Maybe We're Just Having Too Much Fun?

Capítulo Diecisiete


My heart completely dropped to the floor. Not even to the floor, to the inner core of earth. Down to China and Narnia. Tony fucking Perry is married? To a ridiculously hot blonde chick that happens to be standing before my eyes?

I wasn't mad. I surpassed mad. I was infuriated. I was done. My hands were clenched in fists and I felt the veins of my arm throbbing. I could feel my face getting redder and redder just by looking at her. I was ready to explode and scream at Tony. No scratch that, BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM SO HE CAN'T ENJOY SEX ANYMORE!

I could feel my nostrils flaring and my eyes flashing. My mouth began to quiver and I began slurring words that were unintelligible. Then it came out, exploding like a volcano. "Hijo de tu puta madre! No puedo creer lo que esta pasando. Como que estas casada con esta mujer que esta afuera de mi casa? Eres un desgraciado baboso y malo gradeció. Agarra todo tu pinche garras y vete la chingada.” (Motherfucker. I cannot believe what is happening. You're married to this woman outside of my house? You're disgraceful and ungrateful. Grab your fucking shit and fuck off)

"Excuse me?" The woman outside said to me and I turned back to stare at her after examining her appearance.

"Hi, I'm Carolina, Tony's baby momma." I lifted up my sweater to reveal my slightly big belly. Tony’s head snapped my direction, giving me an evil glare. He had a strong grip on the bouquet of roses. I could hear the crinkling from the plastic paper that surrounded the roses, until he dropped them on the floor. I took a small step back; I should have known he would react this way, but I never expected THIS to happen.

"You seriously run off and knock up some other chick?" Stephanie snapped at Tone.

"What do you mean you’re pregnant?!” Tony spat between his teeth, "I thought we had fixed this situation!"

Stephanie started to laugh at his reaction. "Leave it to Tony to bail on a situation he doesn't particularly like. I’m not surprised he asked you to get rid of it. I shou—" Tony held his hand up in front of Stephanie’s face and looked at her.

"You! You have NO say in this! I don't know WHY you are even here!"

"Oh, you didn't think I’d show up and warn this poor girl about me? As soon as I found out you were settling down ONCE again, I wanted to warn her that you’re still married to me." She looked at me. "Let me guess he wanted to get inside your jeans at first but then started to like you and then fell in love with you? He did the exact same thing to me."

"It was different between you and me! You cheated on me!" He pointed at her.

“You cheated on me too!”

"Just get the fuck out of her house! All you do is bring problems into every fucking situation!" He retorted.

"You know what, fuck you Perry! You’re pathetic just wanting to go and fuck around, right! That’s what THIS is, isn’t it?"

They kept arguing back and forth like if I wasn't even there. It all felt like a Mexican soap opera and I was the star.

"How long has this been going on Tony? How could you keep this HUGE secret from me?!" I yelled at him to get his attention, I wasn't just going to let this go.

"How could I keep a secret from YOU ? What about you? When did you plan on telling me that you were still pregnant? Huh?! That’s something that I would need to know about, don’t you think?!" With each word, he kept getting closer and closer to my face and we were inches apart. I wasn't backing out now, he can try to intimidate me all he wanted but I wanted some answers.

Tony was still glaring at me, an inch away from my face and continued. "If it really is mine, for all I know you could have gone off with someone while I was on tour!" I slapped him immediately, causing him to step away. "What the hell!" He shot at me. I just stared at him, I couldn't believe him! After I told him my story he thinks I went off and got knocked up by some other guy?

I looked away and shook my head, I should have known. I knew from the beginning Tony and I shouldn't be a couple, but I didn't listen.

What was I talking about? I love Tony but I didn't want it to turn out like this. Was our whole relationship just to feel the void between him and this blonde girl? Or was it real?

"Don’t try to change this around Tony! How could you, you piece of shit! Of course it’s yours!" I pounded my fists on to his chest. "Was all this one big lie, just using me, to sleep with me? Just tell me now, so you can get the hell out of my life and my house. And take HER with you!"

"Save your breath sweetie and just leave him, he will NEVER change, I should know. It won’t be long until he starts to cheat on you too." She crossed her arms together and glared at Tony. Feena runs out of her room and straight to the living room.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" We all stayed quiet and then started talking all at once, explaining what was going on.

"ONE AT A TIME!" She yelled over us.

"Tony and I—"

"Not you guera.” (blonde) She cut off Stephanie before she could explain. "I don't even know you. Lina, start."

I pointed at Tony, "This fucker right here is married to this chick—"

"Stephanie." She interrupted me.

“Stephanie, I suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut!" We all looked at Tony. "What do you want from me, seriously? I told you we were done long ago, don’t you get it? Why are you still coming after me?”

"We’re still married you dumb fuck!" Feena’s eyes snapped open wide and her jaw dropped. "At least sign the fucking divorce papers before you start making other girls fall in love with you. They don’t deserve your bullshit!"

"That fucking wedding wasn't even real! It was fucking Vegas for crying out loud!"

"According to the fucking court, it’s legit!" She stepped closer to Tony and shoved a folder that contained papers inside. "Fill them out so I can be gone for good. Just don’t be coming after me when THIS," She pointed at me and back at Tony, "doesn't work out and I know it won’t." She shook her head in disappointment and walked out the door.

Tony made sure she was finally gone and locked the door behind her. Feena was still in shock that she couldn't get words to come out of her mouth. He looked back at me still mad. He thinks he could be the only one upset?

"I’m still waiting for an answer Tony! What the hell I-I really thought you were ready to settle down. You come here bringing me gifts, and then you drop this bomb? I think I deserved to know, from the very beginning! Did you just plan on going on with this and hope she never showed up? Well she did!"

"That’s none of your business! It doesn't concern you!"

"It does fucking concern me! I’m your pregnant girlfriend! Let me rephrase that, EX-GIRLFRIEND!" I shoved the small jewelry box at Tony, "We’re done! I expect your shit to be gone by the time I come back." I grabbed my bag and took off.
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If you're a Joel Piper fan, check out I Will Be Your Safety Net by Karina who's helped me write the next chapter that you guys are all waiting for c: