Status: Writing in it When I Want to

New and Pretty


"She only moved here in eigth grade, why?" She said.
"She must have something in her past that I can use against her. Is there anyone who's known her since she was a young kid, like used to go to school with her before?" I asked. Honey thought for a minute.
"There's Mary. She used to be her best friend as a kid but when Krystal got popular she totally ditched Mary. Now Mary's a social outcast and a goth kid. Not the most approachable girl though, so don't just run up to her and ask-" I hung up on her. I needed to meet with this Mary.

The next day was the first time I went to school in the last week. Which just made everyone tease me worse, but I was a woman on a mission and didn't really take it to heart today. I asked Jezebel if she knew where I could find Mary then described which Mary I meant. She pointed me in the right direction and I thanked her.

Mary was out behind the school smoking with a bunch of shady looking people who I really wished I didn't have to approach.
"Mary?" I asked. Seeing how she was one the only girl wearing a necklace that said Mary on it, I had a hunch it was her.
"What do you want? I'll be fried if someone sees me talking to you." She said, putting her cigarette out and throwing the butt on the ground. I swallowed loudly.
"I need some information from you." I said. She just nodded like she got told that all the time and brought me behind a bleacher.
"What do you need? I got crack, meth, cigars, cigarettes, I even brought alcohol today but I don't have it on me as of now."
"ACTUALLY, I just wanted information like I said... I need all the dirt on Krystal." I said, smiling and hoping she'd give in easily. She laughed in my face, showing her nearly golden yellow chompers.
"Like I'm going to do that. She'll not only ruin your life but mine as well. I got it hard enough as it is." She said, turning to go. I grabbed her denim sleeve and pulled it.
"I can pay you." I begged. She thought about it for a second before turning around.
"How much?"
"How much do I have to?"
"I want fifty bucks by noon today, and I'll see if my pinky's ready to break some promises by then." She said, turning and walking back to her corner. I hated these kind of deals but I needed anything I could get.