Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

"Who knew it would be you who’d make both weak and strong"

Brian’s POV

I opened my eyes, but immediately closed them when I felt the bright light coming from the window sting my eyes. After I few seconds I rubbed my eyes and opened, I stood up and folded the sheets and blankets I had slept with. Once I had everything cleaned up I left them near the pillow on the couch. I quickly walked to where my jeans were when I heard my phone ring, and took my phone out the back pocket

“Where the fuck are you?” I heard Matt say
“I’m at Steph’s place. What’s wrong?”
“Dude! It’s past 11 am! I you should be here by know”
“Why?” I said, still sleepy
“We have to be in the venue at noon, sound cheek. We’re waiting for you guys!”
“Fuck, I think you guys should leave, Matt. I’ll get a cab and get there. I just woke up and Steph’s still sleeping”
“Still? Ugh that girl and her laziness” I heard him sigh “How it went by the way?”
“I’m glad. Anyway, we’re leaving, man. We’ll see you there” he said
“Okay, I won’t take long” I said and hung up

I put my phone on the coffee table and started my way to the bed. Once I was standing next to it, I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Stephanie before I kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes and stretched her arms
"Good morning princess" I said as she looked around
"How did I get here?" She asked yawning
"You fell asleep in the living, your parents asked me to take you to your room” I answered
“You slept on the couch?” She said sitting down, staring at the couch in front of her bed. I nodded. “Why didn’t you left? I mean, with the guys?”
“Because you haven’t told me you wanna leave” I replied making her smile, god, how much I love her smile. She grabbed me by the neck and pulled me closer; she kissed me on the check and hugged me real tight.
“Thank you” She whispered before letting go. She smiled and threw the covers off of her. “So, did the guys called already?” She asked me and I nodded
“Yes, Matt called like 5 minutes ago; he said I had to be at the venue in an hour”
“So soon?” I nodded
“I guess they’d want you there so you could tell them everything” I said. She pouted and shook her head no.
“Its okay” I said and kiss her on the forehead “I still have to leave, though” I said
“I’ll miss you” she grinned
“Now go get a shower, I’ll go next” I said lying down on the bed, but she grabbed my hands and pulled me back up
“No” She stated “Let’s eat first, I’m hungry” she said walking out of her room, still wearing same clothes as yesterday.

Stephanie’s POV

I sighed when I walked in the kitchen and saw a not on the fridge, I headed towards it and grabbed it. I leaned against the counter and read it.
Your dad and I had to go to work early, we’ll be back at 7 pm. Audrey will be back at 4 from school.
Love you. Mom
PS. your car keys are in the coffee table next to the front door”

“Where’s everybody?” I heard Brian ask as he walked in the kitchen. I looked at him and noticed he had already changed into clean clothes
“I’m guessing you didn’t take a bath” I kinked my eyebrow
“Nope” he laughed “I’m late already, I didn’t have time to shower” he grinned
“You pig” I laughed making him pout
“I’m taking a shower at the venue, don’t worry” he said
“You better” I said and stuck out my tongue
“Where’s everybody?” he asked again
“Audrey’s at school and mom and dad at work” I replied pouring myself some orange juice.
“Are you sure you wanna stay here alone?” he asked me as I took a sip of juice.
“Brian, don’t worry about it” I smiled “I’ll be okay” I said as I drank the whole glass. I heard a honk outside and looked at Brian
“They said it’d be here in ten minutes, they’re early” he said checking his watch.
“I have to go” he said “Are you sure it’s okay? I mean, I promised I’d stay with you”
“Brian, please go. You have stuff to do. I’ll go to the venue before the show begins” I smiled
“You’re going?”
“You actually think Audrey will forget you told her she could go? Besides, I want to take her” I grinned. He nodded and headed to the front door. “I’ll see you tonight, okay” I said as he opened the door.
“Okay, see you later then” he said and kissed my head before he walked out the door and headed to the cab. I turned around and closed the door behind me.

I quickly ran upstairs and into my room, I took my old shorts and a blue top from my luggage and headed to the bathroom. I headed to where the tub was, I turned the hot water on and added bath salts. I smiled as I remembered I used to take bubble baths all the time, they somehow cleared my mind. I sighed and quickly undressed myself only to put my white bath wrap on. I started to check myself out in the mirror while I waited for the tub to fill.
After a few minutes, the tub was already filled. I headed towards it and slowly got into it after I took the bath wrap off.

After an hour I was already done. I quickly got out the tub and wrapped the bath wrap around my body and head. I took my clothes and walked out of my room, I changed into my clothes before I took the head towel off, grabbed a comb from my dresser and comber my hair only to let it air dry.
Once I did my make-up I grabbed my purse and left the room. I quietly walked through the house and made my way towards the entryway.

