Maybe We're Just Having Too Much Fun?

Capítulo Veintitres

We finally pulled up to the hospital where Carolina was going to give birth at. Feena got out quickly and started rushing inside, but I stayed in my seat, not moving. I was nervous. I don't know if I'm ready to be a dad. I know I want to, but it's so unreal. This day was actually here. I'm both excited and scared. What if I'm not a good father? I don't even know how to hold a baby or feed them. I don't know anything about parenting. I don't want her hating me because I don't know how to take care of her. And facing Lina after so long, I don't even know if she'll take me back, I'm scared that she won't. I'm already a mess as it is. If she doesn't want me being with her, I don't know what I'll do. I don't want anyone else but her.

A knock on the window startled me. I looked up and saw Feena with a confused expression. She opened my door, “Que pasa! Don't tell me you're having second thoughts already? Because I will seriously kick yo—”

"I'm scared," I interrupted her while glancing up at her. She put a smile on her lips and placed her hand on my shoulder for comfort.

"It's going to be okay. You'll get to see your daughter for the first time tonight. Once Carolina sees you holding her, she'll want to change her mind about you. Everything changes when the baby is born. You deserve her back."

I grinned at her and got up from the seat. "You're right, I'm gonna be a dad today." I put on a smile and we headed inside the hospital. I was still nervous about seeing Carol, but I had to do this. It's now or never.

"You're back! Thank god, I can’t handle h—hi." The girl, bouncing a baby up and down with blonde and black hair stopped talking and stared at me. Her eyes grew wide when she saw my tattoos that were exposed all over my arms and neck and of course my stretched ear lobes. I looked at her and then glanced at Carolina. My heart rate started to accelerate as I continue looking at her. She's gripping on some guy's hand as he looked up at me in confusion.

"Hi." I said, waving my hand to them, trying to force a smile on but I failed at my attempt. Carolina just stared at me. She looked like she was in pain but she still looked as beautiful as before. She was breathing heavily and shouting Feena's name. Feena rushed inside and held on to her hand.

"No te enojes. He deserves to cherish this day also." She told her. I looked back at the girl with the baby.

"Are you Tony?" She asked, smiling with curiosity filling her eyes. I nodded my head up and down.

"Yeah." I grip on my hat that I was holding. The guy got up from his chair and walked to me.

"Wait, you're Tony?" He asked, scrunching his eyebrows and getting closer to me. He was smiling at me but I don't know why.

"Yeah." I said again. The next thing I knew, I felt pain on my face when his fist meet my cheek. I stepped back from the hit and held on to my cheek.

"You're the fucker that keeps hurting her!?" He got closer to me but Feena pushed him back.

"Ya dejalo!" She shouted at him and pulled him back to the chair. I just looked at him and back to Carolina. They both looked like twins. But I guess I deserved that hit. Maybe I deserve another one for making her move over here. As many hits that I needed to get her back, I accept. Because nothing hurts more than a heart break.

"Go hold her hand Tony!" Fee yelled at me. I hesitated to walk, but I did in a few seconds. I stood next to Lina and held on to her hand. She gave it a REALLY tight grip that I'm pretty sure would cut my blood circulation flowing in my hand.

"You're gonna be holding my hand while I give birth to our daughter thanks to your stupid penis!" She said through her clenched teeth. I heard the girls laugh, but I kept my eyes locked into her glistening gray eyes.

"I'm sorry Carolina," I cried out while she squeezed It even harder. It actually did hurt. Such a strong grip from a small person.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR GETTING ME PREGNANT! I hate you." She shouted at me as she felt another contraction coming. "I can't do this Tony." She started to cry more and I wiped away her tears with a tissue I got from the box next to me. I moved her wet bangs to the side so she can see perfectly. She's taking really quick deep breaths and stared straight ahead. After a few seconds, she stopped and laid her head back. She stopped griping my hand so tightly, and closed her eyes.

"I'm going to go grab something to eat," Feena said and left the room.

"We'll go follow her, baby." The girl looked at Carol's brother and he just glared at me. "Vamanos!" She shouted and he got up from his seat and walked out the door behind her. When they left, I looked back at Carolina.

"Don't ever hurt me again Tony," she said through her sobs. "My heart can't take it." She gripped my hand a little more and held it up to her chest.

"I'm really sorry baby, I'm stupid and I didn't know what I wanted that day. Please don't hate me. Please let me see our daughter. I don't want to leave Arizona without you and her in my arms." I started crying and gripped her hand more. She interlocked her fingers with mine and continued crying.

"I hate you for letting me go through this," she continued.

"I hate me too, I fucking love you Carolina. You're the only one for me. I swear. No one else compares to you."

"I love you Tony. I really do but I'm just afraid you'll hurt me again." She stopped crying for a bit and looked at me.

"I won't, I promise. I shouldn't have done that in the first place. Please forgive me Lina. I can't live life without you. I probably lost my career already, but I don't care, you and our baby comes first. I want you girls back. I swear I mean it this time. I'm gonna be there for our little princess every step of the way. Even if I can't attend any of my shows, I'll be there. I promise for reals this time." I kissed her hand and she smiled through her tears.

