Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

’He was going to kiss me’

Stephanie’s POV

I turned around when I heard a big fuss coming from inside the house; I stood up right before I felt Brian held my hand tightly.
“Mark, why the urge of having a bqq today?" I heard a faint voice ask. I tightened my grip on Brian’s hand and took a step back.
“There’s someone you’d like to see” my mom replied. I stared at my mom as she led my family out to the garden. I looked away and stared at my twin sister, she was smiling wide open.
“Who?” I heard someone else ask. I turned away from my sister and saw my family standing by the grill.

“Hey, guys” Melanie said. Everybody stopped talking and turned their attention to her
“You brought us here to see Melanie?” My cousin asked raising her eyebrow. She turned away but quickly turned back and stared at me then at Melanie, then back at me. Everyone kept quiet for a few seconds staring at me. I heard one of my cousins squeal and ran towards me.
“You’re fucking back!” She yelled and hugged me real tight.
“Hey! Watch your mouth!” I heard my aunt say. I let go of my cousin, but was embraced by my aunt. “Young lady, never. Never leave like that again” she said. I was about to reply but I was pulled apart from her and pulled into another hug.

“My love, I can’t believe you’re here again” I heard that sweet voice I knew so well. I turned around and faced my grandmother smiling at me. I smiled back as she opened her arms. I took a few steps towards her and held her tight as she repeatedly kissed my cheek; my grandpa joined the hug and held us both in his arms.
“We’re so happy you’re finally back” he said patting my head.
“We thought we wouldn’t make it long enough for us to see you again” my grandma said with tears in her eyes, as they pulled away.
“I’m here now.” I smiled. They kissed the top of my head smiling
“And who is this lovely young man?” My grandma asked. I turned to my right and saw Brian standing next to me.
“I’m Brian, m’am” He said as they shook hands.
“Are you two..?” she asked
“No grand ma” I smiled “He’s my friend”
“Oh. Nice to meet you Brian” My grandma said as Brian smiled at her wide open
“He’s handsome” she whispered in my ear. I laughed as she pulled away
“We’re going to say hello to your mother” My grandpa smiled before they walked away. I smiled and headed to the empty chairs near the pool. I sat down as well as Brian and sighed. I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around mine.
“I’m happy” I stated
“I can tell” he replied. I pulled away from him and stared at him “Your face glows right now” he smirked. I blushed and turned away.
“This is how I grew up” I said after a couple of minutes “Around people who irradiates happiness and love” I said turning back and staring at him in the eye.
“And you get to have this once again” he said looking at his hands, he took a deep breath and turned back at me “You can stay, you know?” he said softly. I took a deep breath and stood up.
“C’mon” I said and the two of us started making our way towards my family.

“Alright, I’m going to start cooking” My dad said as he stood up and headed to the grill
“Finally, I’m starving” I said as I felt a couple of paws on my lap, I looked down and saw Lexi asking for food. I smiled and pet her head as I gave her a piece of tomato. I stared at her as she ran away with the tomato slice on her mouth. I turned around and was about to grab my glass of water but I was stopped by a loud squeal. I turned around and saw my friends standing by the kitchen door. I smiled wide open and quickly stood up.
“Stephanie!” I heard Lana scream as she walked towards me. she jumped on top of me when we met halfway.
“Oh my god! I’ve missed you!” I said and let go of her
“Steph!” I heard Adam say. I jumped on him and he spun me around.
“Where are the rest of the guys?” I asked him
“They were parking the car, they’ll be here any min-“
“Stephanie!” I heard Mike say
“Michael!” I shouted and ran to where he was; I jumped on him and crossed my legs around his waist
“Fuck! You’re fucking heavy”
“Shut up” I said grinning
“Never, ever in your fucking life leave without telling us where you’re going! Get it!?” Corey said once Mike let go of me.
“Never again” I said and gave him a big hug.
“The rest of the guys couldn’t come, it was all so sudden. They couldn’t fly all the way here”
Lena said.
“It’s okay, I know” I smiled as I let go from Corey. “I’m so glad to see you guys” I said. I turned to Brian only to see him being bombarded with questing from my family. I smiled at him and motioned him to come closer; he said something to my family and stood up.

