If I Knew Who You Were

Christmas Present

I woke up Christmas morning, feeling a huge weight on top of me..-literally.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked up to see Mikey sitting on my stomach. "Come on slow poke!" He said, grabbing my arm, and pulling me out of bed, causing me to land on the floor with a soft thud, and running out of the room. I grunted, standing slowly, and pulled on a hoodie over my over-sized Misfits t-shirt which I wear in bed. It was freezing out.

I trudged slowly down stairs where my mother and Linda were chatting away animatedly. "Morning Lazy," Linda chuckled, before standing and moving to the stove where breakfast was sizzling away. She seemed abnormally happy today and she'd lost more than I had, so maybe I should try and be happier.

"Lazy? It's 8am, that's not being lazy, it's being a teenager,"

"You're not a teenager," Mikey pointed out.

"This is true. But I may as well be,"

"--Plus, it's Christmas!" Mikey shrieked. He was such a kid, but at least he was happy.

Linda placed my food in front of my, and I instantly tucked in, thanking her through a mouthful of food. "Gerard!" My mother snapped. "Manners,"

"Sorry," I said, before looking up to Linda and saying; "Thank You," before shoveling another forkful into my mouth.

After a short while of eating and Christmas related small talk, my Dad made his way into the room, casting an eye over everyone before sitting down, and tucking into his breakfast, only unlike me, he didn't say anything to Linda. "Dad!" I snapped, in the same manner as my mum. "Manners!"
Mikey, mum and Linda all laughed to themselves, why my Dad looked at me raising an eyebrow, before putting some more food into his mouth.

"Come on. Hurry up!" Mikey whined, jittering in his seat. He really did love Christmas, and he obviously just wanted to see what Alicia had bought him! After about 10 more minutes of Dad eating and Mikey complaining of boredom, we moved into the Living room, and sat around the tree, Mikey instantly grabbing a present. He had so many, I did too. Linda only had three, one from Mikey and I, one from Mum and Dad, and one from...Who was that one from?

I thought nothing of it, it was probably from one of the staff or something. The morning went on, opening presents, the same mechanical 'thank yous' even for the presents that you didn't really like but you smile at anyway.

Linda appreciated the present from Mikey and I, as we'd chosen to get her a photo album that she could fill with pictures of Frank. It shocked me when she told me that she didn't actually own one, so I took the liberty of getting her one. Mum and Dad only got her a cheap little cardigan thing, because the weather had been cold. I doubt they even picked it out either, but Linda being the polite person she is, smiled and thanked them anyway.

Once we'd finished with all the presents, me and Mikey collected ours up and carried them to our rooms, and as I was sorting mine out, I heard someone enter the room. I looked up to see Linda walking in, a look I had not seen before on her face. It was a mixture of happiness and sadness at the same time. She was holding the third present in her hands as she walked across the room. It was really thin, practically just an envelope, but it had been wrapped up anyway.

"Who's that one from?" I asked, as she sat on my bed next to me. She handed it to me, happiness in her eyes, and I looked at the small tag hanging from the tiny gift.

"Mom & Gerard. Merry Christmas. Love Frank. x"

My breath hitched in my throat and I looked up to Linda. "Did you see him?" I asked, somewhat hopefully.

"No, I didn't, but he somehow got this here,"

"Open it then," I smiled at her.

"Don't you want to?"

"He's your son," I smiled, sincerely.

She grinned at me before opening the present slowly, and proved my suspicion that it was in fact an envelope.

"Read it," Linda said, after she'd opened it.

Mum & Gerard,
Happy Christmas, I hope you're both well, though I'm pretty sure you are.
I know I said I didn't want to contact you until my life was on track - but no fool is heartless enough to not contact his favorite people in the world on this merry day of Christmas.

Just so you don't worry, mum, I'm not spending this family orientated holiday alone, but I'm not going to go into too much detail about who I'm with or where I am.

I know that this is a kind of sucky present, but it's the thought that counts, right? I really did want to get you both something, but it was either get you a present or eat, and I, obviously, chose the latter of the two. That's not too selfish right?

I want you both to know that I am currently doing okay, I mean I've been better but life isn't too bad at the minute and I'm cool with that. I'm kind of juggling between a few different jobs, but they're all part time and I manage to fit them all in well.

Well, that's all from me. I hope the both of you have an awesome day, and I miss you both tonnes.

Love Frank

PS. If you're wondering how I got this in the house...just remember, mum, your son is brilliant :D

I laughed at the last bit, I could just imagine his cheeky little smile as he spoke. I heard Linda laugh at that as well.

It kind of bothered me that he'd been very brief about how he was doing, but I guess it was just good enough to know that he's even alive...
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys were right, he didn't come back for Christmas, but this is the next best thing, right?
