Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

It was Johnny Depp

Alana’s POV

“Hey, you think they’ll call us?” I said, making Stephanie jump
“Oh shit! You scared me! I thought you were still at work!” She said
“Sorry, I thought you heard me walk into the apartment, I got off early” I replied
“Ha-ha, well obviously I didn’t” She said sarcastically
"Why did you left early?”
“The restaurant had to close early, due to some hygiene issue, so here I am” She replied
“Awesome, anyway, what are we going to do tonight?” I asked
“Tonight?! Dude! Didn’t you have enough last night? I’m tired as fuck”
“Msh, you’re boring, so not the Stephanie I used to love back home” I said and instantly regret it “Stephanie, I'm sorry! I didn’t mean it!” I started apologizing but she didn’t say anything “Steph?“
“I'm really happy I'm not the Stephanie I was back then”
“Steph, you know I didn’t mean it, it just slipped out of my mouth, I'm sorry”
“It's ok, don’t worry, Allie, it’s just that, ugh, I don’t know” She said looking down the floor
“Don’t worry, it was my fault” I said worried “you’re not mad at me?”
“Allie, you’re my best friend, I can never be mad at you” she replied with a huge smile on her face and giving me a hug “If you find a good place tonight, we can go”
“awesome! I love you Steph, I’ll look for something good later” I told her smiling back “Anyway, you haven’t answered, do you think they’ll call us?” I asked
“who?” She said and I just stared at her like she was a really big and ugly piece of shit

“STEPHANIE!! What is wrong with you?! The guys! Syn! Matt! Johnny!?” I said really upset and she started laughing “You’re an idiot” I said sitting down “well we’ve always known that”
“You Bitch!”
“Yeah, but you love me anyway” I said smiling at her “But honestly, what do you think? I mean, I’ve been thinking about it all day, why would they call?” I said disappointed
“To be honest, I agree with you, we’re just two drunk girls they met at a bar, so why would they?” She sighed as she stood up “I'm gonna take a shower, and later we can go out to grab something to eat, I’m fucking starving!” she said with a grin on her face

“Alright! But I get to choose where we’re going!” I said in a really weird happiness
“yeah, whatever you want” She nodded and walked to her room but when she was about to close the door, her cell phone started ringing and she ran back.

“Who is it?” She asked me when she reached the living room
“No idea, it says unknown” I replied after I saw the call display and handed it to her

Syn’s POV

I was sitting in front of the TV, it was on, but I wasn’t really paying attention it, I was still thinking about last night, Stephanie was really cool and also extremely pretty, but what amazed me the most were her smile and eyes, I’ve just know her for what seemed 12 hours, but I could tell they were full of emotion, I swear if I could have, I would have fallen in love with them.

But just when I was thinking what I could do to see her again, someone jumped in the couch and sat beside me.

“So, Syn, you think we should call them?” Jimmy asked making me come back to reality
“I didn’t know you were here already”
“yeah, Val left early, so here we are” Matt said sitting infront of us. They had left a couple of hours ago to drop Val at the airport.
“should we call them?” Jimmy asked again
“I don’t know man, if you want to call them, just do it” I simply said
“Oh! C’mon! Don’t tell me you don’t wanna see her again!” Matt laughed
“See who?” I asked with an innocent look on my face
“Stephanie, you asshole” he said glaring at me
“Just call them, man”
“Nah, you call her” Jimmy replied
“Why me?”
“Because you obviously liked her, and don’t tell me you didn’t” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“She is really cool and everything, but nope, I don’t lik-”I started
“AAAHHH!!!! Don’t lie!!” He yelled

“Okay! Okay! You want the truth? Yeah! She’s really pretty and I can tell she’s an awesome girl, but that’s it” I finished
“What do you mean ‘that’s it’?” Matt asked raising his eyebrow
“Shads!! I have a girlfriend! Isn’t that a good reason?! I love Michelle! And I’m happy with her!” I said almost like I was forced to say it
“Yeah, you are happy as hell” Jimmy said sarcastically and Matt rolled his eyes
“Guys, stop it” I said seriously