“Hey guys, I’d like you to meet someone” I said, my friends stopped talking right before I felt Brian’s arm around my waist. I looked at him as he kissed my forehead.
“Guys, this is Brian” I said. My friends stared at him before Mike stepped forward.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Mike” he said as he bent in a curtsey. I chuckled as Brian held out his hand in greeting
“Brian” he said and Mike shook his hand. Lena, walked to his side and pushed him away
“And this is the nicest girl you’ll ever know, Lena” I said sarcastically. She smirked and punched my arm.
“Nice to meet you, Brian” Lena said in a sweet voice
“Nice to meet you too, Lena” he said. Lena smiled and stepped back.
“That’s Adam” I said and they shook hands “And Corey” I said. He smiled at Brian and stared at him as if he was trying to figure something out.
“We’re going to say hello to your family” Lena said, I nodded and the guys walked away.

“Hello, pretty little girl” I heard a familiar voice say
“Jimbo!” I said loudly and turned around. Jimmy picked me up from the ground and spun me around. “This had been the 9 longest hours of my life!”
“Why?” I asked confused
“Because you were far away from me!” he cried
“Sorry, I won’t do it again” I laughed and greeted the rest of the guys and Alana

“So, what’s new?” Matt said resting his chin on my head. I hit him in his stomach and took a step away from him.
“You tell me” I smiled and stepped aside for him to see the scene behind us
“Hey! You want something to drink, guys?” Alana asked the guys
“Beer!” they all replied. Alana squealed
“Get it yourselves” she said “Lena!” she said jumping up and down and running to where she was. I laughed

“Hey guys, beers are over there” I said pointing to a little fridge “The food will be ready in a few” I smiled as I noticed Audrey walking out the kitchen, a Popsicle in her hands.
“Hey, guys” She smiled
“Fuck, you’re cute when you’re not drunk” Johnny chuckled
“Don’t swear in front of me, please” she replied making him laugh “In fact, don’t even talk please” she said holding her head in her hand
“She’s this mean when she’s hangover?” Zacky asked smiling. Audrey slowly nodded

“Dad, is the food ready? I’m hungry” I heard Mel say. I turned to her and saw her standing near the grill; I motioned for her to walk over where I was.
“Guys, I want you to meet someone special for me” I said as my sister approached us “This is my sister, Melanie” I told them once she was by my side.
“Damn, she looks a lot like you” Zacky said in awe. Melanie and I rolled out eyes.
“These are my best friends, Mel. Brian’s band mates” I said “That’s Matt, Jimmy, Johnny and Zacky” I said pointing at each of them
“Nice to meet you” she said smiling
“Nice to meet you too” Jimmy said and kissed her hand. Mel’s eyes popped and stared at me surprised. I smiled at her and she turned away.
“We’ve heard a lot of you, Melanie” Matt said once Jimmy let her go “It’s great to finally meet you”
“Thanks for everything you’ve done, guys” she said turning to them
“We haven’t done anything” Johnny said
“You kept my sister sane and alive” she stated and walked to the cooler
“Hey! Can you hand me a glass of water please?” Audrey said walking behind her.

“Hi, I’m Stephanie’s dad” I heard my dad say. I turned around and saw him standing behind me.
“Hello, Sir. I’m Matt Sanders” Matt smiling, shaking my dad’s hand.
“And I’m Jimmy. Stephanie’s best friend in the entire word” Jimmy said once Matt pulled his hand away
“Johnny” He said shaking his hand
“I’m Zack, Sir” he said nervously as my dad took a look at him
“Are you Brian’s friends?” he asked, the guys nodded
“Yes, we are” Zacky answered

“Dad, leave them alone” Melanie said coming back with beers in his hands and gave each of the guys one opened beer. She smiled when the guys thanked her “Is Alana here?” she asked
“Yeah, she’s with Lena” Brian told her. She nodded and walked away. Zacky stared at her and then at me with a cheerful look on his face.
I stared at the scene in front of me, my dad was asking the guys questions about the band and stuff, pretty much what he had done to Brian the first day we got here. Matt turned to look at me and saw me smirking at them, he smiled and turned back to my dad, Zacky was fidgeting and I’d swear Johnny was sweating. Brian leaned over and kissed the top of my head and laughed. I shook my head and chuckled
“I’m gonna talk to the guys” I said “Dad, be nice” I told him, he nodded
“I’ll stay here, and help them out” Brian said and started laughing at them. I nodded my head and made my way over to where Alana was sitting. She was talking to Lena and the guys. I sat down and joined in their conversation.

