If I Knew Who You Were

Gerard Way is from a highly respected and rich family. He goes through twenty years of his life, completly oblivious to some of his fathers beliefs.
He is used to getting almost anything he wants, when he wants it, but because of his fathers beliefs, the one thing he really wants, may be the one thing he can never have.
Gerard has to learn to fight for what he wants, suffer rejection, and decide whether to listen to his head, or to his heart.

Okay, I just thought I'd let new readers know, that the first few chapters of this story are kind of less descriptive and almost rushed, but please be aware that this was not down to my laziness, it was simply just the fact that I wasn't really comfortable with writing yet, but I do believe that I have improved over time, so please, give it a chance?

I own My Chemical Romance. They live in my kitchen, baking me contant streams of cookies and various vegetarian meals. Why? So I don't get hungry. DUH!
Kidding. I totally don't own them. If I did though...you know where they'd be :P

This story will contain swearing, but no boysex. I'm sorry, but I want people reading my story because they are genuinly interested in the story line as opposed to what Frank and Gee may or may not get up to. There will most likly be references, but no descriptivness. Sorry dudes/dudettes.

Comments are amazing. They give me confidence to keep writing
ConCrit is even better because it helps me improve my writing.

If in the beggining, things don't really make sense..-good. Thats the way it should be :)

Now this story is actually finished..I'll say: This isn't something that I reccomend you read. My writing style is sickening and the story is all over the place. Nothing makes sense, and I jumped into this before I'd even writen the second chapter. I didn't know what I wanted to happen, how I wanted it to end anything.
So basically: Read at your own risk.