I looked inside a bowl on the coffee table and grabbed the keys in it before I made my way to the garage door.
“Oh my god” I said as I stared at the car parked in front of me “After all these years, they kept it” I said, staring at my old car. “I missed you baby” I grinned as I jumped into the car and put my seatbelt on. I checked the mirrors and started the car. I drove the car out of the driveway as this one place appeared on my mind.

Once I arrived at my destination, I turned off the car and took a deep breath. It took me a few minutes to finally grab my purse and jump out of the car, I slowly walked towards the black giant iron Gates and stood in front of them. Everything was the way it was a three years ago, the big old sign, the willow trees and the lonely bell tower; sadness was still all over the place. I sighed and started walking, knowing exactly where I was headed.

“Hey Taylor” I said as I kneeled slowly in front of my brother’s tombstone. “I’m back” I whispered as took one white tulip out of my handbag, I stared at it and then at my brother’s tombstone. “It’s been a while since I last talked to you” I said as I remembered I used to come every day to this very same spot since I walked out the hospital. I bit my inner lips when I felt tears form in my eyes. “I miss you” I said, silent tears falling down my cheeks. I took a deep breath as the night that had tormented me for the past three years ran through my mind. I shook it off and stared at the tulip on my hand.

::: Flashback:::

“What are you doing out here?” I heard Taylor said jumping out my window, climbing onto the rooftop.
“Just thinking” I replied
“About what?” he asked sitting next to me, I quickly wiped away the tear that had fall down my cheek “Why are you crying?”
“I’m not crying” I said staring at the dark and starry sky
“What happened?” he asked wiping away the new tear that fell down
“I don’t want to go to London” I said barely above a whisper and started to cry harder. He pulled me into a hug and I buried my face into his chest “I don’t wanna say goodbye” I said
“You have to be strong” Taylor said wiping away my tears “We all have to”
“How?” I sobbed
“We just have” he whispered “We have to say goodbye and be glad he won’t be in pain anymore” he said I rested my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around mine and pulled me closer to him. He kept quiet for a few seconds, staring at the sky.
“Can you promise me something?” he said quietly. I pulled away from him and stared into his eyes, waiting for him to continue. “Be happy” he said. I stared at him confused only to see him looking back at me through the darkness. “I want you to be strong, you have to be strong” he paused “I’m not gonna be around forever to keep you safe.” he said before he sighed
“Why are you telling me this?” I said weakly
“I just want you to keep that pretty smile of yours printed on your face forever. I don’t like to see you this vulnerable and hurt” he paused “And I want you to be strong, to learn how to be strong. So you won’t have to feel like this again” Taylor said, I nodded.
“I love you Taylor” I said and hugged him
“I love you too” he replied

::: End of Flashback:::

I stared at the grass under my knees as I let out a sigh. The time when we were told we were flying to London asps came to my mind. “You wanted me to be stronger, who knew it would be you who’d make both weak and strong.” I said and stared at the tombstone “I promise you, I’ll be strong, and I will be happy, for the two of us.” I said and kissed his tombstone after I placed the tulip on top of it. “I love you Taylor” I said. I smiled as I slowly stood up and walked away, to the other side of the graveyard, taking out a second white tulip on my way.
“Hi, Lindsay” I said placing the tulip on top of my friend’s gravestone.

I sighed as I placed the last tulip on Lindsay’s gravestone and stood up. I turned around and quickly began making my way out the graveyard. I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes. I had finally said goodbye to my brother and had already made peace with my past. I was ready to let go and move on. I quickly jumped into my car, and started the engine, I was ready to go home.

After a few hour of wandering around, I finally made it home. I parked the car and jumped out as I pulled my cell phone out of my handbag.
“No one called” I said when I saw I had no missed calls, I was about to put it back in my bag when I saw the clock “Fuck!” I said and quickly made my way inside; I got home just in time for dinner.

“Where were you?” I heard Audrey say. I turn to the stairs and saw her going up.
“No where important. Where are you going?” I asked
“To get my phone” she chuckled “Dinner’s ready, I’ll be there in a minute” she said and ran upstairs. I walked in the kitchen and saw my mom setting up the table on my right.
“Oh, hi hunny” she said smiling, placing the salad bowl in the table. I walked over her and planted a kiss on her cheek.
“Want help?”
“Sure, can you bring the spaghetti bowl over, please” she asked and I nodded “Mark! Audrey! Dinner’s ready!” she yelled as I walked back to the table. Seconds later my dad and Audrey were walking into the kitchen
“Smells nice” Audrey said sitting down as well as the rest of us

“Hunny, where’s Brian?” my mom asked me “Should we wait for him?” I shook my head
“He’s with the guys, mom. He’s not coming” I said
“Alright! Eat now!” Audrey said reaching for the spaghetti and placing some on her plate, I saw her hand the bowl to my dad followed by the gravy. I stared at the scene happily.
“What?” my dad said realizing I was staring at them.
“It’s nothing” I paused “I just missed this” I smiled
“What?” Audrey asked, with her mouth full of pasta.
“This” I paused “Feeling at home” I replied, making my family smile.
“And we missed you” Mom said
“You should start eating” My dad said and looked down at his food. I started to serve myself some salad and started eating in silence, until my dad spoke up.