“Food’s ready!” My dad’s voice rang out. Everybody made their way to the table and found their seats. I smiled as the guys sat near me.
“Did you all survive my dad’s interrogatory?” I mocked
“I thought I was going to die!” Jimmy complained. Brian laughed
“I had to go through that all by myself” he said sitting down “beat that” he laughed. I started loading up a plate with cheese, lettuce and pickles. “Want some tomatoes?” Adam said from the other side of the table
“No, thanks” I shook my head and grabbed some guacamole. Within minutes, the table was full of lively conversation. I sat back and watched everyone talk to each other. Lena was talking to the Avenged guys while Adam, Mike and Corey were talking very quietly and staring at the guys. My family looked very comfortable with each other and kept talking about work or gossiping about something someone did. I really liked this; it was like I never left. Like nothing had changed, the only small difference was the 5 people addition to my big family.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at the guys and my dad moving the tables and grill to their right place, I looked away and saw my sisters and mom saying goodbye to my grandparents as the girls waited for us right outside the kitchen. I tried to let the guys know I’ll be back in a few but no one noticed me, I shrugged my shoulders and headed to where my grandparents where waiting for me.
“We’re so happy you’re back” I heard my grandmother say as soon as I got closer “When you have a little time off, stop by my house. I want you to have something” I was about to protest but I she didn’t let me, she pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my cheeks.
“You don’t have to give me anything, grams” I said once I let go
“We want you to have it” My grandpa smiled “We better leave now, its dark already” he said kissing my forehead
“Yeah, and it’s really cold now, we don’t want to get sick” my grandma added and kissed my cheek once again. They turned around and my grandma blew a kiss to my sisters before my grandpa closed the kitchen door behind her. I smiled and headed to where the rest was.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to help?” I heard Melanie ask the guys as they picked up one of the garden tables.
“We offered, its okay” Zacky said as the rest shook their heads.
“Did they really offer to clean up?” I asked
“Yeah, they did” Alana chuckled. I sighed and stared at them. “So, what do you think of the guys so far?” I asked.
“I like them” Melanie said “I thought they would be all stuck up and have these huge egos for being rock stars, but they don’t, they’re nice” she answered making me and Alana smile
“I have to admit it, they’re kinda tough and scary” my mom said “But they’re really sweet and polite. You’re lucky you have such good friends” she said staring at them, I smiled and turned to the guys right when Johnny accidentally stepped on jimmy's foot.
“Yeah, they’re really good guys” I said as Jimmy picked Johnny up and threw him back to the ground.
“Are they always like this?” Lena asked as Matt helped Johnny up.
“Yeah” I smiled
“You get used to it after a while” Alana replied smirking.
“We’re done” I heard my dad say “We should get inside now, it’s getting cold” he said crossing his arms over my chest and walked towards us. My mom nodded as she stood up
“We’re going to bed, goodnight, kids. Thank you for coming” she said. Everyone nodded and said goodbye to my parents, they smiled and headed to their room; everyone quickly walked in as well and headed to the TV room.

I closed the door behind me once I walked into the room; I quickly grabbed the electric heater remote and turned it on.
“That feels nice” I heard Johnny say sitting down on the big couch. I smiled and headed to the couch but stopped when I saw Adam and Mike. They were talking really quietly and staring at the guys; I chuckled and sat next to them.
“Go ahead, tell them they’re the best band alive” I laughed. Mike and Adam shyly smiled.
“You like our band?” Matt asked them, they silently nodded.
“Relax guys, you look like you’re about to pass out” I laughed. Everyone began laughing at them but soon enough, they started talking to Matt and Zacky about the band, tour and their last show.
I was staring at them, smiling, when I felt someone sit next to me. I turned over hoping to see those chocolate eyes I loved but I met a pair of hazel ones instead.
“Hey” Melanie replied “So, I wanted to ask you something”
“What?” I asked curious
“Are you planning on staying?” she asked, staring right into my eyes. I instantly tensed up and looked away.
‘So, I see you and Stephanie are really close’ I heard Lena say
‘We are’ I heard Brian’s voice respond. ‘She’s amazing’
I smiled.
“Stephanie?” Melanie said
“Sorry” I said “I don’t know Mel. I have to think about it” I replied.
“I was hoping you’d stay” she said “We finally got you back, I wouldn’t stand it if you’d leave again” I slowly looked up into her eyes and sighed
“I’ll be right back” I said standing up, Melanie stood up as well “I’m going to the bathroom, I think you should stay here” I laughed. I turned around and headed to my room.

