Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

"You are so tiny and fragile, it’s easy to forget how strong you are"

The guys on stage were winding up letting Brian off onto one of his guitar solos. I stared at my sister, her face was radiating happiness, there was a huge smile plastered on her face and her eyes glowed. I smiled and turned to the stage, I saw Brian playing his heart out, a smirk covered my face when Brian turned over and winked at me, he played a few wrong notes on the guitar, but regained his composure as soon as he looked away. I took a deep breath, as my heart skipped a beat and tried to control the butterflies in my belly, I shook my head and looked back at the stage as Brian ended his solo and the rest of the guys walked back into stage. Right then, in that moment I saw him playing his heart out, I knew what I had been trying to deny for a long time. I had already fallen for him
“Like it?” I asked my sister loudly. Trying to take my mind off of Brian.
“I love it! Thank you so much!” she said raising her voice over the music and jumping up and down.

I snapped out of my mind when I heard no music playing, I turned to Audrey and saw her looking at the stage with her arms crossed over her chest. I looked over the stage and saw the guys saying their goodbyes to the crowd, followed by loud screams.
“No, no, no. Don’t you fucking dare to leave!” Audrey yelled, I burst on laughing. I must have laughed really hard cause I made Brian turn around to face us, he stared at us confused and turned away “No! Get the fuck back on stage! No damn it get back on stage and keep playing!” she kept yelling as they left the stage and screams echoed through the arena
“Audrey, it’s not like we’re leaving, we’re going backstage remember?” I said and turned around to head to their dressing room. She opened her eyes wide opened and nodded.
“This was the best show ever! I mean Brian is so good at guitar! And The Rev! He is fucking awesome! They all play like gods!” she said jumping up and down as we got away from all the screaming and the noise decreased “How can you be best friends with these guys! You’re so fucking lucky! They are awesome!” she squealed

"Yeah, I am one hell of a lucky girl” I smiled “Now come on, we gotta go to the dressing room" I said. I grabbed Audrey’s hand and walked faster when I saw the guys walk towards the dressing room, Brian glanced at us and stopped as the guys walked in the. He stood out of the room, waiting for us.
“What the hell was that?” Brian asked us laughing “It looked as if Audrey was about to kick someone”
“She didn’t want the show to end” I laughed
“So? You liked it then?” he smirked
“Like it? I fucking loved it!” Audrey said “You play like a fucking god! And fuck! Your solos are orgasmic!” she squealed “Your band is magnificent!” Brian and I burst out laughing at her statement as she hit us both on the arm.
“Thank you, Audrey” Brian said laughing “It means a lot coming from you”
“Yeah! If you wanna keep this girl, you have to make a great impression on her family, most important on her little sister! And you already did” she said crossing her arms over her chest. Brian started choking on his own saliva as my jaw dropped.
“Audrey!” I said chocked
“What?! It is true” she shrugged “he’s doing so well right now” she added and Brian started coughing harder
“Brian, are you okay?” I asked him and he stopped coughing
“Yeah, I- saliva” he said clearing his throat, trying hard not to smile “C’mon the guys are in here” he said opening the door behind him to reveal Matt, Zacky and Johnny sitting on the couch, each with a beer in hand

"Great show guys" I said walking in the room. I looked behind my back confused when I saw Audrey standing behind me, as if she was hiding. Brian, who was standing next to me, laughed when he saw my sister’s behavior.
“Glad you liked it” Zacky said rubbing his stomach
“Yeah, you made a really good job tonight” I smiled
“Yeah, we put an extra effort tonight, just for you” Matt smiled showing his dimples. I smiled back
“Where are Alana and Jimmy?” I asked when I didn’t saw them there
“Alana decided to stay home, and there’s Jimmy” Zacky said as he walked out the bathroom.

