Status: Writing in it When I Want to

New and Pretty

We are Beautiful.

Krystal spent the majority of the day crying in the principal's office but came back out for lunch. She sat at a tiny table with only Suzy today because the popular jocks had rejected her. This was probably the most ballsy and rude thing I'd ever done, it was crazy what girls did and would do for popularity. For other people to like them. The principal walked into the cafeteria along with the vice principal and they stood in the place they ussually did for assemblys or lectures.
"I suppose you all know very well what we have to talk to you about today." Principal Keith's said, shaking his head slowly after he finished.
"Yeah, You have to talk about that former fatty over there!" Yelled a not very popular guy from the back of the room. Despite his social status most people laughed.
"Another word out of you and you'll be spending the day in the office, Mister." The vice principal said sternly.
"Continueing, that is exactly the kind of thing we do not want at our school. KSCS is a very respectively thought of school and we will not have it drug down by rumors and name-calling also-" He continued on about it but I stopped listening and looked over at Keelan. He was sitting next to Ross and they were carrying on a conversation. Ross caught me staring at Keelan and seemed to whisper to Keelan to look over. I looked away before he could catch me and started listening to the principal again.
"All I'm trying to say is everyone should accept each other for who they are, because each and every one of us has at least one beautiful thing about them. Appearance is a touchy subject for all of us, so don't make matters worse. So heed my warning, when we catch whoever did this they will be punished severely." Keith's said, nodding and leaving the room.