"I love you." She said. I smiled and kissed her soft tender lips.

"I love you too, baby." I moved her hair back, "You'll get through today. She'll be out soon and onto our arms." I smiled and she returned it and pressed her lips together.

"Remind me to never get pregnant again."

I laughed, "I will." I kissed her hand again. She started scrunching her eyes and started clawing my hand as her next contraction started.


"Let's get this baby into this beautiful world." The doctor came in after Carolina's been in labor for 10 hours. She was putting on her elastic gloves and stopped when she spotted me. "Are you the father?" She asked, with a smile. I nodded my head up and down.

I wanted to knock out already, but I wanted to be here and I'm not going to sleep until it's all over. Carolina has been up longer than I have with the contractions she's been experiencing.

"Ready to see your daughter come into this world?" The doctor sat down on a stool and rolled closer to Carolina. She folded back the bottom half of the blanket, while looking at me.

"I hate you Tony!" Lina squeezeed my hand again. I faced her and she looked like she's about to commit manslaughter in this hospital. Two nurses came in to assist the doctor, but Carolina stopped groaning as she saw one of them. Her eyes became wide as she continued to stare at the short nurse in front of us.

The nurse had black hair and her ears were pierced numerous times. She also had a small hole on her lip which I'm assuming used to be her lip ring. Her eyes were wide too and they were locked on Lina's. I looked back to Carolina wondering if they knew each other or something.

"Nicki!?" She yelled out. The nurse, who I'm assuming is Nicki, remained still and her eyes grew even wider than before. Her jaw dropped down and continued staring at Carol.

"Carolina?" She said, still remaining in the same place she was and not moving an inch.

So they do know each other.

“Miss. Cortez, I need you to bring me the—”

"GET HER OUT OF HER!" Carolina shouted at everyone in the room (mostly the employees). We all stared at her and she looked more mad than ever. "I DON'T WANT HER TO BE AROUND ME! GET HER AWAY FROM ME!!" She continued to shout at us. The nurse was speechless and just remained still. Nicki looked at me and then back at Carol.

"Miss, Cortez can you please exit the room, I really need to get this baby out. Go get Mrs. Phillips to help me." The doctor informed the nurse and she just walked backwards and exited the room, not looking away from Carolina. My mouth was slightly open but then I remember who Nicki was: her so-called 'best friend' that left her alone with the drunk men in the alley for her to get raped.

"I need you to start pushing," the doctor informed Carolina and she gave my hand another strong grip as she started pushing. I laced our fingers together so she can grip it harder. She was groaning from the pain and out of breath as she pushed.

"I'm never having sex with you anymore!" She shot at me and went back to pushing. I grinned a little as I remember the first time we had sex again at the party a year ago.

“Come on. Another big push.”

“I don’t want to do this anymore. Just pull her out with your hands.” Carolina cried even more. I didn’t know what else to but watch her cry in bed.

“Carolina, just a few more pushes and it’ll all be over.”

Carolina took deep breaths and began pushing harder. The doctor was satisfied. Carolina did it again after breathing hard. “I don’t ever want to have kids again. Not after today.” I could barely hear her. She was crying too much for me to understand.

"I see her head, come on Hernandez . Another big push. You can do this." Her doctor encouraged her.

"I'm going to kill you Tony." She told me again and I heard Feena laugh. The other girl left the room with her baby and Carolina's brother was still giving me an ugly snare. I quickly wiped my smile away and turned back to Lina. I pushed back her wet hair since it was all over her face. She shook her head left and right for the sweat to come off. I grab a small towel that the nurse handed me and wiped off the sweat on her forehead and sides.

"She's halfway there. I need you to give me one final push so she can be out, Carolina." After a few seconds, I started hearing a little cry and my eyes grew big and my heart stopped. I felt the color wash out of my face as I continued to hear the little crying noise coming from the other end of the bed.

"Congratulations, your daughter is born." The doctor held the baby that was covered in blood, looking all red and pink and was still attached to the umbilical cord. A wet tickling sensation started to come down my cheeks and a huge smile escaped from my lips as I looked at the baby. My daughter. I'm a father now. My little princess was finally born.

I heard Carolina let out a loud sigh and threw her head back to the pillow, trying to catch her breath and continued crying from the excruciating pain.

"It's all over." The doctor said to Lina. "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" She turned to me and I just remained in utter shock.

Cut that cord? Will it hurt her?

I pointed at myself, shaking, trying to find the words to say 'me' but I was breathless, staring at my little girl. The doctor smiled and told me to come forward. I didn't want to let go of Carolina's hand, but I did and I struggled to move my legs forward, seemed like I forgot how to walk.