“Guys I want you to meet my little sister” I said making everyone turn to look at me, I pulled Audrey next to me and put an arm around her.
“Audrey, this is Jimmy, he plays drums in the band” I said, I saw her smiling like crazy “Zacky is the cute chubby one sitting there and that’s Johnny, the lord of the gnomes” I said
“Hey!” Zacky and Johnny complained
“A little respect, please” Johnny said as Zacky was caressing his stomach
“Yeah, I’ve worked hard for it” Zacky said making Audrey laugh.
“That badass looking guy is Matt” I told her pointing at him
“Hey” He smiled and waved her “She has your dimples” he grinned making Audrey’s cheeks turn red
“And obviously, Brian” I finished and she shyly waved at them.
“Hello, my lady” Jimmy said walking over us, he grabbed Audrey’s hand and kissed it “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you”
“Rev, stop being stupid, you’ll scare the kid away” Brian chuckled
“Why? I’m just being polite” he complained in an English accent, making Audrey giggle. Brian shook his head and sat next to Zacky on the couch.
"So? What are we doing?" Brian asked
"We’re waiting for Johnny to get his ass moving so we can leave to a bar" Matt said smirking
“You’re waiting for me?! What about Zacky’s lazy ass?” he asked annoyed
“Zacky is resting; you on the other hand, are a lazy dipshit, so quickly!” Jimmy said punching him on his arm as Johnny folded his arms over his chest.
“Sometimes I think you guys don’t deserve my friendship” he said standing up. I laughed and turned to Audrey, she had a worried look on her face
“What’s wrong?”
“That was so mean. Is he mad or something?” she said concerned. I silently laughed but shook my head
“That’s the way their friendship works. You’ll get used to it” I told her. She smiled and turned back to the guys
“I think we should get going” Brian said laughing
“Yeah, we have to celebrate Stephanie is back home!” Zacky said clapping his hands
“Are you coming along, darling?” Jimmy said, wrapping his sweaty arms around my sister, her look gave away she was grossed out
“Ew! You’re sweaty! Get off!” she squealed and jumped away. We all laughed as Jimmy pouted
“Audrey, don’t be rude” I warned her
“Sorry, I just don’t like sweat” she and jimmy grinned again
“Don’t worry! I’m used to rude comebacks thanks to your sister” he said
“That’s not true! I’m not rude” I said and all of them rolled their eyes, and I mean all of them, included my sister and Brian “Ugh, shut up” I said annoyed making everyone laugh.
“C’mon we have to go” he said drinking the last sip of his beer
“Are you coming?” Jimmy asked Audrey again
“Sure, if she’s okay with it” she said looking at me pleading with her eyes
“I don’t know guys, it’s late and I promised we’d be home early” I said
“C’mon Steph” Jimmy pleaded getting on his knees
“Jimmy, don’t do that! Brian! A little help here!”
“Just let her come” he laughed
“They’re gonna lock us out, Audrey. Besides you’re barely 18, you can’t drink alcohol” I said. She glared at me
“Was that ever a problem to you?” she said annoyed
“Burned!” Zacky said as everyone started laughing; it took them a while to finally stop
“Fine” I said “You’re coming, but no alcohol without my supervision get it?!” I said and not only Audrey squealed, but also Jimmy did. We all laughed and started walking outside

“How did you guys got here?” I asked turning to Matt
“Alana borrowed us her sister’s truck” he replied “How about you?”
“I brought my car. Who’s coming with me, then?” I asked and quickly Brian wrapped his arms around my waist
“You have to ask?” he said in my ear, giving me chills
“I’m going with you too!” Jimmy said running around “HA-HA! Suckaa!” he said pointing at the rest of the guys “I get to ride with super Stephanie! Not you!” she said sticking his tongue out at them. Audrey started laughing and Brian and I just shook out heads trying hard not to laugh. Everyone quickly stood up and walked out the room.
We walked out the arena and headed to the cars, but were stopped by loud screams. I turned to my right and saw a bunch of kids behind the fence.“Sorry, girls” Matt said “We won’t take long” he said walking towards the kids followed by Zacky and Johnny.
“Don’t leave without us!” Jimmy he said running towards the kids.
“We’ll wait for you in the car, Jimbo” I told him, he clicked his heels and ran behind Matt.
“The girls are waiting for the great Synyster Gates” I told Brian making him smirk
“I know, they all want a piece of me”
“Stop being so coincided and go” I said pushing him towards the kids. He turned around making me crash into his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead “I’ll be right back” he said and walked to where the rest of the guys were
“C’mon we’ll wait in the car” I told Audrey heading to my car.