Brian’s POV

“I’m glad she found someone like you” I heard Lena say
“Yeah, we all are” Alana said joining the conversation. “Those two are really great together” I heard her say as she sat down next to Lena. I was about to say something but something caught my eye, Stephanie was heading out the room “I’ll be right back” I said as she walked out, the girls nodded as I stood up and quickly walked out the room. I slowly closed the door behind me and rested my back on it; she was walking into her room. I took a deep breath and looked down the floor ’I have to tell her’ I thought. I sighed and quickly made my way upstairs.

I opened the door and looked around but she wasn’t anywhere around, I walked in and closed the door behind me. I turned to the bathroom door and saw light coming out of it, I sighed and headed to the bed.
“Brian, what are you doing here?” I heard Stephanie say. I turned around and saw her closing the bathroom door. “What’s wrong?” she asked sitting down next to me.
“I wanted to talk to you” I told her and stared at her beautiful eyes.
“About what?” she smiled. I looked away and stared at the floor, I was really nervous. “Brian?” I looked up and faced her, she was waiting for me to say something, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell her.
“I’m really happy for you” I said. She smiled at me and looked out the window
“I haven’t felt this happy in a long time” she paused “nor peaceful”. I stared at her in awe
“Not even with me?” I said pretending to be hurt
“Honestly, no” she smirked. I raised my eyebrow and stared at her surprised “Yeah, I don’t like you that much, Haner” she laughed

“Oh, really?” I said and pushed her to the bed, I started to tickle her sides, making her shriek with laugher
“Brian! Stop!” she screamed laughing. I placed on top of her and kept tickling her.
“You hurt my feelings, young lady” I said “Now you have to pay” she squirmed uncontrollably under me “Do you love me now?” I asked her laughing
“Yeah! I love you now!” She screamed “Please stop!”
I stopped tickling her and stared at her, she closed her eyes and tried to recover her breath, I stared at her and started to slowly lean in. She opened her eyes and caught my gaze; she held onto it and maintained eye contact. I looked down at her lips, they became slightly flushed and took on a red tinge, I licked my lips and looked into her eyes again, I could already feel her breath on my face. I was about to kiss her when I heard the door roughly open and I quickly pulled away.
“Oh god! Sorry!” I heard Audrey say. She quickly turned around and closed the door behind her.
“Your sister has a great timing” I said under my breath as I got off of her and stood up “I’m sorry” I apologized and helped her stand up “C’mon, everybody must be wondering where we are” I said walking out the room.

“Brian” I heard Stephanie say, I stopped and turned around “What happened back there?” she asked. I stared at her and shook my head; I didn’t know what to say.
“Nothing” I said. I sighed, my head was debating on whether tell her the truth or play fool, I really wanted her to know what I really felt for her, but I was scared, I didn’t want her to turn me down. “It was nothing” I said “I wanted to tell you something”. Stephanie nodded and walked away, she looked crushed and brokenhearted. ’Fuck’ I thought. I shook my head before I turned around and saw her walking down the stairs.