“Ugh! Okay, yeah! But we all can still be friends right? And Michelle doesn’t need to know you like Steph, and c’mon! Is not like anything is gonna happen” Jimmy said

“Yeah. I guess you’re right, but you don’t dare to tell me you didn’t feel the same way for Alana” I said with an evil look
“I did, I don’t deny it, in a nice way, as a friend. that’s why I want to call them. I wanna see them again, hang out and get to know them” he said sounding pretty honest

“oooh!” I said “then call Alana”
“Mhm,’re gonna call Steph” he said
“Why me?! No way man! You do it! You are the one that wants to see them! Not me! You fucking call her!” I said upset, but when I finished saying that, Jimmy had already dialed her phone number and was handing me the phone

“Now get the fucking phone! You wanna see her as much as we want to, so shut up! You know you want to! Besides, it’s already ringing” He said smirking with and evil look on his face. Matt started laughing his ass off just as soon as Jimmy handed me the phone.

“Fuck! Give me the fucking phone!” I said taking the phone away from him, knowing he wouldn’t give up as Zacky and Johnny walked in and asked who I was calling “you are an asshole!” I yelled at Jimmy as he started jumping around and saying ‘tell her I said hi’ over and over again.

“Okay! Hold your fucking balls a second! Mhm, Um, Hi Stephanie! This is Syn!” I said when I heard a ‘Hello’ on the other end

Stephanie’s POV

‘You are an asshole!’ I heard on the other end. I was about to reply when I heard a muffled voice in the back, and it sounded like he was trying to get the person to say something. ’Okay! Hold your fucking balls for a second!’
‘Hello’ I said
‘Mhm, Um, Hi Stephanie! This is Syn!’
‘Oh, hi!How you doing?!’ I said pretty surprised that Synyster Gates was actually calling me
‘I’m great, what about you?’ he said sounding curious
‘I'm fine, thanks’
‘he-he, hey Stefi, Uhh sorry about, that’ Syn said embarrassed
‘no problem, it was funny, who was that? Jimmy?’
‘The one and only. He says hi’
‘Tell him I say hi!’ I told him laughing
‘Okay, Wait, Jimbo! Steph says hi!’ He said and all I could hear was ‘YAY!! Hi Stephanie!’
‘So, Before Jimmy here gets way too excited, what are you doing tonight?’
‘Mhm, nothing I guess,’
‘well, we were wondering if you would like to hang out with the guys and me’
‘really? We’d love to’
‘Awesome! We’ll pick you up at, mhm, 9 o’clock is okay?’
‘yeah! Perfect’
‘okay, so I have to go, Jimmy is- DUDE! STOP IT!’ He yelled right before he hung up

“Who was that?” Alana asked
“Mhm, you really want to know?”
“Yeah!” she said excited
“You really, really want to know?”
“You really, really, really want to know?”
“Yeah” she said serious
“You really, really, rea-”
“WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!” She yelled at me already annoyed

“okay, calm down” I said laughing “you will never believe me, it was Jhonny Depp”
"Yeah. He wanted to know if I was free tonight, to talk about bussines. A movie I think"
"Are you shitting me?" She said annoyed "Do you think Im stupid? Who was that?" She said. She looked like she would murder me if I didnt stop messing with her.
"It was Brian"
"Brian as in Synyster Gates?” She said in shock
“Yes, as in Synyster Gates” I said

“They did call! This is great! OH MY GOD! What did he want?!
“hahaha, you really wan-”
“If you say that one more time I'm gonna hit you” she said sounding serious

“okay, okay. he said that they will pick us up at 9”
“OH MY FUCKING GOD!” She yelled extremely happy and started jumping up and down
“calm down!” I said laughing and checked my phone "Its 6:20 pm, I’m gonna ger my bag, and then we can go eat something” I said leaving

“DUDE!!” She yelled
“Aren’t you happy I told you to go to the Dive bar?” She asked “Aren’t you?!” She insisted
“okay! I am! Thank you! Thank you Alana!”
“No problem, Anytime” she said. I left again shooking my head.