“I think he has a thing for you” Audrey said as she jumped in and closed the door.
“Audrey, shut up.” I said and glared at her
“It’s true. And you have feelings for him too” she smiled “I can see it”
“Audrey, shut up” I said looking out the window and stared at the guys. She stared at me and shook her head.
“Fine” she said “So, have you already gone shopping for Christmas gift? She asked, dropping the Brian subject.

“Well, Christmas is in three weeks, you better get the gifts now or all the good stuff will be gone in a couple of weeks” she said.
“I know, I’ll do it sometime this week” I said, I turned to the window and looked for the guys but turned back when I heard the back door open and someone scream, making me jump
“A beetle? Really?” I heard Jimmy ask “Couldn’t you find something less girly?” he asked raising his eyebrow and chuckled “Sorry you had to wait 20 minutes, they wouldn’t let us leave. He said putting his seat belt on” he said “Audrey! I want you to sit with me” he stated
“No! I called front seat” she complained
“Yeah, but I want you back here” he replied “Besides the two lovebirds need to be together at all times. So they can see they’re meant for each other”
“James!” I said loudly turning around to glare at him, he shrugged his shoulders as Audrey started laughing hysterically
“What?” he said innocently “c’mon Audrey!”
“Okay! Only because you’re right!” she smiled and climbed to the back of the car. Brian opened the back door only to see Audrey in the middle of the car trying to get to the backside “Hi” she said blushing. I started laughing
“Should I ask?” the three of us shook our heads. He nodded as he closed the door and quickly climbed into the passenger seat.
“Guys! Shut up!” I said when I heard Audrey and Jimmy giggle.
“What’s happening?” Brian asked confused, I shook my head
“I just realized these two are going to be one hell of a pain in the ass” I said and started the car.
“You realize that until now?” he laughed as they complained “Matt said we’re going to this bar he saw earlier, you have to follow him” I nodded.

“Yeah! So he fell down from the third floor deck into the pool!” Zacky said and burst out laughing. “The rev pushed me!” Johnny complained. I laughed and saw my sister stand up.
“Where’re you going?” I asked and she pointed to the bar. I told her to wait and stood up “Guys we’re going to get something to drink, you want something?” I asked
“Yeah! Brian and I want a jack and coke, Steph” Matt said
“And I want a beer” Johnny added
“And I wan-“
“I was just being polite!” I said loudly making Jimmy pout “Fine what you want?”
“Tequila!” he yelled “tequila for everyone!” I laughed and made my way to the bar.

“Hey! Can I have four beers, two jack and coke and six shots of tequila, please!” I told the bartender. He nodded and walked away.
“Why can’t I have tequila?” Audrey complained
“You’re already drinking beer-“ I said turning to my sister, but was stopped by a familiar face staring at me on the back of the bar. Audrey turned around confused and quickly turned back.
“Do you want us to go?” she asked me. I shook my head
“No, we’re having fun. We’re just not getting closer to him” I said before I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I looked down and saw a bunch of familiar tattoos on them “Hey” I smiled
“You’re going to need help” Brian said as the bartender brought out drinks, we grabbed them and headed back to our table.
“Here are the shots!” Jimmy screamed as each grabbed a shot and drank it. I gave mine to my sister, she smiled and drank it.

