Status: Writing in it When I Want to

New and Pretty

Don't make Promises you can't Keep

That night I was up into the AM's stressing over the upcoming move. It wasn't that I was going to miss anything HERE, I guess it was more I was worried of what I might run into THERE. A little part of me was hoping I could maybe make some friends there but I new that it would just end up being another broken dream so I told myself to stop thinking about it and went to sleep.

The next morning I started packing. I wasn't ashamed to admit a good 40% of my stuff was books. I loved reading, it was a way to switch lives for a little while. I packed away my clothes all in one suitcase. I was actually excited for the shopping trip Mom was planning for me.

"Esmeralda, breakfast is ready!" Shouted Dad from downstairs. I was in the middle of something but my hunger refused to let me put it off any longer so I trudged downstairs. Dad had made my favourite as if in apology for forcing me to change my entire life. Bacon and eggs.
"Dad, I'm not upset anymore, just so you know." I said.
"That's good, because I hate seeing my little girl upset." He said, placing a plate in front of me.
"I'm not your little girl Dad, I love you, but I'm 16."
"Big girl then." He laughed, sitting down across the table from me.

The day went by pretty smoothly even though I spent most of it cleaning and lifting stuff for Mom. Better than school. I hated school with a passion, well, I guess not school so much as the people in it. I loved learning, not that I did much in school, everything taught I already knew it seemed.

That night I actually went to bed early, went to bed easily. I guess I was getting used to the idea just fine.

The next day flew by so fast and before I knew it I was on a train, half asleep with a magazine and empty peanut wrappers sprawled across my lap.
"You'll love it here I promise." Mom yipped excitedly, I hummed a response of agreement lightly, but part of me was still thinking about telling her not to make promises you can't keep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was kind of in a rush to get them off and moved so I can start in on what the story is actually about. Sorry if it's a little choppy.