“What are you doing tonight?”
“Brian and the guys are playing tonight, I told you last night” I said. Audrey squealed
“What are you so happy about?” he asked her confused and annoyed.
“I'm just excited about it” she said grinning like crazy
“Are you going?” he asked and Audrey nodded
“Stephanie is taking me” my dad turned to look at me and waited for me to say something.
“Yeah, she’s coming with me” I said, he sighed seriously
“Mark, don’t. Not now” my mom cut him off
“I’m sorry but I have to say it, Caryn” he said glaring at her “I don’t like that boy, Stephanie”
“What?” I asked shocked. Audrey’s eyes widened
“I like Brian” Audrey said “Why you don’t like him?”
“Yeah! Why not?!” I complained
“Just look at him! He has tattoos all over his body! He looks like a criminal!"
“This is because of the way he looks?!”
“It’s just not that! He plays rock music for a living, Stephanie! Rock Music!”
“Dad you haven’t even listened to them!”
“I don’t need to listen to them to know it’s not right!” he yelled “Stephanie, that’s not the kind of people I want you around! We’ve had this conversation before!” he said
“Oh my god! I can’t believe this!” I whined standing up from my seat “You know what?! I like Brian and the rest of the guys! They’re the most hardworking people I know, and they love what they do! Isn’t that what a job should be about? It’s not fair to judge them without even knowing them!”
“I don’t need to know them to know they’re trouble” I said strongly. “I want you to stop hanging out with them”
“What?!” I yelled freaking out. I had forgotten what it was like to be around my dad, we always used to get into fights for everything, stuff like the way I ate or the people I got along.
“Mark!” My mom said “I told you not t-“
“No, its okay, mom.” I paused “You know what, dad? Those guys have been there for me for the past year and done nothing but make me happy again. They were there when you weren’t” I said but paused when my family winced at what I said “They became the family I lost. I won’t stop hanging out with them. If you don’t like it, just let me know and I’ll walk out that door again” I said and started making my way out of the kitchen.
“Stephanie, sit down” he said seriously. I grunted and turned around.
“Mark, enough! Why do you keep fighting with her?”
“Because I want her to have a better future!” I let out a sigh of frustration and turned around again
“Stop right there, young lady!” he said, I turned around for the last time “Sit down” I grunted, made my was back to my seat and waited for him to say something “Fine”
“Fine what?”
“I’m not okay with this, but you can prove me wrong” I stared at him and sighed
“They make me happy, isn’t that enough?” I said quietly. He pointed his finger at me, staring at me. After a few seconds, he sighed and looked away, defeated.
“Thanks guys” I smiled “They’re good guys, I promise, they may look a bit harsh, but they are amazing” I smiled. He nodded and continued eating in silence, as well as the rest of us.

After a few minutes my plate was already empty, I stood up and took my plate and the rest of the dishes only to place them on the dishwater “Thank you, mom. It was yummy” I smiled
“You’re welcome, hunny” she smiled “What time are you leaving?”
“They’re going?” my dad asked surprised
“Yes, Mark. They are going” she said annoyed.
“The show starts around 9” I said as my mom looked at her watch
“You have an hour and a half left” she said looking at me
“Yeah, I’m going to get ready now” I said “You should go get ready too, Audrey” I told her. She nodded and stood up
“What time are you coming back?” my dad asked
“Whenever the show is over”
“When is that?”
“I don’t know, dad” I sighed and he nodded.
“Try to get home early.” He said “Remember the BBQ is tomorrow, you have to be up early” he said
“We will” I said and kissed his head and walked to my room, followed by Audrey
“She’s finally back! After all this time. And you still pick fights with her!” I heard my mom say from the kitchen.
“Some things never change” Audrey laughed as we walked upstairs
“Yeah, I guess” I said and headed to my room.

After an hour I had already taken a shower and done my hair, I dried it and let it down. I walked towards my luggage and took out the clothes I wanted to wear for the show. I took off the wrap towel and quickly changed . I walked into my closet and found a black belt, I place it over my white blouse and turned around to grab a light jacket.
I walked into my room and left the jacket on my bed, before I headed to my dresser and began to do my make-up.