Brian’s POV

“Brian, I think Audrey and I should leave, it’s late” I heard Stephanie said as she pressed her phone’s keypad, it displayed 1:38 am
“Okay” I said. I drank the last sip of jack in my glass and stood up. She stared at me blushing.
“No, you can stay here” she said motioning me to sit back down but I shook my head
“I’m going with you” I said and kissed her forehead. She blushed and slightly nodded.
“Guys! We’re leaving” she said turning to the rest of the guys. Johnny stared deeply at us and pointed his finger at us.
“Who are?” Johnny said hiccupped
“Audrey, Brian and I” Steph said as she chuckled
“What no!” Jimmy said pouting “Let Audrey stay with us”
“No. We have to go” She stated. Audrey nodded and stood up, stumbling. I laughed when I saw Steph roll her eyes. “I’m going to the bathroom before we leave” she said but stopped “By the way, we’re having a BBQ tomorrow guys” she said smiling
“Are you telling us, or inviting us” Matt said smirking
“Do you even need an invitation?” she raised an eyebrow “tell Alana to be there early, at noon” she said and walked away, towards the bathroom. I smiled and looked at Audrey; she was having a hard time standing still.
“Audrey, you can sit while we wait for her” I laughed. She nodded and was about to sit down but someone hit my back making me push Audrey back to her seat. I quickly turned around to see who had done it and saw a guy dressed in black walking really fast towards the bathroom. I shook my head and turned to Audrey but saw her standing up again and staring at the guy, she turned around and stared at the back of the bar, as if she was looking for someone and then to the guy again.
“What’s wrong?” I asked her confused “Are you dizzy?” she shook her head and stared at me
“Did you see where he was going?” she asked worried
“Yeah, the bathroom” I said and turned to Zacky as he opened a new beer can “Are you going to keep drinking?” I chuckled; he shrugged his shoulders and took a sip. I turned to Audrey when I saw her walking towards the bathroom.
“Where are you going?!” Matt yelled. Audrey turned around and came back to the table.
“Audrey, what’s wrong?” Matt said when he saw a worried look on her face.
“That guy” she paused and stared at me “That was Chris” she said quietly, I could barely hear her through the music, but I could still understand what she said.
I stared deeply at her as I tried to remember who Chris was, but then it hit me. Stephanie told us about him the day. I turned around and started walking as fast as I could towards the bathroom. I quickly turned around when I heard footsteps behind me only to find the guys and Audrey walking behind me.
I walked into the men’s room but there was no one in there, I walked out and saw Audrey walking out the lady’s room shrugging her shoulders.
“She has to be here” Zacky said, leaning on the wall. I took a deep breath as I noticed the ‘exit’ door opened.
I made my way to the door and slowly opened. I looked around but I saw no one. I was about to go back in when I heard Stephanie’s voice. “Johnny, Zacky. Stay with Audrey” I said and walked out. I followed her voice down a dark hallway, I could her hear moan and groan as her voice got louder.
“Where the fuck is she?” Matt said as we turned to our left. I stopped when I saw the guy taking Stephanie with him, she was struggling but didn’t care and continued his way
“Chris, let me go!” I heard her say. I started walking really fast towards them but stopped when I saw Stephanie punch him in the face “Don’t you ever fucking touch me again” she said and took a step back. I smiled relieved when I saw her turn around and stared at me. She started walking towards us but suddenly the guy grabbed her by the arm and kissed her forcefully. I felt my anger rise as I clenched my fist. I quickly began running towards them as I heard Audrey yell. I grabbed the guy’s arm and pulled him away from Stephanie.
“What the fuc-?!” He whined but was stopped by my fist colliding in his face, he stumbled and fell down to the floor. I quickly turned to Stephanie and took her away from him.
“Are you okay?” I asked, she nodded “C’mon. Let’s get home now” I said turned around.
“That’s my bit-“ I heard the guy say. I turned back around and punched him in the face for the second time.
“Don’t you ever fucking touch her again, did you hear me?!” I yelled as he hit the floor. Out of nowhere I saw Jimmy kick him hard in the stomach. He slowly stood up and glared at us, his nose was bleeding and he had a huge mark on his jaw. “If I ever see you anywhere near her, I’ll fucking kill you” I threatened him. I took a step back and made my way to where the guys where. “C’mon” I said grabbing Stephanie’s hand and walked to where the car was as I heard Jimmy punch the guy again.
“Brian, calm down” I heard her say as we reached the car.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked. She nodded
“Brian, I’m okay, seriously” she smiled “Thank you” she said and hugged me. I kissed her head before she pulled away “Let’s get home” she said as the rest of the guys joined us
“Is everything okay?” Zacky said worried
“Yeah, don’t worry chubby” She smiled “Thank you guys”
“You’re not a little bit frightened?” Johnny asked confused. She shook her head.
“I’m okay guys, really” she smiled “don’t worry”
“Alright” Zacky said “Then we’re going home now” he said holding his head
“Yeah, it was nice meeting you” Audrey hiccupped as she jumped in the back of the car.
“Steph, are you-“
“I’m a strong girl, Jimmy” Stephanie said “Something like this can’t bring me down” she smiled and kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow at the bbq” she said and waved them goodbye before she jumped into the car.

