Status: Active

Only You Give Me That Feeling

"I'm coming back for you. I swear"

Syn’s POV

1 week had passed by, it was almost September. It was amazing how all of us got along really well, it didn’t look like we’ve known each other for 1 week, but it felt more like years. Stephanie and I became best friends, by now we both knew what the other one was like and there were a few times were both of us said the same things at unison, which was weird at the beginning, but we slowly got used to it.

Stefi and I were sitting on the couch while Matt was flipping through the channels, and Jimmy and Alana were walking into the living. Johnny and Zacky had gone to the convenience store to get some beer.

"Nothing is on." Jimmy muttered after watching Matt go through each channel at least four times.
Alana turned the TV off and Matt sat the remote on the coffee table. She sat on the arm of the couch next to Jimmy and sighed.
"Well, what do you guys want to do tonight?" Jimmy asked breaking the silence “We’re leaving the day after tomorrow, so it better be good” Stephanie and Alana shrugged.
“Oh my god, you want to go out?! You are not tired?!” Alana replied
“Mhm, nope”
“Isn’t anyone here tired? I mean, we haven’t sleep properly in a week! And we just walked through Raging Water, twice!!”
“Nope, you’re pretty much the only one tired” Matt said and Alana gave him a dirty look
"Why don't we ask Steph?" Jimmy suggested.
“Did that hurt Jimbo? I mean, thinking that up?”
“Screw off, man, not even funny.” he replied. "Stephanie can save us from boredom." he said and she started laughing like a mad woman.

“Actually, I'm not in the mood, I'm tired” Stephanie said
"See, I'm not the only one" Alana half joked, half whined “Its 10 o’clock, why don’t we stay here tonight?”
“WHAT?!” Jimmy yelled “Why would we do that?!”
“Because we’re tired” She paused “if you guys want to, you can go out, Steph and I will stay”

“This is gonna be interesting then” Matt said smirking “Sounds like strippers night” he smirked, motioning the other guys to follow him but Zacky and I didn’t
“Aren’t you two coming or what?” Johnny said
“Actually, I'm tired too, I think I'm gonna go to sleep early tonight” Zacky said looking at Matt
“Yeah, so am I, besides, I'm not in the mood to drink, or anything” I said resting my head on Steph’s shoulder “Have fun”

“Don’t wait up for us” Johnny said closing the door behind him

Stephanie’s POV

I suddenly woke up and looked at the clock on my nightstand. 12:27 am. I had wake up in sweat again; I had the dream where I crashed again. I got out of the bed, and left my room. Everything was dark except for the light coming from the guest’s room, where I'm guessing Zacky and Brian were. I passed their room and made my way towards the kitchen.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water without turning the lights on. Walking out of the kitchen I heard a groan came from the table

“Hey” someone said making me jump “why are you up this late?” Brian asked rubbing his eyes
“I should ask the same thing” I sad leaning against the door frame turning the lights on
“Yeah, but I asked first” he said making me smile
“Yeah, but I’m a lady”
“Couldn’t sleep.You?” Syn yawned
“That right there is a lie” he said staring right into my eyes
“Just had a nightmare” I said in a weak voice, sitting down on the chair in front of him
“What was your nightmare about?”
“Well” I said “About home and an accident I had back there”
“Accident? When?”
“It was before I met you. What about you? Why you couldn’t sleep?”
“Just, thinking”
“Can I know about what?”
“About the tour and the fact that we’re leaving soon”
“Oh” was all I could say
“Yeah” he said smiling “come on, let’s go to sleep” he said as he stood up
“Nah, I really don’t feel like sleeping”