Alana and I went to a restaurant to eat and by the time we got home, it was already 8 pm.
“Okay, now let’s go get ready!” Alana said excited and then running to her room

As I watched her disappear into her bedroom, I did the same thing and went straight to my room and then to the bathroom to take a shower.

Half an hour later I was already out of the shower and went back to my bedroom to get dressed and started doing my hair and make-up, I decided to wear my black leather jeans and a black suit coat as well. y the time I was already done, it was already 8:55 pm, so I grabbed one of my scarfs and my bag and headed the livingroom to wait for the guys.

Syn’s POV

“Matt, pull over, this is the building” I told him from the backseat of the rented car we got
"I know, I remember" he replied

“Okay, now go get them” Jimmy said when the car had already stopped and pushed me out of the car.
“Why the fuck you guys are always sending me to do these things?!” I asked him
“Because we want you to! Now go!” Jimmy said pushing me
“No man! You’re coming with me!” I said dragging him with me

“Syn, I was wondering, Where are the girls gonna sit? I mean, we barely fit in that car” He said after he knocked their apartment door.
“Uh oh-” I said realizing he was right, and when I was going to say something, the door opened and Alana came out.

“Hey guys!” She said with a big smile on her face “Wanna come in? Stephanie will be ready in two minutes” she said moving away to let us in “To be honest, I never thought you’d call” she said sitting down on the loveseat “Anyway, how you guys doing?” She asked
“We’re great thanks, still a little hangover, but its oka” He said
“Yeah, so are-” she started to say

“Hey Alana, where’s Stephanie?” I asked not letting her finish.
“Oh! She’s talking on the phone, she won’t take long” and just when she said that, she came out of her with a phone on her hear, she looked so pretty.

“Hey guys! Sorry about that” she said hanging up
“Its’ okay,so… shall we go?” Jimmy said already heading to the door

We were already on our way to the car when Steph noticed the same thing Jimmy did.
“Guys, how the hell are we gonna fit in the tiny thing?” She asked
“Yeah, we were wondering the same thing a few minutes ago” I said finally reaching the car.
“What if Johnny sits in the passenger seat along with Jimmy and you four sit on the back seat?” Matt suggested once we reached the car and told them what was going on.
“NO WAY! I’m not sitting with the rev! He may throw me out the fucking window of the moving car or something!” he said frustrated “I know! You and Zacky can go in the front, Jimmy, Syn and I on the backseat and you girls can sit on our laps” Johnny said like it was the most obvious thing ever.
“Yeah, works for me, c’mon” Zacky said getting into the front seat.

“Yeah! C’mon girls” I said doing the same thing as him, after the three of us were sitting, Steph and Alana got inside; Alana sat on Jimmy’s Lap and Steph on mine.

“Guys, where are we going?” Alana asked
“Actually, we thought you could tell us where to go,‘cause you’re the ones that know this place.” Matt said
“Oh, well, let me think” I heard her say before she paused “I know! There is-“ she said but couldn’t listen to the rest of their conversation because I started talking to Stephanie.

“So,Stefi. Who were you trying to call earlier, I mean, I didn’t mean to be nosy butI noticed your eyes were a bit watery” I said very curious
“What did you call me?” she asked
“Mhm” I thought for 2 seconds “Stefi? What? Is that wrong?”
“Oh! Hell no! It’s been a long time since someone has called me that” she said looking down at her hands
“Oh! I’m special” I said
“Sure you are” she said with a weak smile“Anyway, I was trying to talk to one of my friends back home” she paused “I missed them and wanted to ask how my family was doing”
“Oh and why didn’t you call your mom or something?” I asked her
“Um, I don’t- It’s just tha-” she said looking out of the window, as her eyes darkened “I didn’t wanted to bother her”
“I don’t think asking how someone’s doing is bothering” I said “But that’s just me” I smiled

