Status: Writing in it When I Want to

New and Pretty

Bronze is the New Black

I didn't get to see Matt again before he left. That night at the supper table it seemed as if Dad had forgotten what had happened between Matt and I, if anything. I was probably just over-reacting. Even if Matt did like me it would all change on my first day of school.
I rolled over in bed and yawned. I was about to go to sleep when Mom walked into my open door.
"You awake, Honey?" Mom asked, smiling. I nodded in response.
"Okay, I was just checking to see if everything's a go for tomorrow's shopping trip still."
"It sure is, Mom." I said. She nodded.
"Love ya." She said, hurrying out of the room.

The next day went great, well, pretty great. Mom and I checked out the mall first, it was so huge compared to the one in our old town. We went to a lot of clothing stores, but also some book stores and make-up. The only really even slightly bad thing was when I overheard some girls snickering and making-fun of how I was shopping with my mother but they were much older than me so I doubt I have to worry about ever seeing them again.

One thing I'd noticed about the girls here was they were all the perfect bronze color, from tanning. They probably used beds but I couldn't afford one of those, and my parents would faint if they ever heard tell of me using one. So I decided to tan the old fashioned way. I covered myself in baby oil and walked out to the front porch. I set my alarm and went to sleep.
I awoke to car doors slamming not my alarm. I sat up so see my parents getting in to the car.
"We're going out to dinner, won't be back until late, lock up after 9pm." Mom yelled as they pulled out of the driveway. I nodded and laid back down.

It was time for me to flip a while later and just before I did I heard Matt shouting to his father.
"I'll be back before too late!" He yelled. I heard him jogging down the road, he was a loud runner. Then he came to a very quick stop. I hope he didn't trip! I sat up quickly to see him staring at me, mouth slightly ajar.
"Uhhm, hey Essy!" He yelled, rubbing his eyes with his fists awkwardly from the end of my drive. Was he just checking me out??