“Afraid of nightmares?” he said resting his chin on my head
“Actually, yes I am, I’ll go watch a movie” I said standing up
“Aw, I’ll join you I don’t feel like sleeping either”
“Regretting sharing a room with Zacky?”
“Not really, I’m used to it” he said as both of us walked into my room. I looked aroun to make sure that everything was in order and clean, it was, only a book lying on the bed.
"You have a pretty room" he said checking it out.
"Thank you. Its pretty small, but I like it" I smiled sittin down
“Okay, what movie you wanna see?” I said sitting on the edge of my bed
“Mhm, let’s see, its midnight, Mhm-” he said with a smirk on his face “we can watch some porn” he said laughing
“You are a pig” I said laughing hitting him on a face with a pillow
“Yeah, I am” he said hitting me back
“Seriously, which movie?”
“Mhm,do you have Point Break? I haven’t seen it in a long time; the guys don’t wanna buy it because they say I would stay the whole time watching it”
“Mhm, I don’t like that movie”
“Mhm, no problem, I think Zacky brought some movies” he said going to his room and finally getting back after 2 minutes. "I grabbed a bunch of DVD's from Zacky’s suitcase. You pick," he said and pointed to the DVD's on the desk. I went through them and settled on Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
"Have you ever seen it?" He asked me and I shook my head "It's a horror movie."
"That's fine" I said smiling as I put it in the DVD player and pressed play.

Syn and I were cuddled in my bed watching the movie, I was thinking that it was the very first time we were like that, lying in bed and holding each other. It was really cute.

“So, I spend a week with this amazing girl and now I'm lying with her in her bed, but I don’t even know her last name” he said making me smile, noticing I was now falling asleep.
“Sloan” I said with my eyes closed
“Stephanie Sloan, has a very nice ring to it” He told me making me giggle
“Thank you” I smiled shyly
Syn’s POV

During the movie, I officially decided that Stephanie was my favorite girl to watch horror movies with. She loved to cuddle, but didn't get all winey and annoying during scary parts. She would just jump, or scream but be over it in a second. Once the movie was over, I turned on regular TV, and there was another movie on, not that we were still watching it.

“So what did you think?" I asked.
"It was actually kinda gross." she said and I laughed. "It was a good movie though. Makes me want to eat something sweet" she said.
"Why?" I said confused
“I have no idea, I just want to”
We talked a bit more about everything. I loved learning new things about her “tell me more” I said interested
“What do you mean?”
“You like horror movies, also eating candies while watching a movie. Tell me more” I said softly and she smiled
"Well what do you wanna know, and I'll tell you"
"I don’t know, just stuff I guess"
“Well, I prefer night over day. I love fruits. I have a really bad temper about the weirdest things when I’m in a bad mood. I’m scared to death of spiders. I love cooking and long walks, cheesy I know. I love my family to death, even thought I haven’t seen them in a while, and I love Alana, she’s the best friend I’ve ever had” she said in a sad tone “what about you?”

“I don’t know what I would do if I ever stopped being able to play the guitar. I think you’ve noticed I like tattoos. My favorite color is purple. I'm allergic to bees” I said making her smile “Mhm, your favorite song?” I asked her
“Mhm, that’s hard, right now, I love everything by bon jovi”
“Desserts” she said with a huge grin
“White and pink”
“I love white lilies they’re beautiful, and gerberas are cute too and tulips” she smiled blushing
"You are cute” I said making her blush even more “Anyway. Your favorite movie?”
“Mhm, I really like the beauty and the beast. Weird I know” she smiled “I prefer books though, the harry potter series are my favorite books ever”
"You are simply the strangest girl in the world, and I absolutely adore you." I said and gave her a hug.
We kept talking and soon I fell into a deep sleep, enjoying every second of the way I was laying.

When we woke up, it was about 11:00 am, one more day and we were leaving on tour, I had sleep really good, maybe it was because I had sleep with Stephanie, but it felt somehow right, I felt happy.
I rolled over and climbed out making sure not to wake up Stephanie. Wait! Stephanie wasn’t in the bed! I looked around adjusting to the light then it remembered it, she had work today. I walked out to the living.

“Morning.” A voice from behind me said. I turned seeing Matt standing behind me getting himself orange juice. His face was a mess, there was still some eyeliner smudges under his eyes.
“Ugh, what time is it?” I asked.
“10 past 11.” He answered.
”Where are the guys?”
“Jimmy is in the bathroom, Zack and Johnny are packing and the girls at work” he said and I nodded

I sipped on Matt’s orange juice.
“What time do you think we’ll leave?” I asked him as he was looking at his orange juice.
“I don’t know, maybe at night.” He said looking at his hands.
“I don’t wanna leave” I said quietly
“I know me neither, we had had just an amazing time here, and we really grew close with the girls”
“Its gonna be hard to leave them behind, I'm gonna miss them” Jimmy said walking into the living
“Mhm… I have to go, I’ll be back later” I said as I went to my room and picked up my cell and dialed the number I have always known for years.