“Anyway, tell me about yourself, where are you from? I mean, your accent is not from around here” I asked very curious.
“yeah, I'm from Garden city, New York” she said laughing looking back at me, her eyes then came back to their normal self, shiny and happy
“Oh! So you have family living here”
“No, just Alana and me, My family lives at Garden City” she said serious
“Why’d you move to California then?” I said seriously
“We um, I just... I just wanted a fresh start you know, leave New york, and Alana wanted to come with me, so here we are” she replied as she turned her head away and sadness appeared in her eyes once again
“How long have you’ve been living here?”
“Mhm, I little over a year now” she said
“Why?” I asked after few seconds of silence
“Why what?” she asked confused
“Why you wanted to leave Garden city, if you had everything there” I asked her and she just stared at me
“Well-” she thought for a moment “Since we were kids Alana and I have always been the trouble makers” she said looking at her “partying all we could, we did everything we wanted when we felt like it, just… living life out of control” she paused “and one day I just realized I was wrong, and decided to change that”
“And it did?”
“No” she answered “But I haven’t hurt anyone since then” she whispered to herself
“What was that?” I asked and she shook her head
“Oh, Nothing. I'm just talking to myself, Syn” She said looking at me
“You can call me Brian you know?” I laughed
“Yeah, actually, I would love that” “I told her and she blushed and gave me a huge smile and nodded “How long have you know Alana, by the way?”
“You ask lots of questions you know that?” she said laughing
"Yes, I pride myself on it!" I joked “I’m sorry! I just want to get to know you.” I said and smiled at her

“Haha, okay” she smiled “I’ve known her since we were 9, we met at a playground, I asked if she wanted to share a chocolate bar I had with me and we did. Since that moment we’ve been inseparable”
“You know each other since you were 9?!” I asked surprised after I heard Alana laughing
“Yep, even thought she moved to Kansas for a year and we didn’t keep in touch. When she moved back to NY it was like she never left and we just grew closer"
“Wow, you’ve known her for a long time”
“Yeah, for around 10 or 11 years” she said proud of it

“Awesome, So then, you must be 19?” I asked “You don’t look a day over 19”
“Hahaha you think?!” she said laughing and blushing. ‘God, she looked really cute when she blushed’ I thought “yeah, well, I turned 20 six months ago, in February”

“Fuck! I was close, wasn’t I?” I said laughing. “I turned 23 in July!” I said “you little baby girl, I'm older than you for what, 3 years?” I said laughing and suddenly Matt called our names

“Hey guys, we’re you listening to anything we had just said?” he said looking at us through the rearview mirror.
“Yes!” I said ashamed
“No” Stephanie looking at him
“Well, at least she’s honest, unlike you Syn” Zacky said
“Alana said that there was this bar that had just opened, we’re going there, is that okay? Or you want to go somewhere else Steph?” he said
“No, it’s okay” both of us said in unison and all of them gave us weird looks

Several hours later, almost all of us were buzzed, so we decided it was time to leave so we did, and left the girls at their apartment and headed to our hotel.

“So what do you think?”Johnny asked us.
"They’re nice." Zacky said.
"And don't forget hot." Jimmy added.

"So what do you think Syn” Matt asked.

"They’re really nice."
"Is that all?"
"Yeah why?"
"I was just seeing the way you stared at Steph. When she was talking to everyone else" he replied
"I like Steph, she is awesome" Jimmy added in a drunken state and Matt laughed.
"I have eyes where else would they go when she’s talking?" I said not paying attention to Matt
"No, it was the look in your eyes."
“Yeah man, you liked her didn’t you?” Zacky asked

“No way, I mean I liked her when I first met her. But now that I got the chance to know her, she’s really cool and funny and I liked her, but as a friend! Nothing else” I said trying to stop the interrogatory. “Besides, I have a girlfriend”

"Is she with you right now?" I said nothing. "My point exactly, she never is when you need her"
"Let’s get off the ‘you should dump Michelle’ conversation I've heard it so many times."
"Maybe you should listen to what we're saying and we would quit talking about it." Zacky said and I gave him a look."Okay, but when she breaks your heart I don't want to hear it."

After that, the ride was silent, we quickly reached the hotel and said good night to each other and went to our rooms and straight to bed.