50 Shades of Sean

In search of lost time, with the magic of true light.

Sean's P.O.V

Gavin and Snoz were manically rowing back towards the pier beside Gavin's house, because even though I begged them to go to the one that was closer, they didn't want to walk all the way back home in their boxers. I looked at the two of them, they were both drenched and I could see the drops of water on their backs sparkling in the evening sun. They got such a fright that they had forgotten about putting their clothes back on. I started laughing and they both glared at me. When I got up this morning, I thought that I would be having a quiet night in, packing for the stupid camp, rather than on a canoe, which was sinking slowly, with two of my best friends who I haven't spoken to in weeks.
My job was to keep my foot on the crack, which was about the size of my arm at this stage.
'If we sink, we'll have to swim all the way back,' Gavin groaned. We were about halfway across the bay by now, and we were rowing very close to the beach.
'Who even owns this canoe?' I asked, hoping that it was Gavin's.
'No idea,' he laughed.
'Oh god. I don't want to go to jail, I'm only 17! And I'm too gorgeous for prison!' Snoz shrieked, and began to sob.
Gavin and I both started laughing hysterically. Snoz looked at us as if we were crazy.
'WHAT'S SO FUNNY?' he sniffed.
'We're not going to jail, Snoz. If we get it back to the pier and there are people on it, we'll just tell them that Gavin's brother owns it. And if we get it back without anyone there, then we're grand,' I said calmly.
Snoz sniffed and nodded at me, then resumed to row crazily.
We were almost at the pier now, and as far as we could see, nobody else was on it. I sighed in relief as I climbed up the little steel ladder which was welded into the side of the pier. Gavin and Snoz followed me out, wincing in pain as the narrow steel steps dug into their bare feet. They threw all their clothes on the pier and half-heartedly tied the canoe to the bollard. It was about eleven at night now, and the sky was still fairly bright, but not as colourful. Looking over at Gavin and Snoz, I noticed that they were fully clothed and picking up the cans of beer. They threw them into the sea, much to my annoyance, and then turned around and ran at me. They both threw their arms around me, and started spouting all this soppy shit about how they were going to miss me.
'Wow guys, I thought you two were straight,' I laughed.
They quickly jumped about five feet away from me and started laughing and acting really camp.
Gavin walked over to Snoz and put his hand on his shoulder.
'Ooooh Snozzy darling, have I ever told you that you look very snazzy in that fabulous tshirt?' Gavin mocked.
'Ooooh Gavin, that has just made my day, babe,' Snoz replied, and spanked him cheekily. The three of us collapsed in fits of laughter. I looked at my watch and realised that it was half eleven.
'SHIT! GUYS I HAVE TO GO!' I said as I sprinted towards my bike. 'MOM WILL KILL ME!'

The next morning I was rudely awakened by the awful bleeping noise that my alarm clock makes. I glanced at it, and I noticed it was seven o'clock in the morning. Mom was dropping me to the bus stop at ten, in hope that I'd get the 10:15 bus from here to Cardiff, where I'd get the Lake Hill bus at approximately 11:30am.
As I was lazily stretching and rubbing my eyes, I remembered that I still had to pack. I hopped out of bed and into the shower, scrubbing my skin until it felt raw. Then I put on my tightest pair of skinny jeans, my blue converse, a white tshirt and my grey hoodie. Quickly, I packed loads of random clothes into my brother's football bag. I'm sure he won't mind me borrowing it. Well, I hope so, because he's not getting it back for the next four weeks. I straightened my hair and slipped my straightener and the rest of my things into the bag and zipped it up. As I walked downstairs, mom pushed past me.
'It's only half nineā€¦,' I said (don't judge, I take ages to get ready, I have to look perfect, don't I?).
'Yeah but I have to do some grocery shopping, now get into the car please,' she said as she picked her keys up off the counter and marched out the door.
As we were driving to the shop, she gave me a huge lecture about loads of random things.
Little did she know, I was listening to my iPod and couldn't hear a word that she was saying. She didn't catch on though, because me being the cunning person that I am just nodded occasionally at everything she said.

By the time we got to the bus stop, it had started to rain, and even though I said she could leave, she didn't want me to get soaked and demanded that I stay in the car.
'Try not to miss me too much, mam,' I laughed.
'Don't worry, I won't,' she replied and pressed a wad of money into my hands, just as the bus pulled up.
'Take care! And don't do anything that will bring shame on the family,' she yelled after me as I leapt out of the car and ran onto to bus as fast as I could to avoid getting absolutely saturated. There wasn't anyone else on the bus apart from myself and two old men who were half asleep and some chavvy girl who I recognised from school, texting furiously on her phone. I sighed deeply as I slipped my earphones into my ears again and closed my eyes, this was gonna be a long bus journey.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: As Above, So Below - Klaxons.

Sorry sorry sorry! I forgot to update because I was stuck halfway through this for weeks, and then I just finished it quickly. Don't worry though, I've got plenty of inspiration for the next few chapters ;)

Also, I thought I'd share with you guys (also a big "lucky fuckers" to anyone who is going):
"The Blackout and Lostprophets curate stages for this year's Merthyr Rock festival!"
I'd pray for Smatkins, but it's not really likely anymore, is it? :-(((((

Anyway, comments would definitely motivate me x0xo drama llama ~