt!" Jimmy yelled as he sat down. Matt stood still looking at him, wating for him to talk "Can we keep them? Can we? Can we?" he said jumping up and down on his seat "Can we?"
"Can we?" Brian said this time
"Can we?" Jhonny and zacky said in unison. Matt started laughing and nodded.
"yes, we can keep them" he said, making jimmy jump up his feet, he picked me up and spun me around.
"You're our pets now!" he said
"We're not animals James" Alana said seriously
"I dont care. You're part of the family now, thats all that matters" he said spining me around "I, The Reverend Tholomew Plague, proclaim this day, August 17 of 2004, as the day we were happy" he said happily after putting me down "Now we shall eat" he said placing a piece of pancake in his mouth. Everyone started laughing their asses off as he started eating pacefully

“Hey girls” Matt started saying when we finished eating “we’re gonna have a week off, starting tomorrow and we’re gonna spend them here, in Sacramento”
“And we were wondering if you would wanna hang out with us…” Syn said
“Yeah, and you know, you can show us the city and what not, have fun” Jimmy finished
Alana and I just started laughing

“Oh my freaking god! That was hilarious!” I heard Alana said between laughs
“Yeah, laugh all you want, we don’t care” Jimmy said blushing making us chock on laughter
“So, what do you say?” Syn said looking at me when we finally stopped laughing
“Of course, we’ll love to” Alana answered for me
“Besides I would love if you two keep them out of trouble” Val said
“I'm leaving to Long Beach today, school stuff, so now the responsibility is yours” she said joking
“Sure don’t worry” Alana said
“Okay, now let me get your number and I’ll give you mine” Matt said

He handed Alana a piece of paper with their phone numbers and their hotel room phone number and she handed him another piece of paper with ours.

“Okay here, that’s my phone number and Steph's” she said “I’m really sorry to say this guys, but Steph and I have to work, today our shift starts at 11 o’clock and its twenty passed nine, so-“
“So, you’re kicking us out?” Zacky said offended

“NO! Of course not, we just have to go to work and get rid of the hangover in less than an hour, you can come back at 7 pm, when we’re home” I told them
“You sure?” Matt said getting up and walking to the door, followed by the rest of us
“Yeah! Do we look like we’re kidding?” I told him with a serious look on my face
“Yeah right, whatever you say” Syn said laughing “We’ll call you later” he said after Johnny and Zacky had already said their goodbyes and were walking down the hallway

“Bye Steph” Syn said giving me a hug. I nodded as he walked away
"See you later Allie” he said as Val and Matt said their goodbyes

“I guess I'm not seeing you tonight Steph, I leave at 4, it was nice meeting you” she smiled “I hope I see you girls soon” she said and hugged me
“We’ll call you later girls!” Jimmy yelled when he was already inside the elevator and Val hugged Alana and walked to the elevator
“Goodbye Steph” Syn grinned and headed to where the guys were, making me grin to myself as Alana and I walked inside the apartment.

We headed into the living room and started talking about what last night and in less than 15 minutes later we were already in our own bedrooms, getting ready for work.
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What you guys think?