Stephanie’s POV

“Why is the floor moving?” Audrey asked as we stepped inside the house.
“I’m glad you had fun” I laughed quietly, helping her walk.
“Be quiet” he said walking behind us.
“They didn’t lock us out?” Audrey stuttered shocked as she stared at the door.
“No, they didn’t” I said grinning “Go to your room now, don’t make any noise” I told her while Brian quietly shut and locked the door.
“Alrighty” she whispered and hugged me “Thank you” she said letting go and turning to Brian. “Thank you for letting me go to you show” she said hugging him this time. Brian laughed and hugged her back. “Now I’m gonna nap nap” She said and walked silently up the stairs. Me and Brian yawned as he walked upstairs, being careful not to wake anyone up.
“Audrey, to your room!” I said quietly when I saw my sister heading to the right hallway; she nodded and turned around, heading to the left side and to her room. I shook my head and laughed as Brian opened the door to my room. I smiled at him and walked in.
“Let’s get some sleep” I said as he closed the door behind him. “I’m tired” he nodded and grabbed the blankets on the couch.
“Brian, don’t be ridiculous” he shook his head
“I’m okay” he said. I sighed and rolled my eyes. “You’re dad would kill me” I chuckled and walked towards the door and locked it.
“C’mon, I’m tired” I said heading to my suitcase, taking my shoes off and took out my pj’s. I sighed and walked into the bathroom to quickly change my clothes. I put on my white pj’s and washed my face. After one minute I walked back to my room and closed the door behind me. “What’s wrong?” I said when I saw Brian sitting down on the couch, staring at my bed.
“Why are you acting like this?” He said turning to me.
“Acting like what?”
“Like this! Like nothing happened” he said standing up, I stared at him and noticed he had already changed into his pj’s I sighed and made my way to my bed and sat down.
“Because nothing happened” I said
“Who know what that guy would have done to you!” he said walking closer
“He didn’t do anything, Brian.” I said
“Any other girl would be a mess right now, Steph”
“Lucky for us, I’m no other girl” she smiled “I’m strong, Brian. I’ve been in a plane crash, in a car crash; I’ve been lost in the woods for days, and so much more! Something like this can’t and won’t bring me down. I’m not that weak” I said “Trust me, I’m fine” I smiled as I covered myself with the covers and lay down.
I heard Brian moving around the room for a few seconds, but one minute later he was jumping into my bed, he covered himself with the covers and lay down next to me.
“I’m sorry” he said staring at me “You are so tiny and fragile, it’s easy to forget how strong you are” he stated
“Don’t worry about it” I smiled as I closed my eyes “Thank you for helping me, though. You got pretty hardcore back there” I smirked
“That’s what I’m here for, taking care of you” he replied
“Nighty, Brian”
“Goodnight, beautiful” he said as he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closed to him. I rested my head on his chest and he began playing with my hair.
After a couple of minutes, we we’re both asleep
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys liked these chapters, I'll start writing the next chapter tonight and try to upload it asap.
Please tell me what you think! If you have any ideas abt the story, let me know! :)