"Let me see her," the mother of my daughter said, out of breath. Her eyes were closed shut. I walked up to my daughter and took the cutting tool that the nurse handed me to cut the umbilical cord. I continued smiling as I continued hearing her little cry. Such a beautiful feeling that I was experiencing right now. This has to be the best day of my life. I just wish my mother and father were here to see it all happen.

I snipped it off and afterwards they cleaned my daughter and wrapped her around in a pink blanket. She was then handed to me.

"Congratulations," they told me but I was frozen once again as they slowly handed her to me. She immediately stopped crying when she was in my arms. And I started to get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that it sent shivers down my spine and arms. I looked at her and I started crying even more. She's the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen in my life. Besides Carolina. She's mine forever. My own kid. Our kid.

I slowly turned around and walked to Lina, smiling at my princess who was in my arms. I leaned forward and handed her our daughter. Carolina was crying also as she held her in her arms.

"Will you be okay with holding her?" The doctor asked her and she said yes, weakly.

"My princess is finally hear," she whispered to our daughter in her arms. I couldn't stop smiling as we stared at our kid in front of our eyes. I saw Carolina when I stared at her. I kissed Lina's sweaty forehead and continued crying of joy as I took another glimpse at our baby.

I'm officially a father now. All those months of putting up with Carolina's pregnancy, she's finally in our arms. I still couldn't believe it.

"We're going to have her cleaned up and checked by the nurses, we'll bring her back as soon as we're finished." The doctor threw out her gloves and smiled as us.

"Just one more second," Carolina told her, not moving her eyes away from our baby. Thank god she's alright. Thank god she never got the abortion. My mother will be so happy when she sees her and my father would be proud of me right now. But I know he's looking down from up above and smiling at us right now.

Dad, you're a grandfather now, I said to my dad as I looked up. You're an abuelo. More tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"Do you have a name for her yet?" The nurse asked us as she carried some paper work in her hands and handed it to me. I looked back at Carolina. I didn't even know what we were naming her or what Lina is going to name her. I'm just happy that she's born already. I never once thought of naming her. All I knew is that she has to be a Perry.

Carolina looked at me with a blank expression, not knowing what her name is going to be either. I looked back at the nurse that handed me the papers, she smiled, "You can fill out those and get back to us once you think of a name."

The doctor came over to Carolina and stared at our child. "She's very beautiful. I'll have her be brought back to you guys as soon as we're done." She smiled at us.

"Okay," Carolina said as she handed her our baby girl. We both watched the nurse leave with her and I immediately started to miss her. I wanted to hold her in my arms forever and never let her go. Even though I just met her, I felt empty with out her. I already miss the sound of her crying and her presence. Her tiny hand and nose and ears. All beautiful. I couldn't stop crying.

I looked back at Carolina, and she looked like she wanted to sleep for a whole year. I pressed my lips on her forehead and let her sleep while I started to fill out the paper work. Feena stood up and gave me a hug.

"Felicidades! You're a father now!" She said over my shoulder and I chuckled a bit and thanked her. As we pulled apart, I wiped away my tears and sat down on the chair next to Lina and stared at the paper work.

We're parents. I kept saying to myself.


They brought back my daughter in her little bed. I stood up from my seat to glance at her again. My huge smile returned as I watched her sound asleep with a small pacifier in her tiny mouth. She had a pink beanie on and pink clothes with a white and pink blanket under her. Her little hands were in fists and tears escaped from my eyes once again.

I touched her hand and she gripped my finger. It made my heart melt. She's so tiny and small. She is a little light skin like me and she has dark hair like me also. She has Carolina's small nose and ears. She's just an angel sent from above and she's all ours. I just can't wait for her to grow up and start talking. She's going to be the next Slash or Jimi Hendrix once I teach her how to play the guitar. If she wanted to start stretching her ears when she's older, like her parents, she can but only when she graduates high school.

And if she wants a tattoo, I have to approve whatever she wants on her. I'm going to buy her whatever her little heart desires. She names it, it's hers. All her birthday parties are going to be big and her quincenara is going to be MASSIVE! I'll make sure she parties hard like her parents, but she can't drink at all. Only when she's 21. But I prefer she doesn't. She isn't smoking either. I don't want my princess smoking or doing drugs. It looks bad when girls do any of that. And It'll just break my little heart. As for dating, who needs a boyfriend or girlfriend, right? I don't want her hurting. I just hope she doesn't start dating at a young age. At least not until she's 26 like me.

As for Star Wars, we're going to be watching all the movies until she becomes a fanatic like me and memorizes every line in those films. But I'll make sure she loves episodes IV, V, and VI more since the plot is better than the new ones. I know the graphics sucks on the old ones but the story line is amazing. On every Halloween she's going to be at least one of the characters in the movies. Princess Leia mostly, because she's my little princess.

And I know one thing for sure, I'll try the best to be the most perfect father in this world for her because she deserved one. I'll be by her side every step of the way, so she knows how much I love her and care about her. She's the only princess in my eyes. Carolina's my queen now. Once we get married, if she even wants to marry me. But I'm just glad I have her back.

This does mean we're back, right?