‘Son! How are you, where are you?’ his voice spoke through the phone.
‘Hi dad, I’m in Sacramento and I have a problem.’
‘You’ve called the right person to help you.’
‘Ok dad listen while we were here, we met two amazing girls and we really got along and she is amazing, but we are leaving today, and, I don’t wanna leave and don’t see her again’ I went silent for a few seconds.
‘She is amazing? Who? You said two girls not one’
‘Oh, well… there are two girls, but one of them, we got along pretty well and… dad I don’t want to leave Stephanie”
‘Syn you don’t have to leave her behind if you don’t want to.’

Our conversation went on for hours, and he told me different advises about what I could do. Soon I could hear Steph and Alana shouting they were home and Steph walked into the room with a smile on her face.
“Hi, Syn! I’ve got a present for you!” she smiled coming to sit on my lap as I still talked to my dad.
‘Yes dad that’s her’ I said into the cell phone.
“Stefi my dad says hi” I smiled at her.
“Hi Mr. Brian’sdad!” she said into the phone that was by my ear. I laughed at the statement and so did my dad.

‘Well, I have to go dad, I think I already know what I should do, thank you’ I laughed into the phone and then hung up.

“Had a good sleep?” Stephanie asked me as we walked to the kitchen.
“Uh huh.” I mumbled. “Why are you home so early?” I asked, she shrugged her shoulder
“I called a friend and asked her to cover for me today” she smiled “And when I was walking back from home, I saw this and I bought it for you” she said giving me a thin box covered in black paper
“Really, thanks.” I said smiling and opening the box “what’s this?” I asked her and she smiled “OH MY Freaking GOD! Thank you!!” I yelled when I saw the God FatherCover “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I said hugging her and spinning her around “You have no idea how much I love you right now”

“Mhm, Syn, can we talk to you??” Zacky said with the rest of the guys behind of him and when they saw what was on my hands they stopped
“That thing is Steph’s right?”
“Nope! Its mine!” I said kissing her on the cheek “Stefi bought it for me!”
“No! Why’d you do that?!”Matt said
“Oh com’on! It’s not that bad!”
“Is not that bad? Obviously you won’t be stuck on a bus with him and that movie, will you?” Zacky said
“Anyways, Alana called, Stefi. She said she’d be waiting for you outside work, she wanted to go buy something” Matt said
“HEY!!” I yelled and everyone turned to look at me “its Steph for you. I’m the only one allowed to call her Stefi” I said crossing my arms making Stephanie laugh
“Okay Okay, STEPH, Alana will be waiting for you” He repeated.
“Mhm, okay” she said giving me a quick peek on the cheek

They led me to the spareroom and they had smiles on their faces
“Okay, what is it about?” I asked knowing perfectly well they were planning something
“So, we already know we’re leaving tomorrow night” Zacky said
“I'm gonna miss them” I said out loud
“Hell yeah, we’ve become kick ass friends”
“And we should not stop seeing them” Jimmy said
“And we were thinking about it” Matt paused “we won't”
“And your point is?”
“We have an idea” Matt said with a huge smirk on his face
“Oh!” I said realizing what they wanted to do “I was planning on do the same thing, my dad actually told me”
“Yeah! Shall we?” Zacky said and all of us went straight to the girls rooms
“I want to tell Stephanie, you can tell Alana” I said with a huge smile on my face and they all nodded
“Okay, we’ll tell them tomorrow morning”


“Hey” I said walking into Stephanie’s room
“Couldn’t sleep, again?”
“Nah, I was doing some research” she said closing her laptop and putting it on the desk “So, what’s up?”
“Oh, nothing. I just wanted to watch a movie” I said smiling
“Yeah, but tonight is comedy night”
“Hahaha alright, let’s watch it” she said jumping in her bed smiling