I turned off the TV and stood up, I grabbed my purse and took out my phone to check the time, 8: 55. I sighed and quickly walked out the TV room and into the entryway “Audrey!” I said loudly. I glanced at Audrey’s room and saw a light coming out of the hallway “Audrey, C’mon!” I yelled “You’ve been in there forever! We’re already late!”
“Why are you yelling?” I heard my mom say walking out my dad’s office. “Your dad’s on the phone. Keep it quiet”
“I’m just waiting for your daughter to be ready” I said “Audrey!”
“I'm going! I’m going!” she said walking out of her room “We’re going to see the best rock band ever!” Audrey said running down the stairs, almost colliding against my mom
“We’re late” I said grabbing my car keys “Love you mom, see you later” I said and opened the front door
“Bye!” Audrey said running out of the house and into the car
“Bye, mom” I said walking out as well
“Stephanie, wait up” she said making me stop and turn around to look at her “Please drive carefully, and look out for her, don’t let her out of your sight”
“Mom, I think she’s old enough for me to-“
“I know, but please, be careful. Both of you” she said worried.
“Yeah, mom. I will be” I said. She kissed my cheek and waved us goodbye as I walked to my car “Don’t wait up for us!” I said loudly before she closed the front door.

I climbed in the car and put my seatbelt on before I started the car. “Audrey, put the seatbelt on” I said. She shook her head no “Put on the seatbelt” I said glaring at her. She grunted and put it on. “Excited?” I asked as I drove out the driveway and headed to the Nassau coliseum.
“As hell!” she squealed “this is going to be the longest drive ever!” she jumped on the seat making me laugh.
“Audrey, calm down!” I laughed
“I’m really excited!” she said “I really like their music!”
“If you like them so much, how come you didn’t know who Brian was until he said it?” I asked as I looked through the rearview mirror.
“Because I recently started listening to them. I really liked their music, but I wasn’t very interested in the guys who played, only saw them once or twice in a video” she said and became silent “Thank you”
“Anything for you” I smiled.
The rest of the drive I had to listen to Audrey sing out loud. I laughed as she started to jump on her seat and squeal. “Hey, shush” I said as we were stopped by a guard at the back entrance of the Coliseum, I turned the volume down as Audrey stopped singing “The entrance is that way, miss” he told me. Audrey looked at me worried.
“We’re here with the band” I said
“Can I see some ID?” he asked
“Sure” I said. I opened my handbag and grabbed my ID and staff pass “Here they are” I said handing them to him.
“Alright, what about her?” he asked pointing to my sister
“She’s my sister, I brought her with me” he stared at her for a while and then headed to the ticket case. After a few seconds he came back with another pass in his hands
“This is yours, miss” he said giving me my ID and my staff pass. “And this is for the young lady” he said and handed me a security pass. “Just in case” he smiled “You have to turn left right here, and then straight. The staff parking is right there” he said
“Thank you” I replied and turned left, I kept driving straight for half a minute until we reached the parking the guard said.
“Omg! Is that their bus?!” Audrey said pointing at the guy’s tour bus, I laughed and nodded as I parked the car. “You’re so lucky you get to tour with them” she said as I turned the car off and unlocked the car.
“Thank you for coming back” I heard Audrey say. I turned and stared at her, her eyes looked so truthful and genuine. I smiled and quickly unbuckled my seatbelt, but as I did so, she jumped on me and held me tight. “I love you, sis” she said quietly
“I love you too, Audrey” I said and hugged her back. “Now, let’s go see the guys” I said and grinned. She nodded frantically and hung the pass on her neck as I opened the door. I waited for Audrey to get out of the car before locking it up; I put my right arm around her shoulder and headed for the staff door.

“This way” I said and headed to the right side of the stage. I started looking for Alana when we got closer to the stage but I was stopped by the loud screams of the crowd “C’mon the guys are about to start” I told Audrey as we started walking faster
“Steph!” I heard someone call me. I looked ahead and saw Brian coming closer, his guitar in his hands
“Hey, Bri” I said, smiling from ear to ear “We ran a little late, but we’re here now” I said staring at Audrey
“Sorry, my fault” Audrey said blushing
“Oh don’t worry, you made it just in time” he said putting his arm around her “I hope you like the show, Audrey. It goes out for you two girls” he said
“Really?!” Audrey squealed making us both laugh
“Yeah” he said. Suddenly every light was slowly going out and the screams went louder “I have to go now, I’ll see you girls later” he said and kissed my forehead and Audrey’s hand. I smiled at him and he walked into the stage, I quickly walked to the side of the stage and saw the Rev already in the drums and the rest of the guys walking in from the left side of the stage. Soon “Unholy Confessions Started” to sound. Audrey screamed and jumped out of happiness.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter turned out to be quite long, so I split it into two chapters again, I really hope you guys like it, let me know what you think! :)