Stephanie’s POV

’He was going to kiss me’ I thought as I walked back in the room. “Where were you?” I heard Alana say. I looked up and saw her staring at me. I shook my head and put a smile on my face.
“I was in the bathroom. What did I miss?” I asked sitting down next to Matt as Brian walked into room.
“We decided that we are best friends now” Jimmy said as Lena clapped her hands
“Great” I laughed
“Yeah, great” Jimmy replied sitting down next to me and resting his arm on my head. I glared at him and punched his side, he took his arm off of me sobbed. “You’re mean” he said

“We should get drunk” Johnny said from the corner, Adam clapped and nodded
“We already drank too much beer today, guys” Alana said as she texted someone
“Not enough, though” Corey replied “C’mon, it’s still early” he said
“I’m tired guys, I’m not going” I said and placed my feet on the coffee table. Brian stared at me as he sat down in front of me but quickly looked away.
“Yeah, me neither.” Alana said as I rolled my eyes.
“What? Why?!” Zacky complained
“We’re tired guys, maybe tomorrow” she replied making everyone complain.
“You’re boring” Mike said

“Hey, I have an idea” Alana smirked looking at me, I stared confused at her. “The lake house!” She said excited. Lena, Mike and Corey cheered as a wicked smirk appeared on their faces.
“The lake house?” Zacky asked confused
“Yeah, our lake house” Melanie replied
“We can leave tomorrow and have a private party there” Alana grinned
“I like that” Matt said
“But I want to drink now” Jimmy complained
“C’mon Jimbo. You won’t die if you don’t get wasted one day” Brian said for the first time since he walked into the room.
“You don’t know that” he pouted making him laugh.
“So? What do you think?” Alana asked ignoring him, everyone nodded “We can leave tomorrow morning, is that okay?” she asked me, I nodded.
“We should get going, then” Lena said standing up
“Yeah, we should” Corey said as I walked out the room
“We’ll leave at noon, don’t be late” I said opening the front door.

“Don’t worry, we won’t” Lena smiled and hugged me. Corey, Mike and Adam quickly said goodbye and walked out the house followed by Lena. I smiled as I waved them goodbye.
“We’ll see you tomorrow then” Matt said giving me a bear hug. Johnny, Zacky and Jimmy walked out arguing about the weather and their clothes.
“C’mon Gates, faster” Jimmy said from outside. I turned to the stairs and saw Brian walking down with his bag on his hands. “Bye, bye, lovely person” Jimmy said waving goodbye I smiled at him and waved him back. He squealed and ran to the truck. Alana rolled her eyes and waved goodbye.
“Bye, Brian” I heard Mel say. I turned around and saw Audrey quickly grab her arm and dragged her to my room. I rolled my eyes and turned around to find Brian standing in front of me.
“You’re leaving?” he nodded
“I’ll stay with the guys tonight” he said “We’re going to get proper clothes for this weather before we leave” he said “I’ll see you tomorrow beautiful”
“Yeah, bye” I smiled
“Where’s my goodbye kiss?” he said as he grabbed me by the waist. I sighed and kissed his cheek
“Bye, Brian” I smiled as he let go of me
“Sleep tight” he said and kissed my forehead before he walked towards Alana’s truck.

“So, what happened with Brian?” I heard Audrey say, I turned around and saw my sisters sitting on the loveseat, I sighed and shut the door.
“Nothing happened” I said
“You filthy liar” Audrey said “I saw you”
“We weren’t kissing” I said
“You said they were kissing!”
“They were!”
“No, we weren’t” I stated
“I’m not stupid, I saw him on top of you, and you were like two inches apart”
“Yeah, but when you walked in, he quickly got off me and claimed he was going to tell me something” I said walking to my dressing room.
“He loves you, why would he do that?” Audrey said as I walked out, wearing my pj’s
“He’s my friend, he doesn’t love me that way” I said sitting down on my bed. Audrey looked down and stared at the floor for a few seconds.
“I’m going to punch you” she mumbled “You’re so stupid you don't realize he’s in love with you” Melanie stared at her and then at me
“You’re so stupid you don't see you’re in love with him” She stated
“Enough!” I said “I really want to sleep, can I?”
“You’re so stubborn” Audrey said standing up “Night” she said walking out the room
“He’s not going to break your heart like the ones before him, Stephanie” Mel said “give yourself a chance” She smiled and walked out, closing the door behind her.
I grunted and lied down, I pulled the covers over me and got comfortable really soon. I took a deep breath before I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I hope you like these two chapters, I'm already writting the next one or two, I'll upload them some time this week :)
By the way, I think I made a mistake with one or two names a few chapters ago :/ I already changed them a while ago, so if you get confused sometime, remember that :)
Please let me know what you think! :)