After a couple of hours, the movie was finally over and we were watching regular TV.
“Syn, I have to wake up early” she said getting under the covers
“Okay, can I sleep here Again?” I said with a smile
“Sure” she said smiling and I put an arm around her waist

“Quit your job” I said softly before she fell asleep.
“What? Why?” she said staring at me confused
“Because I want to take you on tour with us” I said smiling
“You don’t want me on tour with you” she whispered sitting down
“Yes, I do”
“What about Alana?”
“She can come too”
“What about the apartment? And my job?”
“You can sell it, and the job people will understand”
“I can’t just pack up and leave, Brian”
“Yes, you can”
“I don’t know-“
“Please, come with us” I said looking at her
“Brian, I have to talk to Alana, an-”
“Oh, Alana doesn’t know about it yet, the guys will tell her tomorrow. So don’t tell her anything, yet”
“Okay. We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?” she said. I nodded and we both stayed in silence for a few minutes until Stephanie started to fall asleep in my arms

Stephanie’s POV

“Guys! We’re here!” Alana yelled as we entered the house. We saw Johnny walking out their room with his suitcase when suddenly I heard Syn scream
“STEFI!!”Brian shouted running towards me and tackled me
“Wow, they missed us” Alana said laughing her ass off
“Alana! Great! You’re back!” Jimmy said carrying her on her arms and dropped her on the sofa
“Yeah!” Syn yelled excited as hell and grabbed my hand and helped me stand up

Once I was standing up I saw tons of suitcases in the middle of the living
“Hey, what’s going on? You’re way too excited” Alana said “And you don’t have that much luggage”
“Exactly, we don’t, this isn’t ours” Zacky said and immediately I knew what he meant.
“It’s for you” Matt said smiling
“Again, What?”
“Well, we came up with this great idea… and we want to know what you say about it”
“Well… you know we leave in a few hours right?” Jimmy asked us and we nodded “Well, we knew that you were gonna miss us as hell-”
“Get to the point” Alana said annoyed
“We were wonderi-”
“I said get to the point”
“Would you like to come on tour with us?” Matt said giving her the biggest smile ever
“What?!?” Alana yelled “You knew?!” she asked me when she saw me smiling
“Yeah she did. We want you girls to come on tour with us!” Syn said excited
“Are you fucking serious?!” Alana said followed by different yeah’s
“HELL YEAH!!” Syn and Jimmy screamed in unison
“Wait” Alana said
“What?” all of us asked
“What about our clothes and things and everything?”
“That’s what these suitcases are for, so you can pack up your things” Johnny said
“What about the apartment?”
“You can sell it”
“What about-”
“Shut up! You’ll come with us!” Zacky said excited

“Brian, I told you I had to think about it” I whispered once I was standing next to him
“I know, but honestly, do you think I’d let you stay?” he said and kissed me on the cheek

“We can’t” Alana suddenly said
“WHAT?!” the guys said in unison
“I mean not right now” she paused looking at me for help “This is a life changing decisions guys, and we just took one not too long ago. We can’t do this again, leave out of the blue” she said looking at me
“What do you mean?” Zacky asked “you’re not coming with us?”

“That’s not what she meant” I answered for her “Give us some time, we want to go with you guys, just not now” I said and no one said anything so I continued “Give us some time to save money, we don't want to depend on you guys, we need money, and there’s this place, We’ve got to give months notice on the lease. So we need a few months to sort things out before moving”

“Okay, we understand" Matt said disappointed “we’re going to call every day, though”
“That would be great” Alana with a smile on her face
“I'm gonna let you stay for now” Brian said softly staring into my eyes “But I'm coming back for you” he said seriously as he hugged me tightly as if we didn’t want to let go.
“You promise?”
“I swear" he paused "I’m really happy I met you” he said and kissed my cheek “I'll miss you too much, Stefi” he sighed and pulled me tightly to his chest, holding me as close as he could.
“I'm gonna miss you too” I said softly and finally let go of him
Each one of the guys said their goodbyes and they promised to keep in touch, and that was it. They left

They had only been gone for a few minutes, yet I was waiting for them to return, the both of us were, but they didn’t. So we headed in silence to our rooms, realizing the best thing that happened to us in the last year, had already walked out that door.
♠ ♠ ♠